Hi everyone,
I have been with my fiancee for 7-1/2 years, and while I waited for my ring, we had always said we wanted to do a destination wedding.
Well, finally, on Saturday, July 3, he proposed at my favourite place, Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada.
So now goes the planning, haven't really figured anything out just yet. Going to see my cousin/travel agent next week and will have a better clue about the location.
We had originally wanted Costa Rica, but for personal reasons, have decided against it.
I am really liking what I have seen of Panama, but not 11 per cent on that.
I am open to any suggestions from destination brides.
We are concerned with price only because we want as many people to come as possible and would like to keep guest travel around $1,000-$1,500. Not sure what destinations fall in that category.