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Everything posted by fmichelle

  1. Those are the pre-travel brochures, we got 25 of them and they're just stacked up on that side and they're unfolded showing both sides in the far left corner.
  2. Ooh, the baby convo, we're totally in the same place. I just turned 34 and even though he's 5 years younger than me, we both decided that we'll start trying pretty soon after we're married (as long as finances look like they'll be in order) BTW, ignore my gripe about vistaprint. After typing that I looked outside and sure enough, there was a box waiting for me! Normally the dog goes absolutely crazy when there is a delivery, so since she's been quiet all morning I assumed there wasn't anything but wanted to check...so glad I did! We got our rack cards (still have to cut the holes of course-FREE), pre-travel brochures, just married hat for FI-FREE, Future Mrs. tote for me-FREE, Mother of the bride tote for mom-FREE, a couple pens-FREE, a couple post-its-FREE, returns address labels-FREE, notebook-FREE, and a mug-FREE. We only really paid for uploading picture fees for the brochure (wanted to include our pic and a map of the resort) and of course shipping. Notice my kitty up top keeping watch?
  3. Â We booked our honeymoon when we booked the wedding. We're staying at our wedding resort for 7 nights (required for our wedding package) then transferring to another resort on the same island for an additional 4 nights as our honeymoon. We figured it would be the most economical way since we would already be in a beautiful paradise. Teira, I'm more of a fan of the first dress, I think they're both beautiful, you've got great taste, but I think the first will look better in pictures. Lua, thanks for the customizable puzzle book site. I didn't even think about rainy day activities, I just figured everyone would head to a covered bar during rain. I'll defintely check that out. And as far as hair flowers go, I know it won't be as awesome as some of the others, but I got a beautiful one on eBay for only $10 shipped. There are a lot of options. We don't think we'll be getting any gifts, like everyone else we told our guests that their presence is the present we want or need. If we do, I guess we'll just have to trust the safe in the room and since we have some people heading back to the states before us, we could have them bring any gifts back. Still eagerly awaiting my large vistaprint order. I opted for the slowest shipping and now I wish I hadn't. :-(. Happy Thursday everyone!
  4. Like everyone else, it was all about the reviews, my main source was TripAdvisor.com and doing a search with the resort name and "wedding review." I went with what seemed the most consistent and since we knew we wanted an adults-only resort, there weren't too many to choose from. We ended up going with Excellence because the package price seemed the best for the money and included a cocktail hour and reception for up to 20 people for a good price. We booked the date back in August (ours is in April) and then booked our travel shortly thereafter. I'm seeing some better rates now for April, which is good for those who haven't booked yet, but you never know if prices are going to go up or down. I would say also check out resort reviews from brides on here specifically because you can ask them questions about each resort if there is anything in particular that concerns you. Good luck!
  5. Hey Brandy, I don't know if you have a smartphone, but there's a great app on the iPhone called live strong that you put in your weight and how many pounds you'd like to lose per week and it gives you the amount of calories you're supposed to eat and helps you keep track of them during the day and then when you put in your exercise it compensates for that as well. I finally worked out tonight! Some moves were a little difficult as the ankle is still healing, but I couldn't procrastinate any more, April is approaching fast and that bikini is still just as intimidating (plus I need to get my dress altered and I keep holding off on that to make sure it's going to be the right size--ie, the size I want to be) As far as hard candies go, I've started eating these ginger candies by the ginger people. They're really good and they also help with digestion and are pretty low in calories. Good luck everyone, time to kick it in to high gear, no more excuses!
  6. Char, gorgeous headpiece! Now I have hairpiece envy for you and of course shoe envy for Brandy! The dress is gorgeous too. And now Lua, great luggage tags, makes me wish I was making those to. The FI is like, "you need to stop spending money on things for the wedding!" I just don't think he understands how fun it is I finally got back into working out tonight, I'm very proud of myself. It's been like three weeks because I totally twisted my ankle and didn't want to re-injure it. Jillian Michaels never fails to kick my butt. I'm really nervous to be going back to work this week (I've been freelancing for the last five years and now I'm going to be on a schedule again) I really hope I got enough done over the holidays. I have my list of stuff to do and like most of you, getting my FI's attire for the wedding is definitely on it. Of course I still need to get my dress altered and order my wedding band, but I do have a jeweler doing a mock-up this week so I think I'll finally be able to check that off the list. Michele, in terms of our ceremony, I'm writing it myself. It's going to be a symbolic ceremony and a friend will be officiating. We're both Jewish, but not religious, so I've been researching scripts online and picking and choosing parts that we like. We definitely want to keep it shorter rather than longer. A while back Lisa recommended a site from Niagara Falls, maybe she still has the link. We are definitely writing our own vows too (don't know where to begin with that...) If anyone is going to need about 25 lanyards or ziplock badge holders, I should have mine soon and since I bought in bulk I'll definitely have extra. I did the vertical badge holders and royal blue lanyards with a metal clip. Let me know. We're still 110 days out but I think when we get to the 90 day mark, then I'll really start getting antsy!
