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Everything posted by Amanda+Dave

  1. Thanks We are meeting with the TA next week, so hopefully she can quell any of his fears about crime. I am thinking Panama is a top contender at this time. Has everything we want ... sandy beaches, rain forest, attractions
  2. Hi Brandee I'm also a newbie here. Haven't made as much progress as you. Still trying to figure out where we are going to get married. Congratulations and happy planning.
  3. I was trying to follow the shred as well as running every morning before we got engaged. Then we got a puppy, and I felt bad locking him up for any longer than he has to be (we both work during the day). So I stopped running and doing the Shred. Then we got engaged, and I tried to get back into the Shred, but we have had crazy hot weather lately, and no AC. So that was impossible. Have been walking the dog every day, but I am not in the shape that I was a few months ago and need to get motivated again. I think once we set a date and pick a location, that will be the motivation I need. I have dreamed of trying on wedding dresses for years, and now that I can actually do it, I want to make sure I look my best. When I was doing the Shred I was seeing results, which is why I will go back to it. Just need to wait until this damn heat passes. Good luck to every one else shredding out there.
  4. Just got engaged three weeks ago and haven't yet settled on a destination. We are going to see my TA/cousin next week, so hopefully we will have a good idea then. Panama is one destination I just came across, and so far, I love what I have seen. My fiance's one concerns is crime ... he seems to think Panama is a dangerous country, but I have read otherwise. Anyone able to soothe those fears?
  5. Those look great. We haven't even picked a location yet, but I have bookmarked like a hundred different save the date cards and invitations.
  6. I think I flagged that dress in one of my wedding magazines. Looks beautiful. Love, love, love the shoes. Everything looks great!
  7. Thanks everyone. I have already found so many ideas. So glad I found this forum. I will certainly be looking for lots more ideas here.
  8. Hi everyone, I have been with my fiancee for 7-1/2 years, and while I waited for my ring, we had always said we wanted to do a destination wedding. Well, finally, on Saturday, July 3, he proposed at my favourite place, Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada. So now goes the planning, haven't really figured anything out just yet. Going to see my cousin/travel agent next week and will have a better clue about the location. We had originally wanted Costa Rica, but for personal reasons, have decided against it. I am really liking what I have seen of Panama, but not 11 per cent on that. I am open to any suggestions from destination brides. We are concerned with price only because we want as many people to come as possible and would like to keep guest travel around $1,000-$1,500. Not sure what destinations fall in that category.
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