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Everything posted by ylekot

  1. It's old school, but I love it! "now that we found love" by Heavy D and the Boyz!!!
  2. Hey Papertaco! I ordered mine all in the same color/print. I don't really have wedding colors, but think they'll go well. Danny's a hoot to work with, he's quite the joker.
  3. Hey bride2be31011! I am a fellow bride-to-be as well as a make up artist. My recommendations for waterproof eye makeup are as follows: - w/p eye shadow won't do much... invest in a good lid primer! My recommendation is Smashbox's Photo Finish lid primer ($20 at Sephora/Ulta/Nordstrom). - w/p mascara WILL make a difference; try Diorshow Blackout, waterproof version. I don't like it for every day use because it's such a pain to take off, but I will definitely be using this on my wedding day. You can find this wherever Dior is sold, most department stores or Sephora ~$25 - w/p liner will also make a difference. I love to use Smashbox jet set w/p cream liner. They have a variety of colors and can be found at the same places listed above for the lid primer, ~$22. As for foundation, there really is no such thing as w/p foundations... it's all marketing if you ask me! I personally recommend an HD foundation (Smashbox and MUFE make good ones) as your skin will look flawless in photos. Set the make up with either a translucent setting powder or powder foundation, depending on how much coverage you like. Setting the make up will prevent the foundation from wearing off a lot quicker, especially in humid climates. And don't forget your foundation primer! Smashbox cosmetics is king at this... Primer Light might be your best option for a humid climate, but it will also depend on your skin type. They produce NINE different kinds. Hope this helps!
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