  7. Quote:Originally Posted by TLGnhci Hmm, so $98 total? I'm gonna have to check that out. Thanks chicky! I bought the $1 store first aid kits so I guess I'm just gonna design a sticker thing for the top of that. I just can't decide what to put on it. All I have to go in them is tylenol, the band aids that come in it, and some tums. Hmm....         And sorry girls ~ I have once again hijacked your April thread. Hope no one minds!! FYI- Tylenol is not a good med for hangover kits. I read online (even started a thread about it) that taking Tylenol with alcohol still in your system can be extremely damaging to your liver. Asperin isn't good either. You want to stick with ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxin (Aleve) or a natural type of med. I had no idea about this either until I started price comparison shopping and then decided to do a search on what's the best headache med for a hangover. Brandy, I totally know you'll be able to make that dress fit, and not through alterations, you are too motivated for that. BTW, I think I've finally decided on a wedding band, when I get it I'll put up a photo.
  8. So I sent Griselda an email stating exactly what I am expecting to get and at what price and I am hoping to get a response soon so that I do have it in writing, thank you Diva. I also noticed that it said you also get the free package if you have 5 rooms booked for seven nights at any level and we have three for 7 nights and then a bunch more rooms for between 4-6 nights. I really hope it won't be a problem, we're giving them some good business. I also did the math for the way they're doing it now, and it's so crazy that the price to upgrade to the Excellence Club Ocean View room is like $1500 more for the week is is almost double what you're "saving" on the wedding package. I think they need to rethink their "deal." Diva, how did you pick your cake already, it seemed like we will be picking everything there, at least that's how Griselda made it out to be in her emails. My wedding is after yours, so maybe as we get closer we'll have to make some of those decisions. We're getting close, how exciting! We're getting married THIS year!
  9. You're welcome everyone, I hope you're able to get a good deal. Their customer service has also been very good, responding to emails promptly. Unfortunately, I won't have my mugs till the end of February, but when I do I will gladly post pictures.
  10. Alright, I just got an email from discountmugs.com and they are having a sale through January 5th and it's better than when I bought my mugs so I thought I should share so someone else benefits from it! 25% is a LOT to get discounted (but it's not valid on apparel, caps, or usbs) Just put NewYear in at checkout to get this awesome discount. I still haven't gotten my mugs yet, the color I wanted was out of stock and since I'll have to wait until February for them to come back in, they're giving me an extra 10 mugs. At least some of our guests who can't make it down to Punta Cana will get something from the wedding. Enjoy!
  11. Thanks Teira, totally makes sense. I do recall that some of the Do Not Disturb signs have a somewhat small circle and then a slit to get over the handle of the door. I guess I might ask some brides who've been to my resort if the door knobs are actually knobs at my resort of if they are a handle of sorts (if that makes sense ) And Tenny, I'm not having bridesmaids either. My FI talked about having a groomsman or two, but one may not come now because of money and the other I think is actually going to perform the ceremony (we're doing a symbolic one because the hassle and money of doing the legal one became too much). If pictures are focused on your "lack of" bridesmaids, then your photographer is not doing a very good job, because it will be ALL ABOUT YOU! (and your FI of course) Brandy, sorry to hear the flip flops aren't the most comfortable, but they are DAMN CUTE! Hopefully they will stretch out a bit.
  12. Hi ladies, I was just looking at the Excellence website and it looks like they've done some upgrading. I noticed, however, that the wedding packages page now says that in order to qualify for the free wedding you have to book an Excellence Club Room "OCEAN VIEW" for at least 7 nights. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall is saying OCEAN VIEW before, and we already booked the GARDEN VIEW. Is that something that has changed? We only upgraded to the Excellence Club for that reason. For those of you who have already had your wedding there, was this the case? Thank you.
  13. Quote:Originally Posted by Brandy Michelle its hard for me to tell from the photo but it looks like your band is sort of rounded? Would something like this work?  Brandy, I should have known you would bust out with some awesome links. This one is actually the closest, my ring being knife edge with pave and all. I did try on something like it, but I just felt it was too blingy. I'm very simple when it comes to jewelry and basically don't wear all that much. Oh, and I forgot to mention my e-ring is palladium, and since I want the two to match, it definitely cuts down on my options since less things are made with it. I may have a jeweler custom make it. I actually tried this on yesterday (I know, just "happened" to walk in to Tiffany's) and I kind of liked it. Of course I'll get it elsewhere since they don't work in palladium. Let me know what you think. http://www.tiffany.com/shared/media/products/11228933_D.jpg Sorry for your rain Ellabaja, that's lame. Â
  14. Â Thanks ladies for all the compliments on my photo. I'll definitely post more when I get them. She said we'd have the cd in about a week. Lisa, I can't understand why shipping is so much more to Canada, I just mailed a DVD to Bangladesh and it was just over $3 when it costs about $2 within the states. I don't know how far you are from the border, but maybe setting up a PO Box to receive packages would actually be worth it. Great job on the vistaprint. I've already placed two orders and am eagerly awaiting both of them. Everytime they send an email they tempt me to order more! Brandy, I know I've said it before, but you truly are the best with shoes. I bet your personal collection totally rocks. And thanks for the compliment on my e-ring, btw. I do love, the only thing is I'm having a very difficult time finding a wedding band that I like to go with it. I literally spent hours on the "show us your rings" forum and didn't see anything that would work :-( I hope the east coast ladies are faring alright with all the snow. I have to say the rain on this coast is getting quite ridiculous.
