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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. I had to purchase 50 for a minimum order, but I have an extra 20 to sell. These card holders can accommodate up to seven cards and have a water resistant seal. They are already on an adjustable lanyard, so they are everything you need and more. I am selling my extra card holders for $2 each plus shipping.
  2. I had to purchase 50 for a minimum order, but I have an extra 20 to sell. These card holders can accommodate up to seven cards and have a water resistant seal. They are already on an adjustable lanyard, so they are everything you need and more. I am selling my extra card holders for $2 each plus shipping.
  3. The Pronovias dresses are so pretty. They have such great detail and look gorgeous. I think they enhance curves so well.
  4. Fabulous planning thread! Thanks for posting all the attachments! Your pre-Mexico brochure is great so I hope you don't mind if I borrow some of it. Have an amazing wedding day! We can't wait for the reviews.
  5. Meggers, I also wore FI's jersey for my BD shoot. Make sure you get a pair of fishnets too. My photographer even took some shots of my veil and flowers since I already have my bouquet. Maybe you can find a shirt that is the same style as his work shirt and grab a pair of fake cuffs? Can I ask what part of Canada you live in? I got my lashes done at a place in Niagara and after 3 weeks they were still solid, I never lost any. I actually had a really hard time getting them off.
  6. Thanks for the link! Maybe they mean $400 for photo printing? Otherwise, my photo budget is completely blown out.
  7. Greysgirl I think Golden Tee is a great unique gift. Laura, I love the idea of the letter. We were going to exchange gifts the night before because FI wants to buy my wedding day jewelry as a gift. I'm ordering our BD book from costco, $40 for hard cover 20 pages.
  8. Meggers, you will look amazing in your boudoir shots and have so much fun. It's worth every penny. Just think your FI's ex probably had a lot of air brushing done and there's a reason why he chose to marry you. That was sweet of him to ask. I tried to get FI to hint that he wanted some of me but he wouldn't take the bait. Is anyone buying wedding presents for FI?
  9. Awww Lisa that sucks. We're going through a similar problem with FI's GM. We paid for the flights in October so that they would be booked before the prices went up. They said they would have the money for FI at Christmas but since he didn't ask they never paid him. And now one says he will only have half of the room cost for next week which is the deadline for full payment. I just wish they could have told us in advance so we could budget the cost. Or should have just told FI they couldn't afford the trip. I have a feeling the third guy in their room will just completely screw them and not go. Honesty and respect people. That's all we ask! On a funny note, FI was telling a friend how no one in his family had the courtesy to send back RSVPs. She works with his aunt and was told that a bunch of them all had rooms booked at hotels to attend our AHR. Great news except we haven't even planned anything or even suggested any dates. We were laughing that maybe they planned and paid for our AHR as a surprise! Not very likely!
  10. Wow! Everything looked great and you can definitely see how much work went into everything. Congratulations! Now what will you do with all your spare time?
  11. Lisa, I was actually going to check there this weekend and see what they had in stock. I just don't get how parents can be supportive of selfish children. My parents rationalize her behavior by saying its just her being used to managing people. That's no excuse for being disrespectful. Erin, have fun with the treadmill. FI bought one a while back for our house and he loves it.
  12. Brandy, I found cocoa butter lotion with aloe on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Fruit-Earth-Cocoa-Butter-Lotion/dp/B000ALBLDO/ref=sr_1_4?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1297353679&sr=1-4 It's only 77 cents. I did find Banana Boat Sooth-a-caine which is great for burns for $1, but the shipping is ridiculous. http://www.amazon.com/Banana-Boat-Sooth---Caine-Ounces/dp/B000141HF2/ref=sr_1_14?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1297353679&sr=1-14
  13. Brandy, I'm looking for aloe too. I think I might end up buying large bottles to split into smaller ones. I wish I could find tubes though. I hope your dress shows up early. My new one should arrive the last week of March and it will be so hard to wait. Laura, you must be so excited! We ordered mine at the beginning of January and had to give up my e-ring to send to make sure there's a perfect fit. So hopefully, they will both be back for Family Day so I can see them together. I've never seen my matching band, so I hope it's nice! Tenny, that's fabulous. Are those your engagement pictures that were taken in NYC?
  14. Alison, Thanks for posting the price of a cab ride. Some of us were considering heading to a club but weren't sure how much it would be to go. Do you know if there is a shuttle schedule to other resorts?
  15. ErinB, Thanks so much for your input and advice. I think the advice about drinking, smoking and caffeine is beneficial no matter what. PaperBagPrincess, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to stay away from the kitty litter while pregnant. It has to do with the bacteria that can be dangerous to the fetus. Better pass off that task off to your FI!
  16. Erin I just find it sad and disappointing. But I'm not going to let her ruin our wedding experience.
  17. Oh Erin, I wish! She's actually 36. And the really sad thing is that she has one child that is 7, and I can already tell that he is becoming just like her. Not to mention the fact that my parents think she is wonderful and can do no wrong. My FMIL couldn't believe how mean she was to me and my friends at my shower.
  18. Laura, very nice something borrowed. I asked my mom if I could borrow her diamond studs since they are bigger than mine. I have no ideas for something old. On another rant, my sister sent me an email about hair appointments. She wanted to schedule my mom and her for an hour before the wedding. Then she asks if they have to do anything else, like pictures. I was so tempted to say that I was doing pictures but she doesn't need to be in them to save our photographers the trouble of photo shopping her out. Does she not realize that it is an actual wedding and that it's nice to be ready early in case of unforseen circumstances? Oh wait, I forgot she's selfish and the world revolves around her so if she's not ready on time, our wedding and our wedding guests can wait.
  19. Tisha, That's funny. I was too cheap to get anything less than 21 days and I got an email saying it shipped 8 days early. I figured the long shipping was the only way to discourage me from ordering more.
  20. Teira, that is too bad about your bracelet. I went to go buy my necklace from Costco on the weekend and it is gone, so I know how disappointed you are to have to look at jewelry again. I hope you get your pictures earlier to cheer you up. And so we can see how great they turn out! Erin, if you check out the top 10 for yesterday, us April brides take up 6 of the spots!
  21. Laura where did you buy your mom's dress? Brandy I think it's cute.
  22. I think it really depends on what metals were mixed to make the "white" gold. FI's band is white gold and I hope we never have to dip it because it was purchased from a high quality jeweler. My rings are both platinum. I do notice that the bottom of my e-ring is a little scratched from wearing, but the top looks great. I have a lot of stones on mine, so maybe that's why it looks more white?
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