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Everything posted by gom4good

  1. Hey herbie- i will friend request you on facebook my name is ceri gomez I havent seen lyndsey's photos yet will have a look now!!! Its my last day in work so Im at home doing admin, well meant to be but all im doing at the min is wedding stuff!! Such good news about your friend, and im sure in 7.5 weeks he will be 'good to go!' I am sooo excited for monday, most things done and my sister is coming over tonight to stay with me until we all fly out so its going to be party central at my house from 6pm onwards!! there's a group of us running the race for life on sunday, then out for food and drinks after...........then 4.30am bus pick up........so not too much to drink sunday night!! Right im off to finish my work work........
  2. Hey Michelle hope your friend is recovering and able to make it out to your wedding! I was just wondering what info you have put in your brochers, they look fab! I wasnt going to do any but seeing yours has made me want to do some.......I am also staying at the sensatori ........leaving it a bit late as we fly out on monday!! so excited!! My 4 year old nephew has chicken pox so hopefully he will be ok to fly! need to check with the airline tomorrow! poor little thing! I didnt realise it's coming up to hurricane season.....i thought that was later on in the year.......oh no this doesnt sound good, better put a cardi in ha ha
  3. HELP!! Hey ladies I fly out a week on monday getting married on the 9th June!! so excited and starting to PANIC!! didnt realise how much i have left to do and to top it all off my other half has gone running when were meant to be wedding planning all weekend!! so its just me!! ahhh!! men!!! Im after some help with vows/script if anyone knows what options we have and can use/choose from could you please share them with me as I have no clue!! thanks in advance for you help!! x
  4. HELP!!! Hey ladies hope all ok with everyone! Im getting married 9th June in Mexico and this weekend is dedicated to wedding snag list.............just realised i havent chosen vows/script yet!! any suggestions welcome as I dont know where to start!! thanks in advance xx
  5. Hey Ladies!! hope your all very well!! I am still recovering after my hen do today, shame im back in work could do with a few days off!! It was fantastic though and im very lucky to have such fab friends who organised it all!! I am trying to find out how the actual wedding service runs at the sensatori?? I am having a civil wedding on the beach and was hoping one of you lovely ladies would be able to talk me through the service?? I was also wondering if anyone has written/intends on doing there own vows?? if so do these replace the one's the hotel have to offer?? also does anyone know what vows the hotel uses, do we get to choose?? sorry lots of questions here! Funny, I only have 5 weeks to go now and this morning my fiance has finally realise we are getting married!! He woke up at 4am asking 'do we have a list of stuff left to do??' and then said he was really nervous about doing a speach..........bless him!! Anyway hope your all having a lovely day, thanks in advance for any help anyone can share xx
  6. wow michelle your nails look fab!! Gutted for you about loosing your wedding stuff but think positive you wil have a new collection soon of your 'actual wedding' and all the planning will still have been worth it to make it such an amazing day! (im sure most of it is in your head anyway if your anything like me, its all im thinking about!!) My wedding diet is not going well at all, so dont worry about not spending as much time exercising as you would have liked to, i have been exersizing soooo much and its not made that much diff to my weight, im gutted!! still got 7 weeks to go so fingers crossed something might change between now and then! x
  7. Hey ladies, great news, my travel agent seems to be making some progress with our booking agent after me telling her about some of the discounts/free stuff some of you on here have managed to negotiate. At the minute brides from the uk get nothing!! And as you can imagine with me coming on here and hearing about free cocktail hours and discounted rooms that you lovely american and canadian brides are lucky enough to have got I have been trying to get something sorted for us uk brides!! So if you get a spare minute to drop me an email to [email protected] with any discounts you have had, even something small, it all helps!! I will pass them on and see if we can get them to budge on the nothing free to at least something!! Thanks in advance for your help, will keep you updated with my progress!! xx
  8. Oh my god Nicyx sounds like had a ball!! so glad you enjoyed it!! I have mine the weekend of the royal wedding and know absolutely nothing!! I dont konw where were going, not even what to bring/wear yet!! soooo excited though!! I am helping arrange one of my friends hen do's it's also in edinburgh, we have booked accomodation but have no clue what bars/clubs are any good so any recommendations would be fab!!