  15. Oh man, I'm glad you love them but I so wished you hated them because then I wouldn't be so jealous I'm very covetous of your shoes and I'm so glad you're happy with them (especially after the first ones came out so stiff). In terms of hair and make-up, my package includes it as well and the brides who have gone before me have given the salon stellar reviews (although one person commented on their sanitary practices with the make-up being a little less than stellar...so we'll see if I end up doing my own). On another note, my FI and I did an engagement shoot yesterday. Most of the shots she took seemed very far away (the architecture where we were shooting was amazing, so think she was very impressed with it...perhaps a bit too much) Anyway, here is the one teaser shot she sent from close up. I'm pretty happy with it and I wanted to share.
  16. My shipment just came from Luckyvitamins today. I'm tempted to try out the RU21 before the wedding...but everything was exactly as I expected and I'm very happy with their customer service. Good to see that other ladies are as concerned as my FI and I are about natural remedies. If I find out about any other things, I'll let you know!
  17. I see that a lot girls put Tylenol in their hangover/wedding survival kits and I just wanted to share that I did some research and taking Tylenol when liquor is still in your system can actually cause your liver to explode. Even asprin is better because it's not as hard on the stomach. If you want, just do a simple search in Google with the words "Tylenol" and "hangover." Everyone on this forum has been extremely helpful and I thought I'd share some helpful info in return.
  18. I go to Vegas all the time, but there are plenty of people that don't, so a map of the strip where all the hotels are located and which ones have what to see would be useful. There's a website that lists the top free things to do in Las Vegas, you can take a few things off of that to give guests ideas of things to do. If you have the opportunity to print any coupons for anything in Vegas, you can include some of those as well. I think the hangover kits are essential. Cups are absolutely not necessary. A deck of cards would be very Las Vegas'y. Hope that helps! Congratulations.
  19. We're using mywedding.com and you can set up events for guests to RSVP to and I believe you can include choices there like a menu as well. We wanted something basic and it serves our purposes. Hope that helps.
  20. Tris, so I finally bought my hair and the clips and the thread from Sally Beauty Supply and I was wondering if you had any tips on how to make the clips stay in better. I guess I just have really fine hair and I need to straighten it so that the extensions look more natural and when I straighten it, it gets even more fine. I have my engagement shoot tomorrow and maybe I'm being overly ambitious in wanting to wear them, but it's pretty cool, I have to say. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. @Brandy, really cute shoes! I am definitely a fan. As much as you don't want to wear your wedding shoes before your wedding, I'm pretty sure they'll get more comfortable after you break them in. It seems like a lot of people put the Old Navy flips flops in their OOT bags and the guests love them. It does suck though that they're not comfy out of the box. @Teira, both beautiful dresses, I'm sure you'll look gorgeous in either and your TTD will be awesome. I'm only more of a fan of the second because of the bling, but that's just me. @Greys, I was only able to see the one dress as well, but it is beautiful. Thanks for sharing those TTD shots, Brandy. I can only hope mine come out even half as beautiful as those. @Tenny, good luck with the OOT bags, I think I've finally finished mine...just waiting for the rest of the stuff I ordered to come in. The trick is to stop looking for things once you've spent enough, I'm still working on that Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and enjoy this next short week before New Years!
  21. Â Thanks for sharing Pucca. Love the surprise element. I'm sure you're not the only one who forgot to say yes (my FI had to ask twice sincexi was so overwhelmed with emotion) Diamond Head is absolutely beautiful. What a great place to have such a wonderful memory. And awesome that you had your friends to celebrate with afterwards. Congratulations again, and happy planning. It may seem like a long way off, but time is going to fly.
  22. Thanks islandbride, I actually walked around in them today around the house and I think I'm going to stick with these. I told my mom about my dilemma and she was like "who is going to see your shoes anyway? You're dress is going to be all the way to the floor (or sand, as the case may be....) So, these comfy blue flip flops for $17 it is. Yay amazon!
  23. Quote:Originally Posted by atrott      Okay, so just ignore my questions that are answered in you review. I was able to open it and it was soooo informative. Thank you so much for sharing all you insight. I don't know if I can wait till April, I want to go now!
  24. Â Great planning journal. We are doing the same colors! Like you I don't think I'll be adding any extra decor besides the chair sashes. Did you have thronged the same sashes from the ceremony for the reception? Where did you end up having the reception? We would like to do the beach but are worried about the sand bugs at night. Who was your WC at the resort? Sorry for so many questions, I must just be getting antsy for April!
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