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Everything posted by LeahZ

  1. Happygal- You should call her. I had issues with basecamp to. Elsa kept telling me I wasn't checking the right box to send an email notification to her email that I posted a message. Otherwise email right to her email address and skip basecamp. Kathy W- I hope you have a safe trip and an amazing wedding. I leave in 13 days! I can't believe it is finally here:)
  2. Hi Bride 2 be you should look into La Luna as well. They are a sister complany of Del Sol. THe prices are far more reasonable and I have received amazing service from Melissa is the Del Sol/La Luna offices. I will have to let you know how the pictures turn out, my wedding is 04/15/11!
  3. Yes they charge additional for the minister if you are not having the free package. The pricing changed in January so if you booked your date prior to that I would ask them to honor the original pricing which was $400. Otherwise you can have a friend or family member do it for you at no cost, which is what I am doing. Leah
  4. Thanks ladies. Elsa finally got back to me about the pricing and she did say they would honor the original pricing. THe bad news I just found out was that they will not accept any deliveries prior to the wedding. I hordered custom painted maracas that were beign sent from Puerto Vallarta. Luckily my FI has family in Cancun so hopefully we can ship it to them. On the bright side Elas confirmed Diana was my assigned onsite WC. Kerns I am jealous you are in Cancun, Im in MInnesota and it has been 6 degrees here all week. I am anxious to hear what you think of the food. I still have not decided what our menu will be.
  5. So much misinformation between the WCs. Elsa told my travel agent yesterday that I could not request who my onsite was. They also said I can not book a room for our photographer and avoid the vendor fee since my photographer is from Mexico? Has anyone else had issues with the prices onlince changing. I show the DJ cost went up $100, the officent another $100 and the flowers went up also. Total it will be another $400 for me. They still have yet to get back to me on if they are going to honor the pricing they sent with my contract.
  6. So ladies here is my issue. I am staying at the Royal , but the reception is at the Villas Terrace at the Gran Caribe. If I get a room for the photographers at the Caribe will they let them come take pictures of me getting ready at the Royal with out a day pass? I would book a room at the Royal, but they are sold out.
  7. I am getting married 4/15. I also have Elsa as my WC. She has not said anything about an increase of fees for the DJ. We reserved Dorremix. You would think they would honor their price list for the year?
  8. Here is my agents info: Carissa Sticha Travel Leaders 952-767-8807-Direct Line 952-941-8900-Main Line Travel Leaders is a nation wide firm. I see they have a location in MA here is their website. http://www.travelleaders.com/framinghamma/index.htm My group all booked through them. It is nice because we put deposits down last fall and then the final payment for the travel isn't due until 2/25. I don't think you get a big discount, but we get free travel for every 20 people booked. My agent also reserved my wedding date with the resort and she communicates with them if I need her to. Call and ask if they have an agent who specializes in Destination Weddings.
  9. I am getting married at the Royal April 15, 2011. We did hire a travel agent. It has been very helpful they communicate with the resort. The fees were minimal only a $20/per person fee that gets added to the package price. In any case you don't pay it. I interviewed one agent who wanted $200 and had a per person fee. Needless to say she did not get my business. My one recommendation is to go with a larger reputable firm since your guests are trusting them with a lot of money. Good luck and Congratulations!
  10. Thank you for the review. I am getting married at the Royal in April and I am so worried about the hair and make up. I ended up booking photos with La Luna to save money. I can't wait to see your Del Sol pictures they do such an amazing job. Congrats!
  11. JDAD11 We are traveling on the 13th and staying until the 20th getting married Friday the 15th. Elsa is my planner and she is mediocre. I am getting worried the Royal is sold out for the 14th and 15th. We have a few people who were hoping to book last minute. We have 30 people booked, how big is your group? Are you doing your own hair and makeup?
  12. I hunted down the photographer that The Royal uses their website is: http://www.funeverphotos.com/ I had to dig through another Royal thread to find the name. There are a few girls willing to share their pictures. I hate to say anything bad about them because they are nice pictures. They are just to "traditional" for me. I am debating between DelSol and LaLuna. I finally cleared up the communication issue with my WC. She didn't explain how to use their base camp site so I didn't tag her to get the message I sent. I changed my reception site from the roof top terrace to the villas terrace. I just couldn't get over the green astro turf. I can't imagine spending all that money on amazing photographs only to have the fake grass in all the photos. I am debating on doing a site visit. Right now my biggest concern is the spa. Worried about not doing a test run for my hair. Does anyone have feedback on the hair and makeup services provided?
  13. I am starting to experience the same type of delays in response from the WC at The Royal. I am going to get my travel agent involved she has gotten very prompt responses in the past. Are you using the photographer they provide in their package? I saw there work and am not impressed. I am not sure what to do because it is included in the package? Â Leah
  14. I would be really interested in seeing your site inspection pictures. I am booked at The Royal Cancun for April 15, 2011. I have concerns about the reception venue. I would be interested in your thoughts about the villas terrace next door at The Gran Caribe . My main concern is the rooms directly behind/in the terrace. They do have large roof top terrace, but it has horrible green fake grass flooring. I just can't get past that detail. My email is [email protected] if you are willing to share any photos. Â Thanks for all the great information ladies! Â Leah
  15. I just booked my date at The Royal for April 15, 2011. We are only expecting 30-50 people. We are doing our reception next door at The Gran Caribe Real. They have a nice huge roof top terrace. The only downfall is that is has ugly green fake grass for flooring. They also have the Villas terrace, it is much smaller and guest balconies are right there. Have you booked a date yet? Â Leah
  16. I am hoping to book my April 2011 date at The Royal Cancun this week. How is your planning going? Â Leah
  17. Hi ladies, Â I am newly engaged and moving quickly towards booking an April date for The Royal Cancun. We were just engaged a week ago so we went into planning mode right away. I am meeting with a travel agent tomorrw to confirm pricing and dates and will go from there. I am here for any advise or tips you all may have. Â Leah.
  18. Hi Everyone, My name Leah I just got engaged to my boyfriend of 3 years. We are looking at April 2011 in Cancun. We have traveled to Cancun previously and love the beach. I have just realized how close April is in terms of wedding planning. I am almost sure that we will book at The Royal Cancun. I am here looking for ideas, advice and information. Thanks!! Leah
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