Hi Ladies, First of all I think this site is amazing! I wouldn't know where to begin planning a DW if it wasn't for everyone on here so thank you! We got engaged about 5 weeks ago now in the middle of a field lol My FI parents had got us one of those experience vouchers to go Sphering, which was pretty cool. So after rolling down a giant hill inside an inflatable ball I was feeling rather dizzy. As we walked through the field to return to our car FI stopped and said he needed a minute, I just thought he was feeling slightly dizzy so I didn't turn round. After calling my name a couple of times I turned round to see him down on one knee with a stunning ring in his hand. He told me how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, he asked me to marry him and all I could do was nod my headas the tears rolled down my face. I never thought I would cry when he popped the question but I totally didn't expect it. I am so happy we will be spending the rest of our lives together after being friends for 4 years before we started dating. I was so excited about telling everyone when we got back but it turns out he had told my sister that morning he was going to ask me and she had let it slip to my mum who had told my dad and he had already told his mum who had also told his dad so in the end there wasn't many family members who didn't know before me lol