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Everything posted by kabee55

  1. All my montreal ladies, Would u happen to know where I can find a Monogram cake topper? All the amrican sites don't ship to Canada. Bummer! Happy planning
  2. Hi Justiner Definite pros of an inside location is #1, the AC and #2 restroom close to the reception #3 you won't have to pay extra for a dancing plateform since it's not on the beach.
  3. Thanks Ericka Just realised your dates are 6-7-8 and 9-10-11. Awesome!!
  4. Thanks Subbi!! So how's your planning going? Checked my calendar and Ihave less than 65 days left...Feel sick in my stomach. I still have to look for my MOH dress. It's way too late to order anything so I might have to get her something from BCBG
  5. Here's a pic of my earrings Planning sodar has been a pain in the butt.lol. (really want to cry). I feel like i have like 6 months ahead but it's really 8 weeks.It's crunch time ladies.
  6. Subbii, Surprisingly i got my blingged-out earrings from Aldo accessoires downtown, love them
  7. You look FABULOUS!! You have a really bubbly personnality and this dress fits you amazingly! COngrats on the great purchse!
  8. Soo.. went to Ami-Fer (bridal shop) to tell them I wanted to transfer my 250$ deposit from my rental dress onto my MOH dress last Thursday and .. the ass. manager went bizerk. I've explained that the owner told me it was possible when I made my deposit,still she almost called me a liar. Kept my cool and calmly explained I wasn't gonna loose my money. She agreed to transfer the deposit on another wedding dress. I then told her I need a short wedding dress which I know bridal store carry very few (ususally less than 10 models). They showed me dresses that I wouldn't even wear at my own funeral and still the minimum price was 300$! She finally let me pick a dress from the party section. Wow, whenever you say wedding all of the sudden, ther's no refund and people try to screw you over on one of the most important day of your life!
  9. Hi Hdinsmor There are some beach bags at the dollar store. With hot glue and seashells (which they also sell at the dollar store) you can make personnalized OOT bags.
  10. Hi Justine, Since you're getting them made why not have let's say a larger chair sash (maybe gold) and a smaller one (pink or beige) in the middle? I think it would be original
  11. Wow I love your colors! I was thinking about getting my flower girl a similar dress. Is it a Dessy dress? My place cards are the same (Martha stewart right?) I'm just waiting the number of guest to finally be confirmed. Do you ladies have problems getting your guests to rsvp?
  12. Hi everyone I'm having a "welcome dinner" since the resort does not allow "rehearsal dinner". ( I had to be creative)I didn't have to pay extraa since we're having it a an a la carte restaurant. I think they only have to reserve a section for our group. Do you ladies/guys have to pay extra for that dinner at your resort?
  13. Hi everyone, Has anyone tried the protein diet? I heard you can loose up to 15 pounds of FAT the 1st week!!! think I'm gonna go for it!
  14. Hi Subbi Man You have a lot on your plate: moving into a new place, planning a wedding, ''get cracking with the invites'' lol! I think you did a very smart thing with paying for the MOH dress.Smart move. But I'd still wait for her to buy or make a deposit on her plane ticket before buying that dress. About the postal strike, if they refuse the offer they can go ton strike whenever they want. If they do go on strike, we'll have to send everything by courrier.. which can get very expensive. how many guests do you have? I might go to the wedding rental store this w-end with my MIL and see if I can get the deposit transfered onto a dress for her. Crossing my fingers!! I'll definetly submit a post of my invitations. Are you having a leagl ceremony in MTL before you leave or it'll legal in the Caribbean?
  15. Nope nothing was posted. I had problems too on the forum yesterday.
  16. Hi Subbi I've already sent out my invitations and even included a brochure with the prices and infos about the hotel that I made on vistaprint .ca. They looked really professional and not expensive at all (about 120$ for 50 invitations and 50 brochures). Do u if Canada Post is going on strike today? About your MOH I,m really baffled about her wanting a train, did she want a veil too?!?! lol! I have a major problem. I made a deposit on a wedding dress that I wasn't sure about. Then I went dress shopping and discovered that I could own that same dress for an extra 250$ at a different store which I bought. I don't know what excuse or explanation to give them in order to get my deposit back. Any ideas?
  17. Hi Subbi, Thanks for your warm welcome!! Your centerpieces are gorgeous!! The stripes really reflect a nautical style. Good choice. Are you shipping your centerpieces beforehand? I've decided not to bring centerpieces. Don't know why but I'm a very last minute and go with the flow bride!! I'm not even sure about my wedding dress. Might have to try some other dresses. Do you have your wedding dress already? Cause there's a wedding dress sale this wk-end in in Montreal.
  18. Hi Justiner57 You should definitely do the TTD!! It will be a once in a lifetime experience and pictures. I also wanted to do the TTD but since I'm renting my wedding dress it might be an inssue when I return it to the store.lol! I'm still debating if I should get a another regular dress to do the TTD.. What do you think?
  19. Hi Justiner57 and all the September brides! I'm having my wedding on September 10th in Riviera Maya at the Grand Sunset Princess. Are you bringing your own centerpieces? As for favors we're most likely giving our guests mini-albums. And after the wedding we'll be sending them a photo-thank you card that they can put in the album as well. What r u ladies giving as favors?
  20. Hi everyone seems like they reopened the Rivrira side and for some reason the rooms are cheaper than the Sunset side.
  21. lucasdrotar12 , You can actually check out the extras on the PDF file it has the updated prices http://www.princess-hotels.com/web/en/fpw/17_Detalle_Hotel.asp?H=47402&G=9&L=form_bodas.asp&hotel=Gran Riviera Princess
  22. Hi everyone I'm getting married September 8th at GSP and was wondering if the private bar was worth it? We're most likely having the reception at the poolside. Any input would be appreciated : )
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