The truth of the matter is... its something you can't control as our last April showed and it rained for a week SOLID! Not a single day of sunshine and constant downpour!!! I don't claim to be an expert on the matter as I defer to the weather stations and news to find out what is happening, or better yet happend! They mess it up more than half the time! haha I think the experts are actually monkeys opening up bananas that have "Sunny" or "Rain" pieces of paper in them. Most times it reads rain here and its sunny day after day. This is a fantastic thread though... because as Matt & Sol, Medina and Lori and I have shown over and over... storms can bring out the best in your wedding and the best of your photographer! We should actually start a "Storm Thread"... so we can see wonderful pictures that we were able to capture. What most brides dread... those with talent behind the lens are able to turn into a piece of art that they can enjoy forever!