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Everything posted by TheFutureWagners

  1. watch far too much: reruns of The Office
  2. important= finding a dress (I was sick of all this heavy stuff! lol)
  3. Honestly, 50 invites for $70 isn't bad at all- I thought they would cost more. That is awesome- you should go into business!!! I'd hire you! lol
  4. LOL, I am quite a combo- an Italian New Yorker who happens to be a red headed gemini. I couldn't possibly have gotten any more in the "spunk" department. I, mostly likely, in the midst of my rant would start pulling random items off the wall (hair flowers, shoes, etc.) and telling her that she should be offering to throw those in too for causing me such trouble. Glad someone appreciates my fiery nature. lol
  5. I am in LOVE with these!!!! They look so classy! As much of a task as it might be, we changed our date to 2012 and I am thinking that I might to DIY invites even for our 220 invites that are going out. I love the way ones like these look and the amount of money spent on normal invites is astronomical. These are perfect! I am def going to take a DIY chapter out of your book, as much as you don't think you're good at this stuff. You're amazing!
  6. I really, really don't have any idea what I would do without this forum. <3333
  7. Yes! I just called my FH and we were saying how for weeks whenever we thought of the wedding we would have such negative thoughts from all the stress... FINALLY it is back to being the positive, happy event that it should be. It is REALLY far away, which is kind of hard but I know this was best. PS- Chelsea- my sister in law is begging my to do it in Rome lol
  8. We've been booked at The Royal in Cancun for quite awhile. I didn't originally realize that this post was under the DR forum. It's ok though- I love talking to everyone! lol
  9. The pad thai I got for lunch... mmmm SO yummy!
  10. Where in NY are you from? Good luck planning!
  11. I just became a 2012 bride from changing our 2011 date 3 times! February 25, 2012. It is so far away but we have much less stress ladies!
  12. Hey everyone... So yesterday, although we had tried earlier in the weekend, my FH and I finally had the talk we needed. We've been through hell since our engagement started (family, stress, etc.) and everything came to a head this past week. We finally worked out EVERYTHING that has been going on and decided that for our sanity we need to move the date to 2012. We will probably have it in February so that we can escape the cold and get to Mexico, and I am SO at peace with this decision. The only problem now is that our resort says they have literally never had this happen where someone wants to book so far in advance but hey, that means our date is WIDE open now. lol Thanks for the support girls, it helps so much to vent to those not directly involved in the situation, as many of you know. I am SO much less stressed and much happier now- we both feel like ourselves again.
  13. We are in the middle of a nightmare. We need to reschedule and NOTHING is open for what we want. The only way is to have it on a Friday but we are having 100 guests and we know a ton of them won't be able to make it down for that. I'm crying, stressed, and insanely upset. I HATE my FH for doing this to me and putting me in a position where I have to move my date because of something he wants... HELP
  14. YES!!!! OMG that is wonderful! I'm SO glad everything worked out for you!!! ))) Get that money back- don't let her talk you into anything besides that.
  15. I am most likely moving our wedding date up 2 months and getting married @ The Royal PDC instead of The Royal Cancun. This means a February wedding instead of April and we haven't done ANYTHING yet. Eeeek. Advice from other PDC brides would be amazing right now! We had everythingggg set @ The Royal Cancun and no we have to switch it. PLEASE if you got married here or did a site inspection, we will most likely get married in the Central Gardens (?) and I would LOVE to see pics, and we are having about 100 people in one of the ballrooms for a reception. Please help in anyway you can! This is SO stressful, it was before and now this has just piled it on. PM me if you have pics, post them here, anything would help! <333 Also, how far is it from the hotel and what type of transportation can we provide our guests?
  16. Ok ladies, for ridiculous reasons I'm so mad (at my FH and family) that I don't even want to discuss, I may have to switch my wedding to The Royal PDC from The Royal Cancun. Now, those of you who know these two resorts are thinking "well, it certainly isn't like she is going down to a howard johnson or something, what's the big deal?" Aside from it being further from the airport, I see how many brides on the site are getting married there and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I know Royal PDC is more established and I liked that The Royal Cancun was newer and that fewer people would most likely be there. It doesn't seem to be knocking out nearly as many weddings as PDC appears to be. Now trust me, if you are getting married there, I'm about to be in your shoes. I am NOT knocking the fact that they do so many weddings (they said they do up to 9 a day), I just was hoping to have something a little less chaotic than people everywhere and such. Please, if you've been to the resort, gotten married there or are getting married there, tell me anything you know about it. I am having a large wedding, about 100+ people, and I will have a sunset ceremony in a gazebo and a reception in the ballroom. This has all been set and changed once for The Royal and I'm SO nervous now about changing it again. Help!!!
  17. My FH and I rarely go out, we've been like this for awhile but I'm not sure being on separate pieces of furniture on different computers all night is healthy...Especially for a Saturday night. lol Post if you're doing the same thing!!!
  18. Can anyone send me the direct link to the vistaprint water bottle labels, if there is one? I went into the labels section but I can't seem to find them...
  19. We used the first one for our STD's but we might use the second for some other stuff. I also cropped the main picture and used some of the branches in other places... We didn't want a monogram, I wanted more of just a logo.. It only took powerpoint
  20. Thanks guys! Seriously this made me feel SO much better- we think The Royal is phenomenal and can't wait but I got really concerned. To me, luxury is luxury right?
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