That's a really tough question to answer.. I would say it all depends on a lot of different factors! Location, reception, catering, entertainment, guest count, etc, etc, etc. Maybe you should put together a rough estimate of what a wedding at home would be based on where you live (since that varies so much across the country), and then do the same for a wedding in Mexico. I had initially thought that a Mexico wedding would be SUPER cheap, almost free! And then I started doing research.. you *can* probably keep it pretty reasonable, but you can definitely spend a lot of money. It all depends on what you would want out of a wedding and what's important to you. For example, live music during the ceremony, private reception, beach dinner, cocktail hour, DJ, lights, lounge chair area, fireworks, fire dancers, flowers, centerpieces, number of guests over the included amount in their packages (extra $ per person), the list goes on and on, and the total goes up and up! You can make it as extravagant as you want, and they are more than willing to cater to your desires down there. Where I live (midwest), it's pretty easy to do an affordable wedding at home compared to some brides' budgets that I've seen for New York or California. However, I decided long ago that doesn't really fit me, and all I've really ever wanted was to be somewhere beachy and warm! So even though the total cost will be more for me to do it abroad, I've come to terms with that and am happy with the decision of a destination wedding. Southern Cali may be pretty pricey for a wedding at home, so it's possible that there could be some cost savings. Good luck!