Hi all, Wasn't sure where to post this but thought here was as good a place as any. Have any of you encountered either a complete lack of response or a very large lag time when emailing resorts in Mexico with wedding inquiries? I have experienced this phenomena over and over again, and so now when I look into resorts or other vendors, I always look to see if they have a toll-free number first, and if they do I call them. The problem is, many of them don't have toll-free numbers, only international numbers, and I don't want to rack up fees by calling internationally!!! Anyone have a way around my little problem? I was thinking of maybe buying an international calling card and making some phone calls, but do calling cards even work with cell phones? ha. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Waiting for people to get back to me (some of whom never do) is going to drive me nuts.