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Everything posted by Prettysparklie

  1. Ms.Smithbe, those are indeed GREAT questions. My wedding is in June and I cannot for the life of me get Nicole to respond to my emails. I hope you get the answers you need from the forum, as I am sure there are lots of us with those exact same questions.
  2. Thanks to everyone for their responses. Unfortunately, growing my hair out is not an option, I am one of those people that short hair chose me (it's genetic, it's not fond of growing but so long). I contacted Debra and hope that it can all work out with her. I am getting married at the Iberostar Rose Hall Suites in MoBay on June 23, 2011. Is anyone else getting married there? If so, has anyone considered their salon? Is anyone using the Salon at their resort? Thanks again!
  3. Those leads are super helpful, thank you! Do you know if Candice has a website as well? Thanks!
  4. Hi Ladies! This thread is wonderful, thank you to all the Chocolate Brides for all their pictures, suggestions and help. Let me start by saying, I have short (above my ears, shaved at the bottom, but trying to grow it out) relaxed hair. Weaves are not an option for me and I am not into wigs (I would SWEAT TO DEATH). Due to budget, bringing my hairdresser is not an option. Am I the only person on here with this short hair challenge? I am sooo nervous about getting it done in Jamaica but figured Jamaica was a better place than any other non-Chocolate country to get my hair done. Any suggestions or recommendations on what I should do or who I should contact would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  5. DeAngelis2be to the rescue again! Thanks for the tip, Brian's photos look amazing. We are contacting him tomorrow.
  6. Maura, Have a wonderful trip and most important of all enjoy every minute of your wedding!!! Can't wait to read your review when you get back.
  7. Nice job!!! Is anyone else having a problem with the attachment? I'm a supporter (I paid the $30 instead of posting 150 posts) and can't click the link.
  8. Pictures were gorgeous, but that song put me over the top! Now, I'm crying happy tears.
  9. Her dress is beautiful and I loved the creativity of the videographer!
  10. NafNaf: Great response! Your response about there not being a lot of brides at RPTB actually eased my nerves a little bit, thanks! Right now it's looking like it's just you and me on here..... I received the package from the Riu and chose the free wedding with the thought that we will upgrade to a bigger package once we get into specifics. Are you planning on customizing your wedding? I have LOTS of plans to customize our wedding, now if our budget allows it, is a totally different story! As for the chairs, in some pictures they look like regular plastic beach chairs. The covers I saw were white. The covers made the chairs look much better, but have you seen any other chair options or is that something you have to arrange with the florist? We definitely want a private reception (We have to have a formal introduction as Mr and Mrs and we want a first dance!). We also don't want to be rushed in our celebration. I never asked, what day are you getting married? Thanks again for the support.
  11. We stayed at the RPTB last June and loved it. We loved it enough that we are 99% sure that we are going to have our 2011 wedding there. In my opinion, the TB is more upscale than the Negril. Our rooms were nice, beach was great and the food was good (especially the sushi and the steakhouse). The RN has the night club, but we never needed to go to that property for anything. We did meet other couples that stayed at the RN and they said they preferred our resort to theirs. I hope some of this info helps! Let us know what you decided.
  12. NafNaf definitely head over to the Jamaica forum. Also try posting to the RPTB thread. I too am considering the Riu and would love to see answers from those that respond. Good Luck!
  13. IslandGirl: Thanks for your review, it was very helpful. As you stated, this website is a tremendous blessing!
  14. From what I've read on the board, you've got some nice choices to choose from. Let us know which resort you end up with. Thanks again for sharing.
  15. I thought I was the only one! I am so glad to have found you ladies on this thread! I too am in the midst of planning without a formal proposal or ring. I know both are coming (he's been saving for awhile and he's been rubbing my ring finger this week and just staring at it) but it does feel weird to plan a wedding without having an "official" fiance. We know we are going to be married next summer and I am a nervous wreck that we are starting to plan way too late. Hence me joining this site before the proposal. I wish you all the proposals of your dreams (I want mine too), but don't forget the love your man shows you every day. That is way more important to me than any proposal story could ever be. What's the saying, good things come to those who wait. Well I waited a long time for this wonderful man to appear, so I can patiently keep waiting for my official proposal and ring.
  16. Thanks for the comments ladies! IslandGirl: We also considered the IRHS in MoBay but they don't have any June 2011 availability left, so we are leaning more and more towards the RTBP. While Negril is not known for it's night life, I think we have decided that most of our guests need some rest. If they want to go into town there are options, they would just have to make an effort to do it. Also, nothing beats those beautiful beaches of Negril.... Do you mind sharing what your other two options are?
  17. Hi MrsGreene: We too are heavily considering the IRHS for our June 2011 wedding. Can you also please send me the wedding package information to [email protected]? Apologies in advance if you have been bombarded for this information. It would be so much easier if Iberostar posted this information on their website. Thank you so much for sharing all of the knowledge you've gained thus far in the process. It is VERY appreciated!
  18. Hi Krisco, Would you mind sending me the 2010 rates, since the 2011 rates don't seem to be out yet? I'd really appreciate it, [email protected] Thank you!
  19. Nafnaf thanks for posting! FI and I stayed there last summer for 8 days and really enjoyed it. Hence, that's how it made it on to our short list of potential properties. We really love Negril, however I am concerned about the lack of brides getting married there. While we were at RTB, we only saw 2 brides and that was after their ceremonies. Are you having a beach or gazebo wedding? We definitely want a beach wedding.
  20. DeAngelis2be have a great time. Please sure to include pictures in your reviews!
  21. @torrywedd, can you please post a review of your wedding experience at the RTP? Thank you!
  22. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know how you like the Riu Tropical Bay. I am seriously considering it for my wedding next June and haven't found any 2011 brides that are getting married there. Of course, this greatly concerns me. If you can please check out the beach wedding options and get a general sense of the place, I would be most appreciative. Have a great time and I look forward to ALL of your reviews.
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