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Everything posted by Meggers7484

  1. Wow!! Three 70lb bags is awesome!!! We upgraded to club class with West Jet because they allow us 88 pounds to check each, and up to 33 pounds of carry on each. We're going for two weeks too and I could EASILY pack 88 pounds just in clothes! EEK! I am a notorious over packer, and for a dude FI doesn't exactly pack light either. SO imagine my suprise when my TA tells me a month ago that we got downgraded to their sub carrier (CanJet) that only allows 35 lbs each of checked baggage!!! Plus they have no first class cabin and isn't all you can drink!!! I threw a fit and ended up having to move our trip ahead by three days so we could get a REAL Transat flight. I just can't believe they can do that to you!
  2. Brandy have you checked Etsy? I want a custom one but the one I want is $50! On the plus side though, it can also be used as a Christmas tree ornament, which I think is so special. On another note, I have my first dress fitting today!!! I totally lucked out and found a lady though one of my coworkers who is a seamstress at a bridal salon during the day, but takes clients from her home in the evenings at way cheaper prices!!! I want to explain to her that I will still be losing about 6 pounds so the dress should be a but small, but I feel like she must hear that all the time!!
  3. Hey Nic! I'm flying transat as well and have ugraded to club class. Did they hang your dress in a closet for you or did they make you put it in the overhead bin?
  4. Glad to help! It really is one of the most fun drinking games. If you google you'll be able to find a list of the rules.
  5. WOW ladies those pics are AWEOME!!!! I can't wait too see more!!! Tris I would love to see the rest of the pics, I need some bd inspiration!!!
  6. lol, Mocha I can just see the chamber maid at the hotel picking up the iron and wondering what went on there!! Thank goodness for walmart!!! >
  7. That is bizzare!!!! I hope your FI said HELL NO!!
  8. I don't think people quite realize that we're spending a lot of money on this wedding. Between the booze cruz, the welcome bags, favours and the extra $70/ per person for the reception we are spending well over $200 per person! I don't want to spend $200 each for random people to show up at our wedding!
  9. Oh and our group is close enough that everyone knows who was asked to stand in the wedding. I actually had on gf get really offended that I didn't ask her and she would have even up the party but I am just not about filler. I asked the people who I knew should be up there with me, and no one extra.
  10. Pinky, I'm not too worried about it. I was for a while but part of having a destination wedding is dealing with the stress of whether or not people can make it. I actually meant GM's not BM's - my lovely bm's booked months ago. It's FI's stupid buddies that are holding out. My philosophy is - the people that matter will be there. They will find a way and I have enough on my plate without having to worry about their issues. Our resort actually did sell out. There are two other lower end resorts on our property that the stragglers will have to book at, even though if you're staying at the lower resorts you aren't allowed at the higher one with the rest of us. So they've pretty much screwed themselves already and will now be spending their time at the crappier resorts by themselves. But again, we warned them and it's not our problem!! If I sound harsh it isn't because I don't recognize the sacrifice of time and money everyone is making, because I really, truly do. But our wedding is 63 days away and some people still haven't booked, knowing full well it stresses us out. If it were me, I would never put my friends (and myself!) through that worry over the small chance I'll save a couple hundred bucks.
  11. Oh and I agree with the girls saying to let your friend who is planning handle it... We are having my stagette while we're in Mex for the wedding which leaves me in the akward spot of not being sure what to do with the gf's on FI's side. Some of them I like and some of them I don't so I just told my bm's who I did and did not want there and if any of the girls who are left out say anything I'll be blaming my bm's! Sneaky... but that's what bm's are for!
  12. Bahahaha Kitty, that is hilarious. Brandy, it sounds like you found a great way to stay neutral by pointing out the lack of room in the limo!! I really don't understand why some people think it's ok to invite random people to wedding activities. My sister tried to invite this random skeezy guy she occasionally sleeps with to the WEDDING! I was like....ya NOT HAPPENING!! And then on of our GM's told, not asked - told, us that he is bringing one of his buddies we don't even know to the wedding for the whole week... WTF?? We had to quash that pretty quick too. What is it with people... this isn't a kegger - it's a wedding!!
  13. We're trying to add some personal touches to the bags by adding things that mean something to us as a couple. For example my fi and I met in Cancun during spring break and that week we played a lot of the drinking game king's cup. So we're printing out the rules of the game on our wedding letter head and laminating them, and including an explaination of why the game is special. My fi also worked at a casino for a long time, so we're getting playing cards from that casino to include in the bags. Fi is now a police officer so we're think adding in some fake hand cuffs might be fun. We're also including pool floaties and bubba kegs - also reminiscent of that fateful spring break!
