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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. Lisa - I'll keep my eyes open, you're looking for turquoise, right?
  2. I've worked a ton of overtime the last three months, and most of that money has gone towards the DW. FI is kind of upset that the only he's paid for is the deposit for photographers. Otherwise, the major items are booked and paid in full by my wedding stash. I figure this way, I can track all the spending and make sure we stay under budget. Plus, we still need to arrange our AHR which he can pay for.
  3. Lisa - check out walmart for lanyards. I saw that they carry ten packs of the badge holders and also of lanyards. They were with the stationary supplies. Jana - great finds!
  4. That's a great price for the bottles. I can't find them on their website But they do have a coupon link for 10% off wedding purchases over $300 if anyone is interested.
  5. I bought our iron-on sheets from Michaels. They were regular price $24.99 for a pack of 16, I think.
  6. Lua - Both are gorgeous rings. I want to get ours ordered over the holidays but have to wait until we are in Ottawa area because we want my family's jeweler to make his.
  7. Brandy - I love your tags! We decided to do a small iron on logo. Our bags are bright orange, so they'll prob only be used for wedding week if at all.
  8. The mock-ups look great. I love your color choices and can't wait to see the completed project. Great idea to work on them now and get them out of the way, you'll find yourself with so many things to do at once otherwise.
  9. Brandy - The hair flower looks gorgeous. Where are you getting it from? I really hope to get a lot of things crossed off my list next week while I am on vacation. And more done over the holidays.
  10. I am still very torn between bringing our own iPod docking system or renting theirs. Seems like a ton of money, but one bride mentioned that she got some lights included so then it would be worth it.
  11. Brandy, Don't feel bad. Here's my version of your list: Purchase Bridemaids Dresses Purchase Groomsmens Attire Purchase FI Attire Find Ring Bearer Attire Decide on Music/Entertainment for Cocktail Hour Decide on Music/Entertainment for Dinner Decide on Music/Entertainment for Reception Dancing Decide on Wedding Vows Choose songs for first dance, father daughter dance etc... Choose songs for ceremony entrance, signing, recession, etc... Decide who will read sand ceremony Decide who will be reception MC Make all bouquets and boutonnieres Make Salon appointments for wedding day Make Salon appointments for rest of week Add extra layer of netting to crinoline Dye crinoline Buy wedding ceremony shoes Find comfy wedding shoes for me & BMs Get paperwork together for marriage license to send to WC Find somewhere for AHR Everything to do with AHR Iron on transfers for OOT bags Contents for OOT bags Pre-travel Brochures Finish luggage tags Purchase Accessories Finish Welcome books Shop for bridal party and parents gifts Order wedding rings Choose Menu Finalize Schedule with photographer Finalize Week Itinerary Book any necessary tours Find treasure chest for ring bearer (and maybe decorate) Find favors for DW and AHR And I know I've left out a lot of things!
  12. remdog - I think you made the best choice. Shipping can be pretty expensive, so now you just need to find an amazing seamstress to help you obtain your vision.
  13. So now that I was able to find a crinoline for $30, I tried it on with my dress and I think it still needs more pouf. Any suggestions on how to make it puffier? Or should I just attempt to add a layer? I also plan on dying it, will that make it puffier or flatter?
  14. I think the corset back can help with minor adjustments, but I still think to get the perfect "v" corset you'll need some alterations.
  15. Michelle, I think you should take it to a seamstress and see if adding a corset back would help. Otherwise, it's good that they will send a new dress. And no, you're not fat. You're probably right that there was too many measurements and they got mixed up. My reception dress is in Customs so hopefully it will be cleared and delivered today!
  16. My original order had two dresses. My wedding gown with a corset was huge. The second dress was with a zipper but also huge. I have another order for a short reception dress with a zipper back that should arrive tomorrow so I will post pictures and comments as soon as I can. The first time I did my own measurements, the second time I had them done by a seamstress but they were pretty much the same. Only the waist was different.
  17. I finally got around to trying out the leds that I ordered from deal extreme. They work pretty good and the bonus is that you can use one battery for several lights without any dimming. We'll probably play arond with a few ideas, but FI was proud of my find.
  18. Brandy, The koozies look so cute. That is such a great find.
  19. Can you please post a pic of them together? Mine were delivered to my sister but she didn't open the box yet.
  20. Thanks everyone. I do really like the dress and it's not like there is another dress that I secretly love but didn't buy. I'm sure FI will love it. Maybe it's just all the negativity from my own family because I chose and bought almost everything without their consultation. My sister turns her nose up at everything and then makes my mom do the same thing. I really shouldn't be second guessing it. I does have all the aspects that I wanted in a dress. So, I will just add another layer of netting, dye my crinoline and look forward to a beautiful day.
  21. Bonnie, Your invites look great. I especially love your boarding pass RSVP.
  22. We're at Moon Palace too. I'm making our bouquets from real touch flowers because I don't want to spend so much money on my bouquet and then have to leave it there. I was told that all the function areas have an accessible power supply, so we will be using an iPod dock for the cocktail hour and then ordering the iPod system for the private dinner. How many guests are you expecting and how long are you staying?
  23. So honest opinions please... I still don't feel like this is my wedding dress, but here it is altered and with a crinoline. I think I want to add another layer of netting to pouf it a little more.
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