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Everything posted by cookiemunchkin

  1. Steph, you're my date twin! I'm looking at the same place (as one of about 8 places right now lol) but I was starting to get concerned based on some of the reviews on TripAdvisor. I know the reviews there are generally bad for EVERYTHING though so I'm trying not to pay too much attention. Can I ask what made you decide on this resort?
  2. Ugh, you guys are not kidding when you say deciding on the resort is time consuming and frustrating. I'm anxious to get started on everything else but can't until this is done! Ahhhhhh back to my brochures lol. KRama, I'll look into Gran Bahia Principe... and if anyone else has any suggestions, please throw them at me! My TA only suggested 4 or 5 for some odd reason.
  3. That completely sucks! I'm sure you'll find a place that makes you even happier... hope it wont be too hard to do! Unnecessary stress, grrr.... big hugs to you.
  4. Oooh, fun secret! We kept the date to ourselves for a while too, and right now we dont even know our location so we cant share it with anyone else hehe. Good luck with your planning! Everyone on this forum is so helpful, you'll love it.
  5. Good luck with your planning! Riu Palace is one of the resorts I'm considering so I would LOVE to hear what you thought of it when you get back
  6. Good luck! I'm having the same issue with narrowing down resorts =op
  7. Congrats and welcome! There are a TON of helpful people here, you'll find a lot of good info I'm actually considering that resort as well... would love to hear your thoughts on it!
  8. Congrats and welcome! There are a TON of helpful people here, you'll find a lot of good info
  9. I've searched the forums for over an hour and either I really suck at searching, or the answer just isn't there I'm going to attempt to do DIY passport invitations, but can't seem to figure out where to find some "stamp" images to use on the pages? Anyone have any ideas? Or a template you are willing to share?
  10. I'm glad to know that others are still in the early planning stages too! We're aiming for Feb 19 and are still looking at locations. So much to do!
  11. Yup, I'm in Calgary and would love to get together and chat! I think I saw July 29 somewhere on this thread... is that when you are thinking of meeting for drinks? I have a question for those of you getting married in January and February 2011... would you mind sharing with me what the package cost per person is for where you are booked? My TA gave me three huge books of resorts to flip through, but going through them isn't exactly easy to do lol. It would be great to get a feel for what different resorts may cost, would help me narrow down my location. I'm mostly concerned for the costs of my guests, since we've given them less than one year notice and a lot of them now have kids. So far I've been quoted around $1700 for Dreams Tulum, and am wondering if its possible to find something good that is priced lower than that. Quote: Originally Posted by Canadiansandy Hi cookiemunchkin! Congrats and welcome! This site is amazing and so helpful - I'm sure you will get tons of ideas in no time at all. Happy planning! p.s: Are you in Calgary? Some of us will be getting together in a couple of weeks for drinks and wedding talk if you're interested
  12. Mel, I'm aiming for February and have just started planning and I'm told that I have plenty of time... so not to worry! I've also been told that now would be the best time to start, as resorts have just put out their pricing. Good luck to you!
  13. I have to ask... if you are in the midst of planning a wedding, why is a proposal still necessary? I'm in the same boat as most of you... no ring (yet!), no proposal, yet we've set a date and are planning. If anyone tells you that you are not engaged until you have a ring, I think you should feel free to tell them to pull their head out of their a$$!! Really, "engaged" does not mean you have a ring... it means you are planning a wedding. Yes it would have been nice to have that wonderful romantic proposal that so many other women get to have, but lack of proposal (or ring for that matter) does not mean you are not engaged. I think expecting a proposal after you've already decided to set a date and start planning a wedding makes no sense... its just an awkward formality at that point, isn't it? But I do agree with what everyone is saying... it would have been sooo nice to have a romantic proposal. And to have the ring before we started planning everything :S
  14. Just came across this thread and wanted to say hi to everyone! I'm just in the beginning stages of planning (still trying to narrow it down to WHERE we are getting married) so I dont have a lot of info to offer just yet, but I'm sure that will change soon enough . I'll read through the entire thread tonight when I'm at home, but wanted to say hi for now. Hi!
  15. Thanks for the perspective, everyone. Looks like we were just being overly optimistic! We're pretty set on the date, so if that means it will cost us a little more, then it will just cost a little more. Our travel agent suggested Dreams Tulum and it seems like we're getting a great deal on it anyways, so a little over our budget hopefully wont be a big deal to our guests
  16. Met with a TA today, and she showed us a few resorts to consider. The prices seemed quite a bit higher than what we were expecting though. Is it reasonable to expect to find something for around $1300 CDN per person? Everything she's been showing us is well over that mark... wondering if we were just being too optimistic. We're looking for the third week of February for all-inclusive, kid friendly, and a location where we can have the ceremony and reception on the beach. Maybe thats what drives up the cost?
  17. I feel MUCH better now, thanks everyone . We're pretty set on our date so I was worried we'd have a hard time finding something that fit, but I feel a lot better after hearing some of you say that you planned in about the same (or less) time. Luckily we've already told everyone when the wedding will be, so everyone who will be coming knows to book time off work. I'm breathing easier now How long does it usually take to have a dress made? Someone suggested Light In The Box (**mods, if I'm not supposed to mention names, I'm sorry!)... anyone ordered from there before?
  18. I love how friendly everyone here is!
  19. I've gotten a lot of great ideas from the other threads in this forum, and one of the things that caught my eye were the travel mugs. For those that have put these in their bags, I'm wondering how much that added to to the total weight of your luggage? Did it put you severely over the airline limit?
  20. How late is too late to start planning a destination wedding? We're planning to be married in 7 months and have finally JUST decided that destination is what we want to do. I'm hearing from people that we may not find a location that makes us happy because most people start planning DWs over a year in advance. Is this true? I hope not
  21. Hi everyone! We're getting married Feb 19, 2011... haven't decided on a location yet but still looking. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear them!
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