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Everything posted by karlyeny

  1. Hello all : Â I have read in other threads that you can have a private reception at the Plantation restaurant in Ror for the cost of $1000 renting it for 4 hours, but i read also in all the posts that the cost for a private reception is $55p/p , thats when i get confused : Â Is it $1000 and that includes your open bar , dj and meal for the 4 hours for all of your guests or you have to pay on top of that the fee of $55 ,, does that make sense ? Â Sooo confused,, : (
  2. Oh my !!! Im positive im also taking this airline,, i want to know too,, i have soo much to bring !
  3. Thank you so much! Now the more i look at your pics im more and more inclined to the beach party after the meal,, lol. Im still undecided about the florist, i contacted floral fantasy and their prices are a lot cheaper than tai, but im not sure about the vendors fee at ocho rios,, ive been reading here and i get more and more confused, i guess ill have to wait until the WC decides to reply my emails. My wedding is like 7 months away and im already stressed, lol ,, did the same happened to you , im also working with Antonette, hope everything goes as smoothly as yours did. Â Cheers, Â Yeny
  4. Your pics and decor are amazing,, what a beautiful wedding ! Im thinking i will have about 40 people coming all together for april 11/2010. I also chose ocho rios and i have the date and location booked. I want a private reception and have a couple of questions for you : 1- How did you choose the locations for your reception , just by reading this forum ? This second question is rather personal , you just answer if you want to : 2- How much did you pay Tai Flora at the end for all of your decor,, im doing a beach theme wedding and my colors are also white and blue,, similar to yours. 3- If you added so many extras,, why did you choose the Caprice Package and was there any advantages to it ? Thank you in advance, your response will definitely help me.. decisions,, decisiions...
  5. Hello CsandCK : So exciting! I will be able to meet some of you girls at the resort ,, isnt that awesome ! As per the planning goes : All i have confirmed so far its the ceremony date : April 5/2011 at 5pm at the beach gazebo ( location ). I have requested some info and brochures for the decoration and such. I am still unsure if i will have a private reception or not but theres loooottts of info in here with all of that ,, it has been great, so far what i do is search ror and i read all the threads that interest me. one night i stayed up until 1am just reading reviews and comments that could help me. WE dont have a definite amount of guests so far, but i figure max 30. I have done the reservation of the room with our TA and he has secured 30 seatson the plane for us,, so we shall see.. what about you ,, how are you doing on the planning side ? Cheers Yeny
  6. Hello Sheila : Congratulations and welcome to the forum ! I am also in Canada in Ottawa, Ontario and i will be getting married at ROr on April 5/2011, a month before you or so,, happy planning girl !
  7. Hello there : Are you surprised or what on the amount of weddings for 2011 , it sure looks like the year when most of the forum girls will get hitched. I will tie the k not on April 5/2011 Location : Riu Ocho Rios,, Jamaica Nice to meet you all !
  8. We are almost date and place twins! I'm waiting to get my date for ROR confirmed for April 4/2011! Either way, we will both be at ROR at the same time. We are there from 03/27/11 - 04/11/11. How exciting! That is sooo coool !! Any other info at this point ? On my side the WC confirmed my location, so beach gazebo it is.. Its probably going to be just a few people , i calculate 15-20 max... what about you ? Small group , large group,, tell me more about you! Yeny
  9. Thank you Ocho Rios bride ! I have also emailed my WC to get info on all the packages ( whats on the website its not enough info for me , lol ). Still do not have a response, although i must say i usually get one within a week or so.. not too bad, taking into account my wedding is not until April ( and shes only supposed to contact you 3 months prior to the wedding ). I want to know more of the decor that is included at this point i think i will go buy a wedding collection decor i found at party packagers and bring it with me , as per what i hear from other brides this would probably be my cheapest option... : ( i know what you mean, i also was inclined to get the caprice package,, because my thoughts were that if i pay this amount of money everything like decor music, private reception and such would be covered,, but its true what you are saying everyone says something different,,, anyhow , let me know when you get an answer and i will definitely let you know when i get mine,, Cheers Yeny
  10. Your pics are absolutely gorgeous ,, i do not think i will be getting any pro pics myself but now that i see yours i really want some (( I have one like your DH not photographie like , lol. Just for fun, and if you dont mind me asking,, how much did the package cost you ,, and can you send me her contact info just in case ,,, ? Thank you Yeny
  11. Hey ocho rios bride,, one more question i forgot to ask ? : ))) How much are you paying for the Caprice package, and how well decorated everything is ,, are pics included,, and video,, give me some details,, sorry,, that was like a thousand questions instead of one,, anyhow,, if you have time to write me a little about what is covered for you on this ,, id appreciate it. Cheers Yeny
  12. Hello Ochoriosbride , jaja, love your username! should have thought of that one ,,, : ) Unfortunately i do not have an answer and now i m REALLY confused. As per all the posts i have read , all the ladies went with the free package because theres no maximum amount of people that you can have ( minimum of 5 rooms booked is required though ) and then did all the upgrades . What i have read is the following : Free ceremony : almost no decoration as i can see in the pics, most of the ladies have hired Tai Flora to do all the decor and flowers , or brought some decor from home and arrange for a family member / friend to help them set it up. Semi private reception included at one of the specialty restos. For private reception ( DRinks only $55 /person and another $15/person for open bar) You can select your location but it will cost you an extra $500. I do not know where the $1000 comes from ,, maybe is just to serve the food outside of the restaurant, wherever it is you choose to have your private reception ? Sorry if i am confusing you more,, i really do not know and will definitely ask my WC at Riu. But when you know PLEASE PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW ! Cheers and nice to meet you fellow Canadian... Yeny
  13. its true, dispite everything you look beautiful, and like everyone said keep on emailing them if you are not getting a response,,, make sure you also keep copies of all communication with them, just in case you want to go legal...
  14. What a beautiful wedding,, this is my way too, go wigh flow ,, just have a good time and get married too! The flower satin tip is awesome,, thank you! i was thinking of doing this too.
  15. Thank you for your advice, this is what i was thinking about,, we already will have paid the hefty fee of an all inclusive resort, it just does nt make sense to me to spend this much more money if we are such a small group. And i notice you are from Canada too, nice to meet you !
  16. I joined this site a couple of days ago and im loving it ! Thank you all for all your wealth of knowledge and information , it is great since we have to basically plan ourselves details on reception and so forth. I have been reading a lot , but i have a very specific question. We are going to the ROR and im still not sure about the private reception , since as per my count so far we will only be about 12 or 15 people . What other things are there to do after the meal to enjoy ourselves without having to pay the $55/ person and then $15 more for open bar ?? Thank you in advance,,, Yeny
  17. User name : yenykarl Name : Yeny Wedding: April 5/2011 at 5pm ( confirmed ) Location : Trying to get the beach gazebo Hotel : Riu Ocho Rios I love this site !
  18. Hello ladies : My fiancee and I will be getting married in April 2011. At this point we have booked the date and time of the ceremony, we are yet to contact the Wedding coordinator to book the location. I better do that fast since i see they book pretty fast. My TA was able to get me $1499 + 177.89 Cad for double occupancy. I thought it was high but i realize that is fairly good comparing prices with you guys. I can not wait for this special day, im just not sure about the package i would like to take, although i think it can be changed in the last minute. Anyhow, now off to introduce myself : Name : Yeny Canadian , but born in Cuba ( not travelling there for my marriage for many reasons ) Wedding date : April 5/2011 at 5pm. Happy planning all,, this site is amazing !
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