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Everything posted by xtenna

  1. I think you should sit down with your friends and get them to confirm as soon as possible. Give them a deadline and explain exactly what you wrote here. As your friends, I'm sure they know you pretty well, & won't be upset by your deadline. Also, i agree with the girls here...if your friend doesn't want or can't fly, thats her responsibility not yours.
  2. I had a similar situation as cookiemunchkin. Our relatives that can't come don't seem to be upset about it. We are not having a DW to punish anyone, its just what we want
  3. Sent STD to 117 people, a lot of people said they could not go so I Sent invites to 75 people who were interested 46 RSVP YAY
  4. Thanks for the ideas/templates. I am using MANY of the resources here
  5. My photog sent me pics via his iphone. I love technology & bradley fraser anyways i decided on the cabo church it is so vintage inside
  6. Hey, I don't think I ever posted on this thread My wedding in June 3 at the Catholic Church in Cabo! So excited we leave in 12 days
  7. just took a peak at your inspiration board...so pretty, the yellow is my fav.
  8. Just make sure you don't buy the ones that turn on/off by blowing on them I have those in my house & they work great BUT it would defeat the purpose for an outside wedding
  9. love this! yummy spicy might have to add another thing to my ott bag
  10. I just bought mine a few days ago, darn! great deal
  11. Your monograms look great! I am going to work on making my survival kits look as good as yours
  12. I love the dress you picked out! I really wanted a 2nd dress but I am going to pass on that idea. I want to enjoy my wedding dress for more than 3 hours
  13. I love the color! I am wearing red shoes too, I think the wedges will be comfortable on the beach. Let us know how it works out
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