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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. Meggers that's wonderful news that your step dad will be allowed to travel. Glad your BD book arrived quickly! I have been feeling sick too this week, but it might just be excitement.
  2. Another way to eliminate songs is to get rid ones that talk about breaking up or are otherwise inappropriate.
  3. Laura, that's great. My office is angry at me for making my personal life a priority, so I doubt I will get anything like that.
  4. sweetiemunchkin - The same thing happened to my dress from babyonline. I had to have it rerouted, so it should arrive on Wednesday at the latest.
  5. If you're going to just put a label over top another one, you can use return address labels.
  6. The palace vacation dollars is still valid, but they no longer allow you to use it for wedding photography. The photo website has been updated with the new pricing structure: http://www.palaceresortsweddingphotos.com/products.php
  7. http://www.incasagifts.com/Love-Kisses-Personalized-Lip-Balm-set-of-12 I just stumbled across this site and they have $17.95 flat rate shipping, free shipping for orders over $250, and most importantly no customs or duty fees!
  8. meeshie - Another option you might consider is checking the rates to fly out of Buffalo, since I notice you are from Hamilton. The taxes are a lot lower flying from a U.S. airport so sometimes that can be a cost savings. The downfall is the lack of direct flights from Buffalo.
  9. Yay Laura!!!!! It's my last day away from FI too. So exciting for both of us. Enjoy your weekend. In case we don't get to talk before you leave, I hope you have a wonderful trip. Thank you so much for all your support. You deserve an amazing day that will be filled with smiles and love. Enjoy every minute and hurry back with lots of pictures! Lesee - Feel better. At least your dress looks awesome.
  10. Victoria , I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. All the best wishes for a beautiful wedding day. So glad that we could play a part in your planning and we can't wait for your pictures!
  11. meeshie - April may still be considered high capacity time, thus higher prices. This year, the low season starts in May because of the late Easter. I totally recommend Palace resorts because of the group benefits. We chose a complimentary package and are getting a free private reception for the number of nights our group booked. Another thing you can consider is booking the resort and airfare separately. We are Palace members so we got a double occupancy room for $1400 pp and then flights were about $500 each. If you contact westjet, they offer a 10% discount to your wedding guests. WIth our membership, each person gets transportation, manicure, pedicure, massage and 2 free tours, plus the additional $1500 vacation dollars per room. Just remember, if you find a place that is more affordable, you may have to sacrifice quality. We felt bad having our guests pay more, but we also wanted a 5-star wedding, not a 3-star crappy resort. Your priority should be marrying each other in the perfect place for you two, not trying to make everyone happy. I think it's great to send out your STD early on to let people know to start saving.
  12. Erin, Yes! I hope FI isn't offended when the first thing I ask for is to see my e-ring and wedding band. Maybe I should get him to propose again at the airport!
  13. I found one on google image search, but no directions.
  14. Laura, Sadly I have a 12 hour shift today and tomorrow, and then the 4 hour flight home. So I don't get home until midnight tomorrow.
  15. Laura, that's great that you had more of an appetite this morning. And you still have a few days to completely bounce back. I'm so excited, I finally get to go home tomorrow. Coworkers are taking me out to dinner tonight. Unexpected bachelorette on Saturday night and shopping in Buffalo on Sunday! Then two crazy weeks of work before our escape to Mexico!
  16. Avens, by ordering through afloral.com and assembling my own bouquets I was able to spend about $200 to make a large bridal bouquet, three bridesmaid bouquets and 7 boutonnieres. So it was definitely a lot more affordable. When I was looking at ordering, it would have cost me more than $200 just for a bridal bouquet in the size I wanted.
  17. I hope you are all feeling better today. I guess we should take this opportunity to up our fluid intake and flush the bad germs out before they do more/any harm.
  18. First of all, it was shipped without pictures. Second, they shipped to the wrong address Because they took almost 3 weeks longer to ship, I asked them to change the address. I have been working out of town so I had it shipped to my hotel to get any necessary alterations. Now I am going back home so I told them to ship it there. Apparently, they are trying to contact the courier, so we shall see what happens. I just have to keep telling myself that it will arrive, it will be beautiful and it will fit perfectly!
  19. I searched on etsy for ready to ship orchid bouquets and here is one I really like. http://www.etsy.com/listing/67814049/ivory-and-fuschia-bridal-bouquet-with?ref=sr_gallery_1&ga_search_query=ready+to+ship+orchid+bouquet&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade Maybe if you contact her she will be able to provide what you are looking for.
  20. Lisa, first of all, I am so jealous of your mirrored closet doors! Second, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm guessing you laced it yourself so if someone else does it up, the fit will prob be a little different. The ruffles look really good and I don't think it's too revealing. Why not be a little sexy? I do think it looks good straight across your hips, not sure if I would like it as much if it was slanted. I can't see any of the minor imperfections that you mentioned. Good luck with your alterations.
  21. Thanks everyone. I will post pictures as soon as I have some. Here's hoping it arrives in a few days.
  22. Meggers - Did you contact the seller? Maybe she has a tracking number? I think customs has slowed down a lot of stuff. My BD book arrived a week late. I agree with Tris, try to find something local that you can return. I am having my BM jewelery made by my next door neighbour just for that reason, so I can make changes and don't worry about things getting lost.
  23. Beautiful photos Shelby! Your dress is gorgeous and I love how happy you both look, enjoying every minute. Where did you get the vase for your unity ceremony?
  24. Lisa, When I bought them I didn't even know what I would use them for. I just wanted to have them on hand in case I wanted to make bridal party wear. Maritza, We chose short BM dresses because I didn't want them to be too formal. If you have a chiffon dress there will be layers underneath anyways.
  25. Lisa - I find that this site takes a lot longer to load now. I don't know if it's because of all the ads or what. Laura - I peeled the backing paper off and put the image face down and then ironed. There was nothing to peel off afterwards. This way you don't flip anything. You just print like a regular piece of paper. I bought mine from Michaels. It was on clearance for around $10 and has 10 full size sheets. Even after doing all the OOT bags, bridal party bags, a t shirt for my nephew and a few mistakes, I still have half a package. I made our logos about 4cm x 4 cm and put 7 on each sheet.
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