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Everything posted by alykay

  1. Hey guys if you want to see my picks go to fb and to the dreams punta cana brides page. on that page go to the wall and you will see my pics put up by eldon fotos, the cover shot is my daughter walking down the aisle with a white dress and turquoise sash on. those are my wedding pics. enjoy : )
  2. Yes Subbi, i had a cocktail hour but i didnt have it right after the ceremony I had it at 6pm, so the guest had an hour to chill while we did our photos things ran really smoothly coz they just chilled at the bar ....
  3. hey send me your email addy and i will add u to fb or ur fb name.
  4. Thanks and you must be so excited to leave in 2 days, probably nervous too. I got married on a Wednesday and they had 3 ladies who did hair, they told us we could only may 3 appointments on the hour so i had three at 1pm, 3 at 2 pm and 3 at 3pm, my wedding started at 4pm so the 3pm appt i gave to my mom in law, and two cousins who were not in the wedding but just guests. They do the hairstyles quite fast but a tip, take a photo or photos of styles u like or have an idea of what u want and that way it will make it easier.....my cousin got married on monday there and they had three ladies on monday. I also suggest u go and and talk to the salon as soon as u arrive adn try to sort it out with them, they are very accommodating.... btw take lots of bug spray, we ran out and we took 2 bottles, there are lots and lots of bugs there and the resort store is very expensive to buy from. .....also try to take a list of where u want people seated at ur reception a table layout plan to give ur wedding cordinator and a guest list for the numbers.....she asked me for that and im very organized but somehow i didnt find it in my paper work..... who ever wants to see pics give me your email address and i will send you some.....or give me your name on fb and i will add you, as im on private setting on fb so u wont find me....
  5. hahaha just remembered something else that most people will never think off although it rained there it was quite humid, so one thing i forgot, (btw in case i didnt mention we brought down 10 suitcases full of wedding stuff), yup im crazy lol neway I didnt think of a handkerchief for the guys, when they are standing at the ceremony and need to wipe the sweat off their faces it would really come in handy for them .....just a thought it could be used as a good small gift for your groomsmen as well. we did have a rehearsal dinner at the Oceana, really good restaurant btw, neway i gave my girls tons of gifts and they loved them, beach bag from la vie en rose, rhine stone tank tops, personalized rhinestone flip flops, coach wristlets, victoria secret creams, silk make up pouch holder, mini size perfume, beach cover all in black and turquiose with palm trees from h&m, all their wedding jewellry and im probably forgetting some other stuff...... the boys we bought them ray ban sunglasses and they were elated,cuff links, ties to wear on our day, and vests for our day. .. our parents got gifts too... I designed menu cards for the dinner with our logo, i designed a ceremony booklet for our mass, our wedding favours were a deck of poker cards with each card printed on our name and a palm tree with some starfish as that was our theme starfish and diamonds, the escort name cards were pencil starfish painted in silver sparkle with turquoise ribbon and the guests names, i put these sticking up on a huge tray with sand and rocks, for our table numbers i used words of a marriage instead, so we used words like love, forever, joy, passion, devotion, faith etc...
  6. oh ya i forgot to mention we initially booked the portifino terrace but because it rained, we were lucky and they closed down the portifino restaurant for us, it worked out coz it was an amazing restaurant just gorgeous with material hanging from the pillars etc.....they normally dont close down that restaurant coz its popular but luck was on our side....they normally close down the mexican restaurant or the himitsu... it stopped raining around 8pm so we got the whole portifino restaurant and our guests got to use the terrace as well, as the full bar was on the terrace and if they wanted to smoke etc...
  7. Hello Ladies, I feel sooo bad, Its been a long time since i ve been on here. So here is some info in case u wanted to know more about weddings down there. I got married in Dreams on June 25, 2011 and what a wonderful time we had. Jennifer was my WC and she was great....had one mishap but other than that it was amazing.. It rained the whole day there but to my luck and my mom and God watching down on us, it stopped raining 10 mins before our ceremony started. So we were able to have our wedding outside for the ceremony. We had the 40 mins catholic ceremony with Priest LaCaille, he was great btw, said a few jokes in between.... we were able to do our readings, our personal vows and our sand ceremony.... he even helped us set up the sand in the vase lol... We choose not to go with the ceremony decor coz it was like $700.00 more and since the gazebo was already sooo beautiful i didnt bother to add more but i did bring rose petals, yellow and turquoise. it started to rain just after our witnesses came up to sign so all our guests came into the gazebo and stood around us which was actually really nice and fitting as they stood around while we were signing our papers and blowing bubbles etc...we had 50 guests. for our photos by the way tropical pictures the resort photographer did an amazing job... they are expensive but they were really worth it. I had Franklin and Michael take my photos out, i got the gold package for the photos and ended up getting 250 proofs and a cd/dvd. I took the ultimate package which also included a 30 min dvd of the ceremony, that guy did a good job as well, my one big regret is not getting a video of our reception. If i could go back i totally would get this because when ur wedding ends all your left with are the photos and the videos....i mean the memories too but its always nice to look back and check them out...however price is a factor, i paid 2000.00 dollars for my 250 photos and we did not want to spend anymore for the video for the reception.... a helpful tip ladies, try to bring your own video camera and designate someone to take the video of the important events for your reception, like speaches, first dances, cake cutting, etc... The one mistake the wc made im sure u all are wondering is that i gave her a seating plan and they messed it up.... they put the most important table to me my family and my grooms family at the back and friends table in the front where my