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Everything posted by Meggers7484

  1. I second that my fi got his and his groomsman's attire at Le Chateau. Their men's stuff tends to be very fashion forward and relatively inexpensive.
  2. There appears to be an issue with the barcelo maya brides thread: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/21746/barcelo-maya-palace-brides-post-here-d/2250# When you try to reply to a post or post a post, a duplicate of the main navigation menu appears to the right of the page with a System Error message. Can someone look into this please? Thanks so much!!!
  3. Mocha... 9 West FOR SURE!!! They are gorgeous!!! Tropical, sexy and sophisticated all in one.
  4. Wow you girls have been busy!!! Tenny those pics are awesome!! Lua I'm sorry about your bonus and I hear ya. I went through so much with my company this year including doing the work of three people for 5 months while they found more candidates. I thought a big Christmas bonus was coming my way but instead I got a fancy bottle of wine and a Keg gift card. That's nice and all but what I needed was some $$$!!! Oh and I'm a project manager at a marketing firm. Lisa it's great that they pay for your gas and tolls!! Grey's I agree... Etsy is definitely the best!!! Although it did increase my wedding budget by quite a bit!! Whats everyone's weekend to dos? I need to place my final order with vista print and do my oriental trading order this weekend. Today I made my appointments for cutting and coloring my hair extensions and set up the consultation for my zoom whitening. I've set up a personal google calendar to keep track of all my appointments and set up a budget spreadsheet for personal expenses like cosmetics, clothes, shoes etc that I'll need for the trip. It was a pretty scary total!!!
  5. I'm so glad it worked out for you! I'm not going to share any names only because if they search themselves on this thread I don't want them to see it. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or deter any other brides from booking them.
  6. Kitty, I definitely hear you!! It can all get very overwhelming. I think starting your planning thread now is a great idea. I also find that making organized lists really helps. Getting it all captured somewhere should help ease your mind. Ladies I am totally freaking out right now. I switched photogs once already and now I want to do it again!! I can't though because we will not only lose the deposit but the whole cost of the first photographer!!! Photography was THE biggest decision for me and I SO spent time researching it but somehow I missed this other photographer who's pricing is reasonable and his stuff is amazing. Now I am really uspet and I don't know what to do.
  7. Brandy I love that song! I think it's beautiful. Lisa I think it's cute that your FI would sit there and stuff organza bags full of petals!! Not the most manly of tasks so I'm impressed! lol! My FI would do it if I asked him, but I would be sworn to secrecy. I think I'm turning him into a bit of a girl though, between all of the wedding stuff, Grey's Anatomy and the Bachelor he's come out with a few girly comments that have now become ongoing jokes! I think I may need to get him a wedding dress...
  8. Thanks Grey's! I got them from Etsy seller NovaofLove. She has been incredible start to finish. She fully customized those puppies until they were absolutely perfect!!! The flowers are removable so I'm definitely hoping they can use them after the wedding, with the flowers or without. I'm sorry to hear about your sister!! When is your AHR?
  9. No We're flying Transat. We got every 21st person free, but there needs to be a minimum of 25 people in our group to qualify. I feel you on the Dress thing... Transat is saying that I will need to put it in the over head, despite the fact that we upgraded to first class in part because we wanted to hang it in the first class closet. Well I find out recently that they don't have a first class closet... great. I think I may get my FI to work his dimple magic and get the flight attendants to hang it in the captain's closet. They did it for me when I flew from Vancouver to Toronto with my dress. Wedding Coordinator emails are GREAT!! I didn't hear from mine for over 4 months. Finally last week I sent her a nasty gram telling her that my mom will be there next week and will be coming to get the answers to my questions... suddenly I got a response!!
  10. Hello Lovlies!! I'm swamped at work today but my BM's clutches and my clutch are ready and I'm just SO FRIKEN EXCITED about them I have to share!! The theme of our wedding is vintage whimsy, and the girls will each have a peacock feather hair piece (which came in last week and are gorgeous). Here they are!!
  11. Hahahah you ladies are funny, I think it's something in the Y Chromosome that makes nothing a big deal... well nothing but the budget!! FI finally realized this weekend how close it is, and started working on our playlist (it's his one job). And it seems as though I have the opposite problem with the late guests... One of my girlfriends was offered a job in Africa last week, and leaves March 15!! So she now can't make it, which means she loses her deposit but also that we were now one short of the 25 people who needed to book through our agent to get our free trip!! I was freaking out on Friday, since we could really use that $1600!!! Then it turned out that they weren't counting Shawn and I and I argued with them that it should and I think we worked it out... PHEW!! I was about to kill the 10 people who didn't use our agent, for costing us all that $$$! lol!
