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Everything posted by sharlie

  1. thanks for the other two links. I like the first one VERY NICE and personal
  2. very cool!! I have been happy with everything so far!
  3. I know I but now we want to change to look more professional..so I think I am going to redo it. and then I repost it =)
  4. just discovered this forum...so excited LOVE WW!!
  5. I have A line hair cut, and I wanted to know if there were any other brides out with similiar hair style?? how are you styling your hair for the wedding. Don't feel like we have any options. Picture of cut http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.w-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/easy-short-hairstyles4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://community.babycenter.com/post/a23993653/hairstyle_advice_please&usg=__QSZw_7pzbjhGwgriCIfHapK9vJo=&h=348&w=500&sz=40&hl=en&start=5&zoom=1&tbnid=B26wsm2eQlKZEM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=195&ei=v6s_TZL0PI-4sAPokozZCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Da%2Bline%2Bhair%2Bcut%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4SKPB_enUS275US275%26biw%3D1007%26bih%3D438%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&oei=uqs_TdDwOoymsQOC_tisCA&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:5&tx=194&ty=55
  6. we choose couples in Negril, jamaica which is in your price range. but no kids and only double occ.
  7. ok so here is our logo that I just created... but after seeing all of yours I think I might change it. It does not look as professional as yours? What do you think??? also the shape might be ackward at times??? BE HONEST!! thanks so much
  8. love it! getting married in the same city a month before you!! which resort??? we are doing Couples CONGRATS
  9. magenta and teal??? (not sure on the teal) or yellow sandals theme
  10. i purchased flip flops similair to these but only spent 30 bucks but they are kind of plain.... http://www.advantagebridal.com/fbwhtsltira.html Have any of you decorated your flip flops? If so, how? and with what?
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