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Everything posted by Meggers7484

  1. Oh brandy that is cute! I am outta time with the ordering though. We're headed to Detroit this weekend to shop and visit FI's family so I'll definitely be hitting a VS store!! Laura they have really cute bandeau tops in store at VS square one! They are $30, not bad for no shipping!!
  2. Brandy I bought it too, in black! I wanted it in white but it was out. I'm home sick today so I have lots of time to creep around on here! I tried starting a few of my craft projects today, but nothing I touch is working. I'm going to take a deep breath, step away from the craft table and try again later!
  3. I am an awful liar too and FI is also a cop so it's a bad combo! I scheduled the shoot during the work day so FI will assume I'm at the office! I have to pack everything tonight while he's at work and stash it in my trunk. I am also stealing one of his shirts, a tie and his dress watch so I hope he doesn't notice!!
  4. Brandy do they have it back in now? I ordered it in black a few months back but I habit picked it up from my friends po box yet, I get to this weekend though!! I also pick up the cover up Laura posted in white!
  5. Oops never mind! I just went to check the site and it's been shut down!!!! Ugh shopping in Canada SUCKS!!! You could always check Aldo or Spring there are tons of gladiators out this season.
  6. Thanks for the support ladies! On the plus side my all chicken noodle soup diet isn't all that fattening! Lesee try the Canadian Zappos site. I got satin platform wedges that go around my ankle on there.
  7. Tiera your stuff looks perfect!!! Beautiful job!!! I just noticed from your menu how close your day is getting!!! How are you feeling? Stressed? Nervous? Excited? All of the above?? Despite my best efforts I am still sick - really sick. I had to stay home from work today. It sucks because I haven't been able to work out and my bd shoot is tomorrow! I tried doing yoga last night and felt like garbage. now I'm going to look like a dough ball for my bd I hope I feel well enough by tonight go at least get an ab workout in. Thank goodness for air brushing!!
  8. Brandy that cake is awesome!! I'm so happy you had a great time and were spoiled!! Tris that is so cute!!! FI sent me an email money transfer the other day and addressed it to Mrs. Kane (new last name) I also had to sign up for a seminar I'll be attending after the wedding so I used my new name, and they called looking for Mrs. Kane. I loved it!!!! I already got a new conference name tag with Kane on it, I can't wait for my new business cards!!!
  9. Thanks ladies! My manicorn (what I call my too good to be real FI) went to the store and stocked me up on honey, echinacea tea, neo citron, cold effex, lozenges and soup! Now for a long night of snuggling into the couch to try and beat this! Kiwi best of luck and have sp much fun!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!!!!
  10. I'm freaking out a bit myself, my BD shoot is Tuesday and I'm getting a cold! My throat is killing me! I hope it doesn't progress into full blown goobery mess stage by Tuesday!!!!!
  11. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that!!! Good for you for sticking to your guns and taking it instead to someone you know you can trust. It sucks now but in the end you will have a beatiful, perfect dress to showcase your new body!!
  12. The mat leave thing is a great call! We leave on a Tuesday and since the trip is over Easter I have a bonus day in there, so I just took the Monday off to make it a full two weeks. I plan on using the Monday to do all of my pampering - waxing, mani/pedi, maybe even my zoom whitening.
  13. Don't forget about the justice of the peace or officiant, and ceremony decor/set up. I'm not sure what Barcelo does for private parties, but I know they've doen them because I've seen some bride have a welcome or rehersal dinner set up on the beach. Another good website for Barcelo info is the Unofficial Barcelo Maya website. They have a discussion board on there with just about everything you would need to know about having a wedding there.
  14. That's definitely a toughie, and I'm sure your FI is sensitive about it. I would be frustrated too and I definitely feel the "taking on someone else's burdens" thing. I think that if you do talk to FI you need to be very, very delicate with how you approach it. You won't be able to change his family, so all you can change it how you see it I guess. Money is fluid. Try to picture the money from your parents as the money for your wedding, and any money you give to his parents as being from your FI's own pocket. You will only feel more emotional if you picture it as being ted to your hard working and generous parents.
  15. Ladies.... this is it.... my 150th post!!!! So happy I get to share it with my April Ladies!!
  16. What an incredible wedding. Everything was stunning and your attention to detail was amazing! I'm sure your guests are still talking about it!
  17. Mocha I'm sorry to hear that. Though traditionally, it is the bride's parents that contribute to the wedding, so you shouldn't feel bad about that. They did it for your sister and I'm sure it would mean a lot to them to do it for you too. Don't think of it as going to your in laws, it's going toward your wedding. By tradition your in laws are responsible for the rehersal dinner, and really thats about it.
  18. Tish and Tris, you both look WAY better than the models!!! Tris that was such a good call on the neckline.
  19. Laura have you tried Winners? I bought about ten bandeau bikinis there last year throughout the season. I checked the stock here in Oakville last week but it was kinda flimsy, they should start getting in more now though.
  20. Thanks Laura! I just hope my brain goes back to normal after the wedding! I'm lucky I have amazing bosses, they say they actually expected me to be worse! One of my bosses wives took a year off work to plan their wedding. How nice would that be? Although they did invite 1000 people to their wedding... but still!!
  21. Oh Jeez, at this rate I'll be reaching my 150 today! But Erin I am doing both props and the whiteboard! I ordered mustache kits from Oriental Trading ($3!!), and I purchased a whiteboard from Michaels. I also picked up some red and black foam board and am going to *attempt* to make lips on a stick as well. I made hand held signs as well that say things like "Woot Woot", "Happily Ever After", "Introducing the Mr and Mrs" and "Game Over".
  22. Sorry to smut up the thread with so many posts but I thought I would share my adorable ring holder!! It is from the amazing Etsy seller aphroditescanvas
  23. Tris that is awesome on the flowers! I love hydrangeas!! But in Mex they can be hard to track down. My BD shoot is on Tuesday (I can't believe it came so fast!!) so a lot of my weekend will involve prep for that. Weekend list ~Lingerie shop for BD shoot - started last night but so far not much luck! I'll be heading to VS tonight and hopefully I can find something. ~Gym, tan, gym. ~Shop for clothes for trip ~Mani/Pedi ~Place my final vistaprint order (actually) ~Test run the table set up with centrepieces. ~Print and laminate King's Cup rules for Oot's. ~Order labels for cards, first aid kits, survival kits and name card tags
  24. Laura that's awesome that you snagged that! They didn't have it at the outlet I was at. They had another cute one, but it was $40. I can't justify that for a cover up! Do any of you find that you are suffering from "bride brain"? My boss actually has caught on to it and now uses it everytime someone in our office does something ditzy!! I feel like there is so much going on in my head at any given time that things are started to fall off my plate! I'm a project manager at work so handling a million details at a time is what I do, but with all the wedding details plus all my work details I think I may lose my mind! lol! Last night I left the lights on in my car over night. In my garage. Nose first. It was a real nice suprise to wake up to this morning considering we didn't own jumper cables!!! Oy.
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