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Everything posted by mistibuard

  1. You did a great job Pink Petals! I look forward to my appointment at Sephora.
  2. That's a great idea! I will definitely look in the bins the next time I go to Target.
  3. For some reason I've never seen your thread. However, I truly love it. I like your idea for the bubbles!
  4. I am glad that you were able to laugh at everything (your sense of humor reminds me of mine). However, once we all get our mind set on our goals then we're destined to succeed!
  5. I plan to have a welcome dinner Friday once everyone arrives (just so everyone will be acquainted with one another). The next day will be the wedding and reception, and to be truthful--- I feel like that is enough!
  6. I am going to participate as well. I hope I can have different results the next time I write a post in this thread... 174 160 March 12, 2011 Consistency with my eating habits is the biggest problem. Also, I don't think I eat the proper foods that will keep me "full or content" for more than 2 hours. Currently I go to kickboxing twice a week, and I do strength training and an interval workout twice a week. It's only a few days left in this week, but I'd like to take a close look at what I'm actually eating- maybe keep a food journal and until I realize what I'm actually putting into my mouth.
  7. Hi Pink Petals, If I understand correctly, you post your wedding review under the Dominican Republic sub-forum (since that's where you were married). When they redesigned the website I remember reading some information about this. I hope this helps.
  8. Krys, You're always putting everyone's mind at ease! I hope to meet you while in Turks next March.
  9. I agree with DeAngelis. I will be doing my own as well, but I walked into a Sephora a few weeks ago and asked for their best make-up consultant to ensure I know exactly what to do. She and I spoke and I told her what was going on and what I needed, and I'll be buying the necessary gift card and she'll be teaching me how to apply the make-up properly. Everyone swears that I already apply my make-up very well, but like many of you-- I don't want to look like the "Misti" that I look like every single day. I want to look and feel special, but I do not want to have an excess of make-up on my face... If that makes any sense.
  10. That's great Loua4! That's really good that you decided to have a trial before doing it right before the wedding. I'm sure everything will be fine.
  11. Hi Loua4, My esthetician has ALWAYS advised me to take two ibuprofen 30 minutes before coming in for a brazilian wax. To be truthful, it seems to work. One time I forgot to take the ibuprofen...and let's just say that I could tell.
  12. Congratulations! Be sure to look through the sub-forum "Mexico" and find other brides who've gotten married at your resort. You will find so much information.
  13. Geez Janine! How much did you buy? I'm sending you a message now.
  14. It will be fun (as soon as you get pass this part!). Although it is easier said than done, try not to fret. I truly felt just like you toward the beginning. It seems like my fiance's entire family was on board, and only my parents were. Funny how things happen though...because as of right now my family is WAY more excited than his! His parents haven't even booked yet and the wedding is 5 months away.
  15. Welcome Brittlyn1, you will find some very helpful information on St. John in "The Islands" thread. I hope this helps! Congrats!
  16. Welcome to the forum Tia! Being on this site will definitely change your mind.
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