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Everything posted by Ayslinn

  1. congratulations! I would have been scared to death up there lol
  2. I could have sworn I commented on this one... I certainly shared it with my significant other, in the context of "I want a puppy!" lol congratulations! cutest proposal ever. :-)
  3. awww congrats!!! I hear ya on being the last one to know... my soon-fiancé has told everyone BUT me how she intents to propose. grrrr!
  4. thanks for the responses! at least I know I'm not alone in the long email saga.
  5. awww that's horrible!!! i'm sorry it went so horribly. I do hope you had a good honeymoon at least. =)
  6. Thanks for your review!!! I have a few questions if you don't mind: 1) What wedding package did you have? 2) Was the reception $500 extra dollars because it was private? Was there an option to just make reservations at a restaurant instead, do you know? I'm not sure how many guests we'll have so a private reception might be unnecessary in our case. 3) Did you have any guests stay next door at the Riu Santa Fe? How was their experience getting to and from the Riu Palace Cabo? 4) Did you see any kids while you were there? Did they look bored? haha we're considering this resort for our wedding but we will have a five year old in tow (and a few of our friends have small children too..) so just wondering. Thanks for all the information in your review!!!
  7. Hi all, Wasn't sure where to post this but thought here was as good a place as any. Have any of you encountered either a complete lack of response or a very large lag time when emailing resorts in Mexico with wedding inquiries? I have experienced this phenomena over and over again, and so now when I look into resorts or other vendors, I always look to see if they have a toll-free number first, and if they do I call them. The problem is, many of them don't have toll-free numbers, only international numbers, and I don't want to rack up fees by calling internationally!!! Anyone have a way around my little problem? I was thinking of maybe buying an international calling card and making some phone calls, but do calling cards even work with cell phones? ha. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Waiting for people to get back to me (some of whom never do) is going to drive me nuts.
  8. awesome! thanks for sharing, i hope your wedding was amazing for you! congrats!
  9. Wow! I just found this thread- it's awesome. Nowhere near done reading it, but thanks for sharing Ladies. =)
  10. Congratulations! And maybe check out the Now Sapphire? Their prices at the moment are really affordable- I found $150/night prices. pretty damn good for an AI!!!
  11. Congrats and welcome!
  12. It's your day, so have the wedding of your dreams, if you want to be able to celebrate with family members who may not be able to go to the DW have a small reception at home after you get married. but in the end it's your day, and your memories, so create the day and memories that you want! Congrats!
  13. oh wow your dress is GORGEOUS!!! I love it!!! beautiful pictures. =)
  14. thank you for your review. Moon Palace is one place I am considering for my wedding... great to hear good feedback on it. Thanks again!
  15. wow!!! all of your stuff is gorgeous!!! I really like your wedding dress, beautiful. Thanks for the details!
  16. I know I've looked at this thread before, but apparently I forgot to comment. So I just wanted to say you did an amazing job with your planning! Hope you had a great wedding.
  17. can't remember if I commented on this thread or not. Don't think I did... so I have to say... that's AMAZING!!! I really am blown away by all your ideas. beautiful and I hope your wedding turned out wonderfully for you. =)
  18. better late than never! good idea for making water bottle labels out of address labels. thanks for sharing!
  19. Welcome! Congrats! Enjoy Planning
  20. Welcome! Congrats! Enjoy Planning
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