  9. Wow Chicalogo your photo's are amazing!! you look stunning!! x Morning!! Wow woke up this morning in a fab mood!! Were getting married!! Im soooo excited now! After spending lots of time recently getting things done I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I now just mega excited!! So the things I have left to do: Order ties to match BM dresses for the men - will do that today Pick up 2 shirts for the ushers - found these, just need to find them in the right neck size - will do that today/tom pick flowers- this is too hard, i love them all! what has everyone gone for if you have managed to decide already? and any advice? I have coral bm's so want something to tie in with them... Find boat trip for guests - have emailed a few, just trying to get the price down- hopefully getsomething booked by end of week.... Go see AHR venue- wanted to wait til the weather was a bit nice so i have an idea what it might be like in june - might call down this weekend and see what decorations i will need. Playlist for DJ for AHR - have left this to groom but better get my arse in gear as he is a bit slow!! - work in progress Choose songs for wedding - what's everyone having for walking down the aisle, first dance etc I have not even started thinking about this yet! Order dress box - thanks for the info ladies, will order this today! Oh god now I have made that list, I have just realised still a bit to do!! Good job i have 10 weeks!! Im also considering having hair extensions................any advice?? my hair is long enough, but for some reason it has gone really thin!! I think its all the crash dieting!! (10 lbs down, would like to loose 20 more....) Im just worried about going away with them swimming/sea etc.............has anyone had them done before and how hard are they to manage?? Right, better go to work now, keep forgetting I do have a real job to do, not just wedding planning!! x
  10. Morning!! Wow woke up this morning in a fab mood!! Were getting married!! Im soooo excited now! After spending lots of time recently getting things done I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I now just mega excited!! So the things I have left to do: Order ties to match BM dresses for the men - will do that today Pick up 2 shirts for the ushers - found these, just need to find them in the right neck size - will do that today/tom pick flowers- this is too hard, i love them all! what has everyone gone for if you have managed to decide already? and any advice? I have coral bm's so want something to tie in with them... Find boat trip for guests - have emailed a few, just trying to get the price down- hopefully getsomething booked by end of week.... Go see AHR venue- wanted to wait til the weather was a bit nice so i have an idea what it might be like in june - might call down this weekend and see what decorations i will need. Playlist for DJ for AHR - have left this to groom but better get my arse in gear as he is a bit slow!! - work in progress Choose songs for wedding - what's everyone having for walking down the aisle, first dance etc I have not even started thinking about this yet! Order dress box - thanks for the info ladies, will order this today! Oh god now I have made that list, I have just realised still a bit to do!! Good job i have 10 weeks!! Im also considering having hair extensions................any advice?? my hair is long enough, but for some reason it has gone really thin!! I think its all the crash dieting!! (10 lbs down, would like to loose 20 more....) Im just worried about going away with them swimming/sea etc.............has anyone had them done before and how hard are they to manage?? Right, better go to work now, keep forgetting I do have a real job to do, not just wedding planning!! x
  11. Hey ladies, Can I ask where did you order your dress boxes from, they sound fab and I want one!! oh my god just realised how little time we have left ahhhhh how exciting!!x
  12. Hey Ladies, Im trying to negotiate some kind of deals for us uk brides getting married at the sensatori- we currenty dont get anything! I keep seeing that you lucky american and canadian brides get room discounts. free weddings , cocktails hours etc etc. my ta is going to chase this up to see if we would be entitled to anything..............fingers crossed!! So if you could spare a minute and drop me an email with info on some of the offers you have had I would really really appreciate it! my email [email protected] or just pop it on here, whatever is easier for you! Many thanks in advance xxx
  13. Hey Ladies...........everyone seems to be getting so close now!! so excited for us all! Im after some help, im looking at booking a catamaran for my group (20 adults, 1 child) and was wondering if anyone else had found or been recommended anyone? not got much budget left so im open to any suggestions!! xx
