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Everything posted by fmichelle

  1. I'm spending between $15-$20/bag for a couple, and about $10-$15 for a single. The bags themselves are $1 (Dollar Tree), personalized travel mugs ($4.50), hand sanitizer (3/$1), Reed Diffusers ($2.50), First Aid Kits ($1), Emergen-C Packets, Natural Meds, Zip Lock Badge Holder and Lanyards. I also ordered postcards from Vista print to tie to each of them and I'll also get some trifold brochures made with helpful info that I'll also put inside. The dollar store is your best friend for these bags!
  2. I would see if you can have a later ceremony, if possible. If it's going to be too hot to take pics, then it's going to be hot for your guests as well during the ceremony. If the wedding time is set and not changeable, you're going to have to decided if you really need the "getting ready pics." Some of them can be really artsy and beautiful, and a great way to remember the anticipation and excitement before the big moment. I'm planning just a half hour of getting ready shots for ours. Then you have to take into account that the ceremony will be between 15-30 minutes, depending upon who is running it. So that's about at least an hour there. Usually people will do some couples and "posed" shots for the following hour while the guests have their cocktail hour. Then you can have an additional hour after that, cut your cake at the beginning of the reception to make sure you have some nice high quality photos of that. An alternative to the nice "sunset shots" that day would be a trash the dress the following day during golden hour (the hour before the sun sets) So three hours on the wedding day and maybe 1 1/2 hours the following day may get you what you need and should be cheaper than seven hours on one day. And then you can put disposable or cheap digital cameras on every table to get some cute and fun reception shots, which usually aren't all that artistic anyway. Hope that helps!
  3. We're finally getting our engagement photos done on Monday (we've been engaged since May and we're getting married in April) but it's a photographer who is doing it for free because she is trying to build up her engagement portfolio. I've searched examples of engagement photos in and around Los Angeles and sent her some samples of what we like, but I'm not sure she'll be able to provide enough in terms of posing and ideas on how to get great shots. For those who have already done engagement shoots, how much was the photographer and how much was you two just being you two? The main problem is my FI actually do headshot photography on the side and I'm a filmmaker, so I'm really not used to being in front of the camera and honestly don't like it all that much. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
  4. Quick question for those doing a hair flower, is it too much to do a hair flower, a veil, AND a tiara? I don't know if I'm going overboard, I just can't decide. I've already gotten my flower (eBay), my veil (Craigslist) and now I'm thinking a tiara might be nice to have if I take the veil off after the ceremony. FYI, I'm planning on wearing my hair mostly down (and putting in extensions to make it look fuller) They had some really cute stuff today at The Icing and held off on the tiara (bought some earrings and a necklace though).
  5. We're purposely having a destination wedding so that the group is smaller than an at home wedding. We figure the people who are important to us will understand the importance and will come. And for those who don't want to pay for an AI (even though paying alacart can be significantly more expensive) we gave them the option on our website to stay where ever they want and we'll pay for the day pass for them to come to our resort. Of course that defeats the whole purpose of spending an entire week with our guests and not just a few hours (partly why we wanted an AI in the first place) And like many of you have said, it's a vacation for them too. Granted, we've chosen their vacation spot for them, but IMHO, it's an AWESOME vacation spot.
  6. I'd say the best bet would be to keep it in the package that it comes in. Are any of you who are getting married on a beach planning on using some of the actual beach sand? I was thinking it might be nice to put some of that on the bottom before layering our colored sand. We're doing a picture frame instead of a vase, so there isn't much room, but I thought it might be nice to always have something from Punta Cana. What are your thoughts?
  7. OOT bag question for those who have been to Excellence, particularly in April/May...does it get chilly at night? I've seen a lot of girls put pashminas in the OOT bags and supposedly they're a hit, but if it doesn't get chilly at night, I don't really see a point to it. Any thoughts? We're already doing the OOT bag itself, personalized travel mugs, zip lock badge holders and lanyards, first aid kits, reed diffusers, hand sanitizer, Emergen-C packets, and some natural meds (wow, now that I list it all, I think it is enough anyway) I just don't want to spend unnecessarily, that's all. Thanks! Getting so excited for April now!!
  8. All I have to say is WELL SAID. It's actually a second wedding for me (first for my FI) and I have to say last time it went by soooo fast, I didn't get to spend any time with my out of town friends and to top it off, the photographer never even got a picture of their table! I was the first of three daughters to get married and my mom went a little overboard (to her credit, she was planning it in the town I grew up in and I'm halfway across the country, she did what she thought was best) So this time, it is about myself and my FI. We want to spend significant time with our loved ones, not waste money on useless things (although the OOT bags do border that....) and we have a large group of friends that are more like acquaintances and if you invite one, you have to invite them all and we just didn't want that. We have a few very close friends and hopefully all of them can come.
