I have to ask... if you are in the midst of planning a wedding, why is a proposal still necessary? I'm in the same boat as most of you... no ring (yet!), no proposal, yet we've set a date and are planning. If anyone tells you that you are not engaged until you have a ring, I think you should feel free to tell them to pull their head out of their a$$!! Really, "engaged" does not mean you have a ring... it means you are planning a wedding.
Yes it would have been nice to have that wonderful romantic proposal that so many other women get to have, but lack of proposal (or ring for that matter) does not mean you are not engaged. I think expecting a proposal after you've already decided to set a date and start planning a wedding makes no sense... its just an awkward formality at that point, isn't it?
But I do agree with what everyone is saying... it would have been sooo nice to have a romantic proposal. And to have the ring before we started planning everything :S