  14. Great thread! For the girls I'm getting custom clutches like this one, but with a gunmetal grey base and teal and green flowers to match the wedding colours http://www.etsy.com/listing/56826436/pale-yellow-gray-black-flower-bridesmaid I'm also getting them pearl earrings and bracelets, and a silk bathrobe along with some little Knick knacky things like purse hangers, body butter etc. I also plan to write them each a letter about what it means to me to have them in my life. Oh and we paid for their dresses. For my mom, I got her a mother of the bride tank and matching tote, and will be taking her to the spa the day before the wedding. For gm's we'll be getting them nice leather sandals and fi will be taking them on a zip line adventure tour. Hope that helps!!!
  15. If it makes you feel any better, I actually prefer uneven bridal parties! I purposely chose fewer bm's than my fi did groomsman. It sucks about the group rate, but isn't there anyone isn't in the bridal party that can room with your other bm? September is a long way away. Your bm may want to bring a significant other with them by then! Our bm's are doing the same thing and holding out on booking to try and get a better deal. They say they'll be there, and I am leaving it to them to make sure they are!!
  16. I found perfect bm dresses on Forever 21.com for less than $25!!! So I was happy to pay for those, and will be getting them their custom jewelry and clutches as their gifts. The groomsman weren't so lucky, they will need to spend about $150 on their attire, but realistically they would have spent that on a tux rental at home, at least these clothes they get to keep!!
  17. Wow Tris congrats!!! That's awesome!!!!!
  18. Laura that is awesome!! Free is definately better and it is great to have the option of having it outside! Regardless it must be a relief to you and your FI to hear an apology and explaination for the in-laws behaviour.
  19. Hi Jenna! Someone posted a link to the price list today on the Unofficial Barcelo Maya Website. Here is the link to the thread: http://www.unofficial-barcelo-maya.com/forum/index.php?topic=24642.0
  20. Queen Diva ~ Happy Birthday! I love your bout and hairpieces!!! I wish I was that crafty, I ordered feather hair pieces for each of my BM's from etsy. Laura ~ That logo is awesome.... your guests can totally use them again without being a walking billboard for your wedding, which is perfect. Brandy ~ I hear you on the list girl. I have a colour coded excel spreadsheet with all of the things left to do, and I'm afraid to open it! Kathy ~ I'm getting the fusion hair extensions put in on March 8th. I'll let you know how it goes! I haven't booked an eyelash appt yet but I'll keep you posted on that too. I didn't get thorugh everything on my to do list for the weekend, but I did do a couple things that weren't on the list so I think it balances out. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!
  21. Prima and Lisa ~ I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace. It's in Puerto Adventuras. I'm not sure how far it is from your resort, but once I figure out what stuff I'll be leaving behind I'll definitely let you know!!! Mocha~ Those bikini bottoms are amazing. I'm waiting for all of the iron ons I've ordered for myself and my girls to come in. I can't wait to see how they turn out! Tris~ I am so glad you enjoyed your BD shoot!!! I hope you'll share a teaser pic with us! Did you end up finding all of the outfits you wanted?
  22. Hey Lisa! I just realized we'll both be in the Mayan at the same time! I actually leave Mexico on your wedding day! And Ivan Luckie is my photog too! I wonder if we're bringing down any similar items, maybe there are some things I can leave there for you! I think I am going to buy vases when I get there, but I'm going to bring down some little white buckets for favors etc. I'm also bringing down paper lanterns in teal and lime. What are your wedding colors?
  23. Mocha~ if you already have sensitive teeth than you're probably better off with the home stuff anyway! They make great at home treatments now a days and there are often groupons for at home kits too! I picked up some whitestrips for when I go to the tanning salon. Just put them on before you get in the tanning bed and you're good to go! One of my bm's has the whitest teeth I've ever seen and she swears by it! This may be old news but you girls should check out Group Buy United. It's a site that lists the deals from all of the groupon type deals fir the day in one place! Tris~ congrats on the ring AND the place. I can't even imagine wedding planning and house hunting at the same time... They're both so stressful! Best of luck with the offer process, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  24. Thanks Lisa and Mocha! We actually bought a Groupon for it about 6 months ago. The group on included a free consultation to ensure we're candidates so that is what I plan to book this weekend. I want to get it done as close to the wedding as possible. Did they tell you how long it lasts for? I've read that using a sensitivity toothpaste leading up to your appointment can help with the pain. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with all the appointments coming up!
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