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Everything posted by TheFutureWagners

  1. Ok so I was poking around online and found these dresses that I became OBSESSED with for my bridesmaid dresses. Of course, they are $350.00 and there is NO WAY that is happening. I am looking to go no higher than like $150 but I'm having a pretty formal wedding for DW standards, reception in a ballroom, 100+ people, etc and I need them to not be cotton or any casual fabric. So here is the dream dress (keep reading after you've drooled)... Hold on, let me take a moment to mourn this too expensive one... Ok, moving on... And I found these MORE affordable ones at Jasmine Bridal ($158, still a lot...but doable) Which are still beautiful, but I'm not 100% sold. Have any of you found anything that looks similar to these (you can tell where I'm going with this...) The other problem is that I initally told my BM's I would pick a color and fabric and they could pick their own style, and now I feel awful picking one for all of them... HELP!!!
  2. LOL I used to have dumbells in my cube when I worked at my old job- I did all sorts of stuff. And yes, unfortunately, it is always like this. Such is the life at a top 30 law firm- they need to stay on top and are VERY demanding about it. I don't get paid nearly enough for this. lol And yet look what I spend half my day doing? Posting on here... very productive... (actually on a conference call right now, I LOVE that mute button! LOL)
  3. There is but I work for a very high powered law firm doing strategic business for them and trust me, I eat at my desk everyday and work through lunch. I thought of that too. How annoying is that? Not to mention I work RIGHT on Boston Harbor, which is a beautiful place to spend lunchtime and yet never get to enjoy it. Annoyyyying.
  4. I tried opening an attachment and still couldn't do it. What does this now mean, becoming a Junior member?
  5. Decided to post on this for my 150th post!!! JUNIOR MEMBER! whoop whopp!
  6. I am having HUGE family problems right now too and my mother can be very similar. It can be very hard to handle... I have no solutions but I do feel for you. I'm sorry hunny
  7. I think it sounds amazing!!! I am in marketing though and let me jsut warn you- a lot of times you think you have a ton to say and then you realize in doing these materials that you don't have as much as you thought (if you wanted to do mock articles, etc). GREAT idea though!!!
  8. EVERYONE here understands the confusion. This is all SO overwhelming. Poke around on here and you will find EVERYTHING you need. Don't get too stressed! (MUCh easier said than done..)
  9. HAHAHA Can we just discuss turnball's status- "lurker"??? hahaha I love it! That is hilarious.
  10. I know this is an older thread but I wanted to bring it back to the top since our Engagement partie(s) yes, we are having two, are coming up. I am from NY and my FH is from Florida so both sets of parents are throwing us something. I feel very weird taking gifts from people because of the expense of the trip... we registered for a ton of stuff but I figured that was for the shower/wedding. We are having a fiesta theme (kind of- with mostly Italian food, as I am Italian) at my parents and who knows what will go down at my FH's parents- they are more lavish than mine so it probably won't be a backyard thing like the first one. What is everyone else doing/thinking/feeling about their engagement parties?
  11. I was having a hard time trying to figure out the whole new post new thread thing too.
  12. Adorable! Gotta love saving all the money with VistaPrint!! And just an FYI- I don't know what you're using for envelopes but I JUST received envelopes I ordered from paperandmore.com and they are beautiful! They have great, high quality stuff and since my STD's are smaller (i'm doing luggage tags) I got 250 envelopes (beautiful, shimmery I might add) for about $63. WELL worth it!!!
  13. In addendum to my previous message, Etsy is overwhelming at first lol.
  14. You girls are awesome! I had never heard of etsy before coming to this site and after seeing ALL the beautiful things you have gotten on there- I'm SO excited!!!
  15. I was having the EXACT same dilemma this weekend! I decided it was NOT worth flying all the way to Mexico for even the slight chance that I would end up having a weekend inside when I could have done the same thing at home. You take your pictures with you forever, remember that and that is a HUGE consideration. I wanted mine then too but there is no way I was willing to do it, so I say go with your gut on this one but I personally wasn't willing to risk it.
  16. I work about 11 hours a day and it is SO hard to try to get up at 5AM (I leave at 6:30 so even that is cutting it close). And last night I was on conference calls for work until about 10 and I realized I ate a whole 10" pizza from the place my FH brought food home from. Ughhh It isn't like I don't have motivation- trying on dresses should be enough- it is just not enough hours in the day!!! (AND, I probably shouldn't even add this, but I am a NASM certified personal trainer... who never gets to work out anymore. SO sad.)
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