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Everything posted by sharlie

  1. thanks for the luck~ my fiance is has the artist talent not me so I would have him try to replicate this but still it might be Hard. its made of polymere(sp) clay...don't know if micheals sells that?? thanks for the advice and luck
  2. the cups won't work at my resort because they will not allow any cups or koozies that are not from there resort. Very common with the all inclusive resorts! but do like the glow in the dark stuff but it might still be light outside too! They are also make glow in the dark things that go into your drink that fun too... thanks for the ideas girls =)
  3. hello ladies..my fiance loves MONKEYS so I was thinking about getting a monkey cake topper but they are very expensive http://www.etsy.com/listing/65707201/beach-destination-sock-monkey-wedding basically about 100 bucks..anyone have any ideas how could replicate this??? thanks so much!
  4. hello ladies...I wanted to know if you any of you had in any great ideas, which I am sure you do. We are having all our guests meet for cocktails for first event so everyone can get to know EVERYONE! But I wanted to give everyone something that will identify them as part of our group that is NOT dorky but cute and fun..here were some of my ideas but not really liking them. 1. Live strong bracelets (because that what my fiance gave the first night we met) 2. some other kind of bracelet (maybe with their name ??? ) 3. glow in the dark necklace or bracelet. ideas please?? thanks so much!
  5. I am trying to send you the files but having a hard time. if have compressing them it is over 20 MB... I will send it as soon as I can
  6. I have gotten a lot better at DIY projects now =) Some brides make the lugguage tags on vista on business cards but they are little small. So I ordered the rack cards I printed the 3 things on the rack cards and then cut them apart. I put the both side of luggage tags and the label for the room key holders
  7. Shan, I attached the text in jpg so you can actually read them. Let me know if you want the photoshop file. I used this coupon code http://ebm.e.vistaprint.com/c/tag/hBNNtYuAZdBOAB8Xd78CUztHjbj/[email protected] that I got from another bride..=) and only paid shipping like 6 bucks for 25 of them.
  8. hello ladies! I finished my lugguage tags and brochure. Very please with the way it turned out..Below are pictures I designed in photoshop and printed everything through vista print. Ordered luggage tags on amazon.
  9. sorry got in a hurry...I just don't want people to feel left our when they see the destination information. The password protection is good idea...or maybe just do two...I used mywedding.com I look into password protection on certain pages. Thanks for the help girls!! =)
  10. Hello everyone..I have a question? we have a wedding site for destination wedding taking place at the end of June. We are having a AHR july 30 and I wanted to have website with more infomation, like registry, about the location and wedding. Should i create a new and seperate one for the AHR?? or just create a new tab for AHR? I just don't want people to feel left out when they destination info...thoughts ideas?? thanks so much!!!
  11. oh thank you so much! I got the images from another bride on here..and then I edited them in photoshop. I don't know how much to send from negril thinking they will mail them they get home. getting married at COuples...so exciting!!
  12. thank you! I got them on this website http://www.specialistid.com/ really reasonable prices =)
  13. love the invite hazel!! what does the back of invite look like? do you mind sharing it with us. I really want to see it!
  14. Below is our wedding sign for ceremony that i got made on vista print BELOW: lanyards with badges to hold their room keys
  15. above: we are playing a game called monkey with knifes so each guest needs five dice. Got the dice on amazon and flip flop cards at oriental trading company below: is postcards.. with explanation about the guest book. Each guest got three postcards, two blanks one and one addressed to us.
  16. above are my wedding survival kits. They included 1. 2 pack of motrin 2. shout wipes 3. safety pins 4. bandages 5. tums 6. extra advil (orange pills) 7.pepto 7 vitimin C 8. chapstick (used vista print address lables and cut them) 9. hand sant wipes (4) 10. extra bag (in case it rips) I put cute labels on everything using clear or white lables.. got all the little bags are micheals in the jewerly section I headed the header in photoshop and printed the on postcards through vista and then folded and stapled them.
  17. Thank you everyone for all your ideas...here are my pictures more to come later door hanger in english and jamaican. Order them on vistaprint the rack cards and then punched two holes and used twine on them to give them island look. LOVE THEM
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