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Everything posted by sharlie

  1. thank you! you are right they have good prices!!
  2. anderson you are so welcome ENJOY Island girl..I didn't use a template. I created the crossword on this site http://www.discoveryeducation.com/free-puzzlemaker/?CFID=11144725&CFTOKEN=83610482 and then I copied the crossword into photoshop. I had to write the questions in photoshop. I have the photoshop file if you want it. If so PM with your email..the file is too big to upload. =( I hope this helps. Let me know if you any more questions.
  3. thank you so much for the great feedback.. I really appreciate it! I am going to work on it tonight =). I love the suggestions. I wanted to put the wedding date but I fear the guest will not read carefully and think that is the reception date.=(
  4. I started creating our invitation for AHR reception..I plan on printing with vista print with mat finish with postcards for RSVP. I started designing it but I would like some advice what to add, delete, edit... be honest please! it is pretty rough now...thanks so much
  5. I would happy to share the picture!!Let me know if you there is anything else you would like?? Thanks so by the way! 1. I did plan doing an itinerary...thanks for that idea! 2. love the idea of at resort and on town, thanks 3. love the word seach idea, and the others as well. Do have you any of those games already created that you could share with me?? 4. oh my gosh. I LOVE the mad libs ideas. Do you mind sharing your as well??? LOVE IT! HOw are you having the guests return it to you? I am doing the postcard guestbook but I love this too, I could to both...??? thanks for all your help and advice. =)
  6. thank you so much for everyone's advice =)
  7. thanks girls!! I am still working on the other pages such as the guest pages...should I add anything else??? or and who is what room and sch too. I am really enjoying this too =)
  8. very nice...so I am assuming you just ordered the invitations correct?? I was thinking about ordering the rack cards and doing postcard for RSVP but not sure
  9. how exciting!! love everything thanks for sharing!! can you give the info on the esty shop??? love you cake topper
  10. these turned out AMAZING! I am in the process of creating our brochure too and doing the tages.. thanks for the lead on the website! =) When are mailing them?? I get married in june and don't know when I am sending mine out prob late march? what do you think. NICE WORK Girl LOVE THEM
  11. ok ladies I noticed this thread is a litte over a year old. I was wondering if any of you got creative and made some invitations using vista print or something similiar? I would like to see pictures of your creation!! thanks so much
  12. ohh I like both of your ideas!! let me know if you find any more info and I will do the same
  13. thank you so much girls!! I printing them on card stock..I think it 60 ibs in weight. I created everything in photoshop and would be happy to share the files so if you interested in any of them send me PM with your email because they are to big to upload.
  14. thanks for sympathy!! I just placed another order last night only spent 21 bucks =) just shipping girls
  15. So I got my first vista print order. I was a little dispointed with business cards...they are a lot smaller and the contrast did not turn out nice. So now I need to reprint them =(. I think part of if was my design but the size is vista..they are so SO SMALL!! I am redoing it. I am printing the key cards and lug. tags front and back on the rack cards...this way I get three different prints for lower price. Here is my rack card and then I will cut it apart
  16. ok cool maybe I will do it for both...where did you guys find cheap cocktail stirrers? and white too? thanks so much!
  17. really cute idea!!! but just be careful because some resorts including mine will not allow you to use your own cups. I wanted to order cool cups but they do not allow them. so look into that prior to spending the money.
  18. that's what i am doing..I am thinking my parents can help us with the extra stuff too.
  19. ok I orderd the address labels on vista print and I am going to copy your idea/. what to you think
  20. are you doing this for AHR or destination wedding? It would work for both but I am trying to reduce the amount of the stuff I am taking to Jamaica. Where are you getting married
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