  14. HELP! Im getting married in June and have just decided that I do want a photographer!! I was going to get one of our guests to do it, he is really fab with a camera............but not professional so i have thought it through and i defo want one!! I know i have left it really late so if anyone has any recommendations/prices etc i would be sooo greatful if you could share them with me! [email protected] xx
  15. Hey ladies just wondering what everyone is doing about a photographer? im getting married in June at the sensatori (not long now!!) and have just decided that I defo want a photographer (was going to leave it up to one of the guests.......but have given it a lot of thought and I would be sooo devistated if they didnt come out well so im going to have to find somebody asap! any help, recommendations much appreciated!! x
  16. Hey Nicy wow your box looks fab, i would keep the post box on top, always state the obvious.........you dont want pissed up family thinking its somewhere to sit on later on in the night! I carnt believe you have nearly got all your clothes! I havent brought anything yet!! apart from wedding day stuff...............im hoping to loose quite a bit of weight over next 13 weeks so im leaving it literally until the last min.............your making me nervous being sooo organised!! Not sure what im going to do re cups.........might have to find a local printer or just get waterproof stickers and buy some...........something else to stop me from doing actual work next week...........i have been terrible this year as all i can think about is wedding!!!wedding wedding!! Right im off to paint the kitchen.............bad decision to have a new kitchen fitted in the middle of all this!! hope your all having a fab weekend!x
  17. hey ladies! hope your all having a lovely weekend! I have been doing a bit of wedding stuff this week............ordered my ahr invites, booked dj, got number for hog roast, called a few bus companies for prices to get us all to the airport...........choose our reception menu, candle lit dinner menu and breakfast in bed menu.............. could do with a bit of help though........has anyone ordered travel mugs/stadium cups...all the american and canadian brides seems to have great links to get them done personally but i have searched and carnt find any site in the uk that could make these!! any advice?? Also, still not found my bridesmaid dresses............went to manchester shopping a couple of weekends ago (when i found out my moh is pregnant! so pleased for her!!! just hope she is still going to be ok to fly as she will be 6 months pregnant...........?? So im going to get her a ivory maternity dress and get a sash to go under her bust, like empire dress to match the bridesmaids...........im hoping to find some coral dresses.......nothing too fancy, just light and pretty!! And i have found my jewelery, just need to get my shoes now, need 1 inch silver diamond things...........going to have a look online now... Only 13 weeks til i go!! soooo excited now!! x
  18. Wow Lyndsey your brochures look fab!! I hadnt even thought of doing anything like this but after seeing yours, I WANT SOME!!! ha ha Where did you get them done? what info is in them? xxx
  19. Hey ladies...............im having a bit of a nightmare this weekend............found out one of my bridesmaids is no longer able to come to mexico! (finances) and another has just found out she is pregnant! she will be 6 months when we go...........went bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend, but there is no way we can get the dresses now as we have no idea what size my pregnant bridesmaid will be.............and that means i carnt carry on with the planning as everything else eg flowers, sashes, ties for men.......all depend on colour of bm dresses.............ahhhhh im stressing big time.......... I loved coral for the bm dresses...........but they prefered turquoise..........oh god oh god,,,,,,,,,,,,,any suggestions mucho appreciated........xx
  20. sam-i live in north wales, so im off shopping this weekend to manchester, its only an hour away............i often go to south wales, once a month ish for work meetings......... nicy- well,long story short............i found my dress 'the one', ordered it oct last year, mum paid in full............then in jan i went to shop to see what dates i would need to go in for fittings(currently on diet, lost 3lbs today at slimming world!)...........shop closed down...........hunted down number of lady from the shop.............arranged to meet her in my local tesco car park to pick up my dress as she was no longer in business...........met her, got my dress, took it to my mum's house so FI didnt see it....opened bag,dress stained and stank like coal fire............had to give dress back, as she refused to pay 'normal dry cleaner's' for me to get it cleaned...............waited 3 weeks............finally met her today, got my dress back, it all clean and perfect, thank god i still love it!"!! told my friends, they think i shoud have refund but i really really really love it and its defo 'the one' so im just glad i have it now and lady is coming to fit it a month before depending on how the diet goes.................all i can say is thank god im not too precious as some brides as i would/could have totally freeked out!! michelle- have seen some pics one of them took from when we were at the grand prix in dubai last year and they were amazing so im going to go with it and use the case on the boat trip and put my trust in friends......... Not sure who made the personalised vest tops, but they are lovely., how thoughtful, may have to make some of my own.............i love making stuff too, just need to find the time.............. hope your all having a good week, should we start our own wedding day count down?? lets get dates and put it all together so we can spurt each other on!!x
