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Everything posted by Tina5978

  1. I purchased my sashes and runners. Checked a ton of other sites and nothing beats the price. I sure how the quality if reasonable.
  2. wow thank you for all of the magnificent detail! I'm trying to convince myself to do the invites myself to save money but I'm a borderline perfectionist and I can just see myself going nuts over this.
  3. Natalie how were you able to accomplish this on magnets? I completely love them! Congrats to you on a job well done.
  4. Nikki its great to hear all went well. Enjoy every minute of being a mrs. Congrats! Can't wait to see your pics and read your review.
  5. Too cute Brandy. You continue to be my inspiration lol...thanks for including us in every facet of your wedding. I truly enjoy the excitement
  6. Wendy, would a normal notary be suffice or does it have to be Red Seal? Sorry for my ignorance but I've never heard of a Red Seal.
  7. We are getting married at IRHS on May 16, 2011 in Montego Bay. My FI is not the type to groom himself lol. He relies heavily on his barber. Does anyone know if the salon at IRHS is good enough or if there is a place near by? Considering we are having a "welcome dinner", "wedding" and a TTD session he will need to be spiffy for all 3 lol. Suggestions anyone? Btw he is a Jamaican man.
  8. Absolutely love the chair sashes!! Thank you for the inspiration.
  9. hope you get an answer June because I've been wondering the same thing.
  10. Thanks for the review, very helpful! One question who did you arrange your sunset cruise with? What did you think of it?
  11. timpone your hair looks stunning ! Did having your hair down cause you to sweat? I'm such a sweater lol and I'm afraid of having my hair half down and sweating but it looks beautiful!!
  12. eholt did you send out your invites yet? I'm getting married the day you arrive
  13. Silly me, I posted before looking at the rest of the thread and of course there were was a continuation of the amazing planning. It all turned out beautifully!! Definitely fabulous!! You are going in my favorites
  14. OMG everything turned out absolutely stunning! I'm sure you are anxious and excited. Thank you for the numerous inspirations. Can't wait to hear back from you once you are a Mrs .
  15. Brandy at this rate you need to become a wedding planner lol your stuff is great! Looks like your check list is dwindling.
  16. Jenn thanks for the heads up I've spoken to Nicole about setting up a dance floor on the beach and the cost for that is $400. I'm also doing a dove release which is $300. I have her looking into lounge furniture for the beach I'll let you all know the cost as soon as I know. So much to do and I don't know where to start lol.
  17. Krisco this is awesome!!! A huge thank you for sharing your experience.
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