family was supposed to be.....when i saw that i was a bit upset and sad about it but i couldnt do anything at the time so i had to just ignore it and move on, i explained it to my family and they knew it was some kinda mistake.... a good time was had by all. We had a seated menu three course meal, the food was good we had gold menu, crab cakes were really good, then we decided to take a risk and get something authentic, so we got the dominican soup, it was amazing...., then we got the chicken supreme with crayfish stuffed inside, it was good but because it was chicken breast it was a bit dry, for dessert my hubby is a big tirimisu fan so we went with that, i dont normally like tirimisu but i loved this one. the wedding cake was awesome.....i mean out of this world good, the vanilla, dont bother getting chocolate coz if u eat the vanilla u feel like ur tasting a piece of heaven.....i brought all the decor down for the cake down to the square baking pans coz i really wanted a square cake.....it was all worth it....we got an almond flavour and a vanilla flavour and chocolate, three tier cake one tip dont forget to tell the wc to save u the cake after the wedding is done, coz we had two tiers left and they threw the cake out, the next day all our guest were asking if we saved the cake coz they wanted it.....as alot didnt get to taste it in the wedding reception as lots were going on..I spent $800.00 on the cake......so it was sad when i asked her about it the next day and they threw the whole thing out. I didnt hear the mariachi band but i heard from the guests they were good, for our entertainment we decided to go with DJ MANNIA, they were really good and i would recommend them to anyone......they really livened up the crowd and got everyone on the dance floor, i gave them a whole list of songs and certain specifications and they did a really good job....they are expensive as well $800.00 but it was sooooo worth the money i thought.... Neway dont know whatelse to write about, but if any of u have any questions or want to see some picks let me know and i will be happy to answer.... hope this helps..I know i was on this site sooo much for 9 months and it really helped me out so i want to return the favour for any brides to be.... I tried to upload photos but it kept saying errors
  8. Hello girls my day is fast approaching and I have to tell you all of you have been such a great support to me I tell everyone about this amazing site..... Im getting married on May 25,2011. I still havent finished my welcome brochures, last thing i have to do.....other than buying my wedding jewellry. I need some help from past brides who visited Dreams. I want to put a list of extentions for the resort in my brochure for example, spa, front desk, room service etc. Do any of you either have an idea of a list of different areas of the resort that you think i can include in this list and or the extentions?? i dont expect any one to have the extentions but if you can give me an idea of what areas to include in this list that would be very helpful. so far i have front desk spa room service gym ala carte reservation dr's office (i dont even know if they have one of these on the resort) restaurants Thanks girls
  9. love this dress who is the designer?? if i didnt already get mine i would have liked to try on yours : ) perfect look for a destination wedding with some bling
  10. Hi ladies glad to know this photographer stuff is sorted out for all of you. I would be pissed if i had got an external photographer and they pulled this : ) Ok so on another note, do any of you punta cana brides who have had catholic ceremonies have a sample of what your wedding programs look like.or have your itenary for events ?? have to set an itenary soon and Im all confused. even if you have a reception itenary so that i can see how y'all set things up and get some ideas of my own. thanks so much 58 days to go woo hoo....
  11. Hi has anyone on here had a catholic ceremony? if so can you pm me I have some questions. - is there a rule that the groom has to walk up the aisle right before the bride walks up coz we saw our priest here in canada and he told me that this is what the catholic church has to do. apparently the groom cannot stand at the alter like we've always seen before, he has to walk up with his parents right before the brides walk???? this really threw me off.....lol - also did you do a first reading, responsorial psalm and a second reading, and lastly a "lord hear our pray"?? - did you play a song while he was getting the bread and wine ready? and did you play a song while he was giving out communion? where u allowed to play a songs i mean?? - then lastly we want to say our own vows but also we would like to repeat the traditional vows after the priest and then play our recessional song in the end -also did you have to sign the register while the priest was there?? and what about the uniting of the candles or combining the sand when or did you do this........ sorry lots of questions for you catholic brides but i would love some help with this as Im very organized and I dont want any surprises the day off coz apparently there is no rehearsal and the first time i see the preist will be when i walk up the aisle??????
  12. hi sherri can you send me pictures as well i would love to see them [email protected] thanks.
  13. Hi Sherri, your photos look amazing would love to see the rest, Im getting married on may 25 and we have about 9 weeks left yikes.... i cant believe its almost here i feel there is sooo much to do Ive been getting kinda scared coz i really dont want it to rain. thanks for all the info about rooms etc. I hope its not that full when we are there but it just might be we have lots of weddings going on that week. did you have a catholic ceremony.......
  14. ok so i went to my florist today and changed my colour. I choose the yellow coz i loved it that much... crazy eh!! thank you sooo much for sending me your beautiful photos Im really happy with my choice and its coz of your photos i changed the colour. and i m really glad i did.
  15. wow i loved your photos i esp liked how u picked the yellow flowers with ur bm's turquoise dresses. my girls dresses are turquoise but im giving them ivory and turquoise flowers. hmmm now after seeing your yellow i might do a switch : )
  16. Amazing job Melanie, you are sooo creative, not like me lol. if you still have the templates i would love to see them, pls pm me thx
  17. does any one have photos of their grooms men with vests? or suspendars?
  18. hi where did you order your raincoats from ? how much were they?
  19. hi ladies what are your groomsmen wearing.
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