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Everything posted by delgadot

  1. Thank you Imuze for sharing the pictures of the resort! I love the fact that you captured the small details like what the hallways to the guest suites look like!! The pictures were awesome and beautiful I might add!
  2. Thanks Caprice35!! I hope children under 4 are free! that would save me some money!!
  3. This is a neat idea I am planning a site visit to Monetgo Bay in May so I may have to add a stop to the Touist Office to the agenda and see if I can get the booklets for my guest. Thank you for the info!
  4. Thank you so much ladies for posting your travel rates it really helps give me at least an idea of what the rates may be for my guests in 2012. I have a question are children under the age of 4yrs old free at the resort? I notice that your rates only say kids 4-12yrs. I am asking because there will be two kids on my guest list who will be 2 years old (one of them being my daughter and I had been wanting to know if I would have to pay for her to stay at the resort since I do have to buy her a plane ticket.) Thanks!
  5. Thanks eholt! I know I have already told myself I probably wont hear back from her for a week or so, hopefully no longer then that:( My TA works with Funjet vacations and I am happy with her as well. I've only had a total of 8 people book but they have all enjoyed speaking with her. I think if you use a TA that goes through Funjet, you are doing good. The price match option is pretty great!
  6. Okay Ladies so I just faxed and e-mailed Nicole the wedding request form to set our date. How did she notify you to confirm your wedding date? Did she e-mail, call or mail you the confirmation? Thanks!
  7. We are going to be inviting about 100 people but I am expecting between 50-60 to actually come!!
  8. Hello Caprice35!! Yes we all live very close to each other!! Thank you for the advice on the travel agent!!
  9. Yes we live very close to each other! My wedding is not until July 2012! I am just getting a very head start on planning. I am a huge planner!!
  10. Oh wow I am so sorry to hear that:( But you have a great attitude because you are right your day will still be special!!
  11. That is a great question KimmyG.... How far in advance are you ladies planning on going to the courthouse before leaving for your destination wedding? I would like to do it as close to when we leave as possible. But would I need to bring the legal paperwork with me to the resort in order for them to do the blessing ceremony? How long does the paperwork take?....I have got some homework to do... Thanks ladies!!
  12. My wedding is not until July 2012 but I am planning on sending out our STD's along with a letter with the resort/travel agent info in July 2011(so one year in advance) and then I am planning on sending out the official invitations in January 2012 with a RSVP date of March 2012 and then once I know exactly who is coming I plan on sending out pre-travel brochures 1 month before we leave only to the guests who are coming. That is my timeline I hope it works out that smooth!
  13. My wedding is not until July 2012 and just like you I have already started the planning process. I tell myself that right now its all about gathering the ideas!(mainly from this forum) and then I figured 1 year before our actual date is when I will start to actually book everything but at least by the time I am ready to book I will have all of my ducks in a row and know exactly what I want!! So it's never to early you will just be very prepared!!
  14. Oh wow I am happy that it worked out. I have to agree with how you felt originally,my FI and I wanted to choose a destination/resort no one in our family had visited before. We wanted this experience to be a new one for everyone!!
  15. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason! What an awesome story!
  16. I agree with everything you ladies have said!!! We have to keep reminding ourselves it is OUR day!!!and watch the end result people will be thanking us for having a destination wedding because it will be the best wedding experience they have ever had!
  17. Great to hear! I am so happy for you!!!
  18. Our wedding is not until July 2012 but I am a huge planner so I am getting a head start:) This forum has given me so many great ideas I would have never even thought of, it has been awesome soaking it all in. I really like Iberostar Rose Hall Suites but I had found another venue called Hummingbird Hall in Montego Bay that kind of has my attention too, so hopefully our site visit will confirm which one we will go with:)
  19. Thank you so much for this info, this was a huge issue for me too. At first I was thinking about just leaving it up to my guest to schedule their travel arrangements but after doing more homework it seems better to hook up with a travel agent to keep things more organizes. Can you tell me what company you are going through? Thanks!
  20. We had said from the start of our wedding talk that our song would be "You" by Jesse Powell then literally a few months later we were at my cousin's wedding and that was the song they danced too so now my FI said its been done..urgh... I am so sad because that song was perfect so at this point we are not sure:(
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