  21. Hi Ladies, Well i have been reading through your post and all your progress is sooo good, its making me really want to crack on with things!! MIL stories are terrible, mine is lovely...........well for now at least ha ha I get married 9th June at the sensatori,Mexico - 16 weeks tomorrow ahhhhh! 23 of us going on the 6th June............most staying for full 2 weeks- will have to find hiding spots ha ha I have my dress, i had a bit of a nightmare but i wont go into detail-dont want to scare anyone who hasnt picked there's up yet!but its alll sorted now and i have my dress!! Im off bridesmaid shopping this weekend, i really want coral dresses..............if anyone has spotted any on their travels let me know!! Ermm on the planning front, i havent decided on flowers, or what meal were having for reception.........but have selected time, where ceremony is being held and where were having reception. Im not having a dj as it was soooo expensive through the resort, so im taking my ipod and hiring speakers!! Also i have not booked a photographer................still a bit unsure what to do about this as 2 of my guests are really good and have their own snazzy camera's and have said they would happily do the photos....but part of me is nervous just incase they dont come out well, mind you if theres 2 of them im sure it will be ok??? any thoughts?? Im also looking at hiring catamaran for the day...........need to do some research of any local one's.... I have booked AHR at local private caravan park, just need to decide between dj or band, have booked hog roast.......not made invites for that yet....ah soo much to do.... Anyway thought i would share where im up to and see if anyone else is at similar stage?? x
  22. Hi Herbie! Don't worry too much about not hearing from your wc, mine has just changed so im guessing they are having some kind of shake up at head office..........from what i have gathered from the azul thread this has happened to a few of the girls so im sure you will hear soon - if its really getting to u though let me know and i will give you my wc email address and see if she can be of any help! I have asked about discounts too, its so annoying hearing about all the free stuff and discounted group bookings the canadians and american's get but we are entitled to nothing! i have picked this up with thompson's but because its only them and thomas cook that book the hotel from this country they have complete control. They are really mean not giving us anything esp when we have large numbers going over!! how many do you have in your group? I have 25 (1 child). Plannning for me is going ok, i have requested the beach gazebo near pier for ceremony followed by zavas plaza for private reception. thank god for this site or i would not have know to request these prior to getting there! If you havent already requested i would recommend you do so as it takes a couple of weeks to get confirmed. Im almost decided on my private meal............trying to please everyone takes some careful consideration! I have decided just to have i-pod as music after meal as the fees for dj are ridiculous! and i think we will end up in the mojito lounge for a dance after anyway!! I need to sort out decorations for table and also decide what to do with the gazebo.................any idea's?? And the other thing i need to do is research a day out/boat trip for our guests. I like the idea of hiring a catamaran for the day and going snorkelling but need to do some searching on the net and see if anyone has any recommendations for this... How are you getting on with everything? Also on a diet and exercise plan!! slimming world and lots of zumba and gym for me! i need to loose 2 stone by june..................ahhh! Good job i have stopped drinking! fingers crossed i can stay off it at the weekends!! Have a good day, ceri x
  23. hi ladies! well i have been on this site for some time and have just come accross this thread for uk brides!! how excited and pleased am i!! Im getting married at the azul sensatori in mexico on the 9th june..........20 weeks and counting!! anyone else getting married there?? Im also doing zumba twice a week, gym, circuits, step.........and diet!! managed a weekend off the wine too!!
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