  12. Haha too funny.... I have the same dress too!!! I am making a ton of alterations to it though.... I have to agree about the great taste part!!
  13. Wow Kitty that is intense!! I admire your motivation!!! Please remember not to push yourself too hard though, my fi has been doing p90x and was having great results but pushed too hard and hurt his back. He has now had to stop working out all together for the last week, which has put him behind his fitness schedule. I'm pretty proud of myself though, I've made it to the gym 6 out of the last 7 days!!
  14. Sorry for so many posts but I forgot to mention that Bath and Body Works has their yummy little hand sanis on for 5 for $5. We got lime margarita scent for the boys, and assorted girly scents for the ladies.
  15. Oh and two more finds I came across this weekend: A wedding planning app for my iPad called 2 for Couples Wedding - it's amazing. I had to pay $5 for it but it was worth every penny!!! Made doing my seating chart and day of schedule a breeze!! And in the March issue of Brides there is an article called "why being engaged makes you mental". I'm not sure if you girls have been feeling like you're losing your minds but I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed lately!! This article really nailed it and helped me realize that I need to relax a bit. It felt good to see I'm not alone!
  16. Oh and I have to share my awesome haul from dollarama! I've been fighting with discount mugs for weeks over the tote bags I had ordered from them. There was a glitch in their site that let me order bags that were actually out of stock. So we went to dollarama at square one to look for aloe (no luck) and pool floaties (also no luck) but we did find PERFECT tote bags that I like way better than the ones I was going to order and they were only $2 each!!! I am placing an order from oriental trading today and have been adding stuff to my cart there all week. One item I had added was galvanized steel pails for my centre pieces. While we were at the dollar store I came across the same pails for only $2 each - half the price of the ones from oriental trading!!! YAY!! I thought I would share in case any other ladies are looking for those items!! I loves me some deals!!
  17. Brandy-those towels and bikini bags are brilliant!! Your girls will love them! Tenny- best of luck tomorrow!!! Your FI will eat his words when he finds out what they're for!! I'm hiding all my bd stuff at my office so my fi doesn't find it!
  18. Congrats Tris!!!!! That is SO exciting!!!
  19. Such a small world!! "The girls are out to Bingo and the boys are gettin' stinko...on a Sudbury Saturday Night!!!" lol!!!
  20. Lisa you're from Sudbury???? ME TOO!!! I was born there but moved to Vancouver when I was 14. I'm sure we must know some of the same people!!
  21. Mocha you must be so excited to see your FI (and your ring)! they had to take mine too, it was only gone for a week but I felt naked. We both got our rings engraved with "Today and Every Day" because Marry Me by train is our wedding song, and the sentiment is a good reminder that we aren't just comitting once forever, but committing to each other every day.
  22. WOW WOW WOW Tris that photographer is awesome!!! I am so excited for you that she will shoot your wedding for free!!!! I love the way she uses light... it's all has a very whisical feel to it which I LOVE!!
  23. Planning threads are my favorite too!!! That and reviews of my resort and photographer... I get SO excited when new ones are put up. Starting the planning thread now is a great idea. I already sent out my luggage tags without getting a photo, but I still have to make one for FI and I so I can take pics of those. Those door hangers are AMAZING! lol! I love it!! I still need to come up with somthing smart to put on mine (I'm just going to order free ones from Vista)
  24. II did worse than throw I bridezilla fit... I sent my mom after her!!! My TA has been such a nightmare from the beginning, but is now getting her butt in gear since my mom and I had to get tough with her. FI and I are going for two weeks, so we just moved our trip up twodays. It actually works out better because now we are there 3 days before our guests instead of one, which gives us time to meet with or WC and assemble to OOT bags, as well as check out the resort before everyone gets there. The only down side is that now I"m there for a full week before our wedding day and a week and a half before our TTD!! That means I need to take it easy on the food and drink and only wear bandeau bikini tops to avoid horrible tan lines in my strapless gown!!
  25. WOW Tiera!!!! You did an amazing job!!! Those outfits are perfect too! There are so many great ones it's hard to pick a fav!
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