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Everything posted by msjulie5475

  1. Congratulations on your engagement and happy planning. There is a ton on DYIs.
  2. I hope your wedding day was beautiful and you had a wonderful time. I can't wait for you to share your photos as I read your planning thread last night.
  3. I've been reading a lot that not too many DW coordinators are effective at communicating. The best suggestion I read was to send a list of questions and avoid one by one question emails.
  4. I am not a DYI person either. Don't be too hard on yourself.
  5. Congratulations on your engagement and welcome tot he forum!
  6. Just in case you want to make your own.. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...anterns-37079/
  7. I would need more than you are selling of the lanyards/id holders and pasport covers. Where did you purchase? Thank you.
  8. Yay for helping your friend with wedding ideas!
  9. Congratulations and happy planning. I hope you share a planning thread listing all of your WD items. I hope your wedding day is beautiful.
  10. Stacy congratulation and welcome to the forum. There are so many good ideas listed on here. I would suggest writing down your must haves, looking at your budget while keeping your guest's budgets as well, and then talking with a travel specialist as it can be overwhelming if you don't have a set WD country. I am originally from the Chicago burbs and now live in San Diego. What neighborhood do you live in? Happy planning!
  11. Congratulations! I loved your engagement story! Your FI was an excellent planner. One question. How did you guys meet (UK vs USA)?
  12. I was thinking about booking them. I've looked thorough the thread, but am unable to find more than one set of photos which were amazing, but I wanted to see some more. I've also viewed their website and blog. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would post of PM me their information to view. Thank you.
  13. Thank you for the information. I can't wait to see the review. I hope your wedding was beautiful.
  14. Wow you ladies are so far ahead with your planning. Congratulations and may your wedding day be beautiful.
  15. There is so much information on this forum. Click on " Best Destination Wedding Forum ~ The Ultimate Destination Wedding Resource" and look for your destination or use the search option which are both at the top of the page. Sorry I don't have specifics, but I hope this helps. Congratulations and happy planning.
  16. Congratulations and happy planning. May your wedding day be beautiful.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Pazoop Hi Jamie -- We're actually sending out our STDs in the next two weeks or so and have been having a similar dilemma. What we've ultimately decided to do is send out a STD to everyone we would invite to a traditional wedding at home --we're going to have multiple pages on on the second sheet with the travel agent info we're going to put a message like -- "We realize that Mexico is very far away and we understand that not everyone will be able to make the trip, but our fingers are crossed and we'll be delighted if you can! If you are ready to book your trip please contact..." (I know I got that from someone else's posting but I can't remember who so I apologize for not being able to give due credit!) Then we plan to spread by word of mouth that we do not expect gifts -- that way it's up to individuals if they want to do presents, but hopefully they will feel that the pressure is off. Thank you so much for the wording on this.
  18. Sorry to hear about the two stories. After reading I am going to book flights/hotel separately.
  19. Bek congratulations and welcome to the forum. I hope you will share your planning and the photos of your beautiful wedding in Fiji when the time comes.
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