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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. JLCarrera, Don't worry it always takes a couple of business days to process your request. I personally think a destination wedding is a lot more work than I originally thought, but I will soon find out if it pays off. And remember it's only as much extra work as you want it to be. Good luck with everything!
  2. I think it's designed that way to prevent spammers. On the April 2011 thread one girl got questioned because all of sudden she was extremely active. So your idea about a numbered thread probably won't work. I know it seems like it will take forever, I felt that way once upon a time. I think if you offer your opinion on the threads you read, you will be there in no time. Once you reach the 150 posts, it also takes a couple of days for your status to be upgraded. Good luck planning!
  3. Erin that's amazing! I wish I could stop finding new projects for myself. I seem to have a bunch of half projects on the go. Now you can just relax and blissfully await your wedding day without added stress.
  4. Happy Birthday Queen Diva! The boutonniere and hair pieces look great. Like Erin said, very unique. Tris, houses are like men, the right one will come along and you'll instantly know. We weren't even really looking when we found ours. There was a few I loved online but just didn't feel like home when we checked them out. Here's a picture of my bikini bottoms that I customized. I'm thinking of doing another one with "BRIDE"
  5. That's so great that you all have the same colors and will be able to share stuff! Lisa, do you have inspiration pics for your centerpieces. We are planning the same thing, but will probably try to buy vases there. I need to stop spending so much money on stuff!
  6. Thanks so much Alison! I really appreciate it and it will certainly save me some time.
  7. Lisa, good luck with sorting out your luggage requirements. I'm worried about that too. Can I ask how you plan to use the water beads? For your DW or AHR. We bought a bunch of those as well as LED lights, but I'm not sure yet how to use them. I was thinking of just filling vases with both.
  8. Alison your brochure looks great! Would you be willing to post the publisher version?
  9. For my shower, we had a cake and then sent guests home with mini tiered cakes that I made using a pan from Williams Sonoma.
  10. So, I got my lawn sign and it's huge! I don't know how I'm going to get it to Cancun. I might try to trim it down, otherwise it will just have to wait for it's debut at our AHR. I can't remember if they had different sizes, if they did I probably got the biggest one checking the measurements.
  11. Tris - That's a great house you are bidding on. Looks like they've done lots of upgrades! I hope the luck at the jewelry store continues for the house offering! Lisa - Love the suit! Meggers - Mine is pretty strong since it's the one from the dentist that has custom fit molds. I will try out the sensitivity paste. I am pretty excited myself. I found a glue for rhinestones at walmart, so now I can repair my tank and bikini bottom with the iron ons. I'll try to post a pic later on when they have a chance to dry.
  12. Our ceremony is at 3pm. Meggers, I have an at home product from the dentist that is 16% peroxide, if I use it every night my teeth are very sensitive to hot and cold. So I only use it every second night. I'm trying to get into the habit of doing it now so I can avoid going for the in office treatment. I won't have time to do a consult and the treatment once I get back home
  13. Char - why are you up for so long? That's horrible.
  14. Laura that is hilarious! We refer to it as him "knocking me up" as well.
  15. Lisa, I agree that it will be fine to have two different logos because they are pretty much the same colors.
  16. I am a huge fan of the cheesecake factory too. When I lived closer to the border, I would often hit up Buffalo instead of the local malls. A couple of my coworkers that have Nexus cards even go over once a week for groceries. Laura, you should check out the forums on http://redflagdeals.com They always have a ton of deals for electronics and stuff other than groceries. I don't even want to think about how much I have spent because of the forum, even worse than here! I totally think everyone that lives close to the border should take advantage of better selection and pricing in the U.S. FI and I worked in a small border town for a couple of months and the border guards knew exactly who we were, where we worked and how long we had been dating. They even asked once if we were the only couple working on the site! Also, check out the Toronto groupon for today, it's teeth whitening! I think we might try it out if they have good reviews. Thank you for posting the photo timing. I am having a hard time getting my sister to book her and my mom for hair appointments a couple of hours before the ceremony. Mostly because she is difficult, but now I have a better idea of a time line. We have a photographer for each of us getting ready, but I don't want to feel rushed that day. Great idea. You could even ask a close guest.
  17. I would guess that because Mexico is mainly Christian they include the religious talk as part of the civil ceremony. They probably allow more freedom with the symbolic.
  18. Really easy solution is to try ordering from studiosuits.com. They make custom linen suits and shirts. Check out the thread that discusses that vendor.
  19. Kyndall, we got that ceremony script too. From reading it, FI thinks we have to come up with our own vows to say to each other as we exchange rings. What do you think? We wanted to add a sand ceremony and will just have one of our guests read it.
  20. Lisa, if you go to their website you can usually link to coupons from the home page.
  21. Lisa , flyerland.ca usually has the coupons. If you really want to go to Christmas Tree Shop it is basically across the street from David's Bridal in Tonawanda. Same side of the street as Boulevard Mall but closer to the highway. There's also a Michaels and Macys at Boulevard Mall, a Target in the same plaza as Christmas Tree Shop. My suggestion is cross at Lewiston, hit up Prime Outlets, head to Niagara Falls Blvd. and then end with Walden Galleria and dinner at Cheesecake Factory! Also, if you want, I found a place that will receive your packages and hold them for $5 a week. That way you can avoid the crazy shipping and customs charges. And the most important trip for cross border shopping, check border wait times from your cell phone so you can adjust your route to avoid spending hours at the bridges.
  22. Laura don't stress. I think it's fine to get married at 2pm and I'm sure your slot hasn't opened up. I didn't want to make our ceremony any later because it will be so hard to wait all day to get married. Everyone else is right, remember you're on a resort with tons of stuff to do in between. Also, you might want to hold off on Michaels trip until tomorrow, there is a 50% off coupon starting Saturday. To do this weekend: Shopping for OOT bag items Paper supplies for programs Print Place Cards and Assembly some frames Repair iron ons Purchase FI & GM ties
  23. I'm just going to put FI's suit and my dress in one garment bag and carry it on board. Our key card holders arrived last night. FI says they look like big Zippos. So now I'm going to try to sell the extras.
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