  9. That's what I was thinking of using, it just makes me smile when I hear it. I'll have to find a "non-country" version for my FI, I think the one off the Nottinghill Soundtrack fits the bill..we'll see
  10. The Marriot Frenchman's Reef was also very nice. Those were the only two I was considering since I wanted an AI. If you're okay with a European Plan, then you'll have other options for sure. It seems like there are some good deals for St. Thomas on Cheapcaribbean.com, I'd say keep an eye out for the best time of year to buy since you have until next year to do so. Congrats again!
  11. Here are the bags I bought with a magazine next to them for reference size. I bought both blues, like I said there were other colors, just can't remember which. Sorry, hope this helps.
  12. Quote:Originally Posted by sxcT Do you have a photo of them? Are they on the website? I am always looking but never find what I want.   I'll post a pic when I get home. They are not on the website, and I has just been at another Dollar Tree a few days prior and they didn't have them. When I was at the cashier I asked if the bags were new and she had no idea. I got two different shades of blue with multicolored straps that go vertically down the sides of the bags. They had other colors too, but I can't remember which, sorry. Pics coming....
  13. Very thoughtful and covered all the bases...I'll be stealing a few elements for mine. What are you printing them on, BTW?
  14. My fiance and I met on JDate, well, sort of...back in '07 we had an initial connection on JDate, but since he wasn't a full paying member, it was difficult to make a connection, so I stalked him out on Myspace (had his name and the city he lived in) and instead of scaring him off, he was impressed by my abilities We chatted online for a few days, talked on the phone for a few more, and had an immediate connection from the first date and have been together ever since. Met in October '07, engaged in May '10, going to be married in April '11. I tried other dating sites and they just weren't for me.
  15. Under "Forums" "BDW General" there is a forum for "Share your engagement stories" I'll look for it there
  16. So, of course now that Brandy has opened my eyes to the wonderful world of millions of options...() I'm now doubting my shoe purchase. I'd really love to get those flowery flips flops in either white or blue, but here's what I have now. What do you think ladies, too blah??
  17. Fits like a glove, absolutely gorgeous. You're going to make a stunning bride.
  18. Happy Holidays ladies. Have a SAFE and healthy Christmas and New Years. With such crazy weather out there, please be careful on the roads. We're about ready to float away here in Los Angeles, 1/3 of our annual rainfall in just 4 days.
  19. Â Are you giving out OOT bags as well? If you are, perhaps you could explain the significance of the items inside. You could also share your engagement story (unless everyone going already knows it) or possibly what makes San Diego special to the two of you, why you chose it for your destination wedding. Just my two cents. Congratulations!
  20. Quote:Originally Posted by lsmith211 fmichelle - another good option for cardio with a bad ankle is a boxing video. A lot of them incorporate kick boxing as well, but you can just take it easy on those and focus more on the upper body/punching exercises. They're a great way to get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories without having an impact on your ankle!  Thanks lsmith. Guess it's time to pull back out the old Billy Blanks VHS tapes ;-). Oh, good times ;-). But you're right, I do remember a lot of punching and upper body in those videos, despite the cheesy music and less than motivational chitchat, they did kick my a$$.
  21. Â You're welcome. Oh, and Jana, FYI, since placing my order (3 days ago) I've already received two emails with a bunch of free offers. The shipping for one item can be kind of high (IMHO) so make sure you have a few things to order at once. I'm waiting until I have the template for a tri-fold brochure to order again (and I may have to get another free canvas bag...already got myself The Future Mrs. tote, couldn't resist)
  22. Independent Filmmaker/Part-time Vidoegrapher (including weddings) and Acting Teacher/Coach
  23. Hi Confusedbride, the first thing I'd say is start a new thread in Newbies with the same question and you'll probably get more responses. Also, there are threads specifically related to those two locations and people deciding between those two, just do a search with the resort name(s). I did a lot of research on all the DR resorts and ultimately decided on Excellence based on it being Adults Only, what you get for the wedding price, and the reviews on TripAdvisor.com There is also a great deal of info on that site as well, just do a search with the name of the hotel and "wedding review" and you'll have more info than you can handle. Regardless of where you decide, it's going to be amazing and choosing to have a destination wedding is the best decision ever (slightly biased, of course) Congratuations!
  24. What a romantic place to get engaged! My FI just came back from Oahu the week before last. I hope you'll share the story of how he did it! Welcome to the forum and congrats on choosing a location, that is the hardest part!
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