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Everything posted by cookiemunchkin

  1. Congrats and welcome! This forum has saved my sanity, I'm sure you'll find a ton of great info
  2. Congrats and good luck with the planning! Choosing a resort is the hardest part (we JUST finally chose ours after weeks of research), but its easier after that
  3. I'm using a TA from here (Becky) and so far she's been great, maybe give her a try? She's in Vancouver but she's so responsive that it doesn't really matter that she's not in Calgary! Tried a couple TAs in Calgary and got fed up with the lack of communication too.
  4. I know there is such a thing called "windproof candles" but I've never used them myself, so I cant say if they really work. May want to try looking into that!
  5. Thought I'd start a new thread for this since anything that came up in a search is a few years old and I'm sure things have changed! Does anyone have any recommendations on where to have the reception at Dreams Tulum? Inside vs outside, specific locations, etc? We're getting married in February, so it probably wont be "hot" but I'm hoping it wont be chilly at night either. If anyone has been married there this year and has any insight, please share where you had your reception, why you chose that location and whether or not you were happy with it. Thanks!
  6. I should definitely be able to make it out next time
  7. We're looking at package prices for February 2011 right now, and there are some great early booking bonuses available that make the prices decent. But these early booking bonuses disappear soon, and not all our guests can book that quickly. In the months leading up to your wedding, did you see a lot of fluctuation in prices? I'm wondering if its possible that prices will become reasonable again for guests that need to book later. I would be so upset of some of our guests had to back out because of a large jump in price
  8. lol darn, I went with turquoise too (and coral pink). May have to play up the pink more and play down the blue... totally didn't think of it blending in with the water, I was happy that it was the same color as the water! Thanks for the photographer suggestions... I'm now harassing every photographer in Calgary whose work I've seen
  9. What are the rest of you doing about photography? Are you using the resort photographer, hiring someone in the area, or taking someone from Calgary? I cant seem to figure out what to do, ahhh!
  10. It was also kinda nice to see when everyone's wedding date was so we could be excited for each other! I hope they bring that one back too.
  11. Welcome Amanda!! Yes, I agree... this new forum is confusing! I'm sure a week from now we'll all be used to it and wonder why we had trouble but for now -- confused!
  12. I wont be able to make it on Thursday... busy moving and unpacking, ugh. Hopefully next month though!
  13. Boo - thanks for letting us know! Guess I'll be saving myself the trip there. It does look promising from afar Nadine - thanks for the info! I'll have to look into Dreams Cancun some more
  14. Sandy, that dress is gorgeous!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Lol I was totally going to post this as well...you beat me to it!! haha super cute bags and a good find! lol, I just got overly excited when I saw the totes . I'm itching to buy a few but I still have no clue how many I need! Torture, ahhhh
  16. I've just started working with Becky and she's fantastic! Always responds to all my questions and knows a lot of great information
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by violetvixen Thought you guys might like to see our pro photos that Sascha Gluck just posted on his blog: Wedding Photographer for Cancun an Riviera Maya Beautiful pics! I have to ask... the blue lanterns on the dinner table, did you bring those or were they provided? I must have them!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by KRama It's on 7th between Centre and 1st St, right across from the train station. It used to be an arcade. It's funny because I look at that store every single day waiting for the train and I couldn't tell you what it's called! lol isn't that hilarious, I stare at that store as I pass it every day too and still dont know its exact name! I think I'm too busy trying to see whats inside the store to notice the sign above it
  19. Nadine, what do you think of Dreams Cancun? I'm still searching for our resort and Dreams Tulum and Dreams Riviera Cancun are on our list, but I hadn't taken a look at Dreams Cancun yet. I'm just in love with the dreams resorts haha!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Oh wow, getting it local would be fantastic!!! I havent heard of it, its 7th Ave and Is that what the store called Pashmina? wow, this would be great to find out name and address, really appreciate the tip! I cant remember what its called exactly... Pashmina something. Helpful, I know lol. The name definitely starts with "Pashmina" though. I pass it on the CTrain every day while I'm on the way to work, so if you haven't gone over the weekend I'll take a look again for the exact name on Monday But in case you go searching for it before then, its on the south side of 7 Ave, and I think off the corner of 1 St SW. If you do go, please let me know what their prices and quality are like! I'll be buying a bunch once I know how many women I need to be buying for and would prefer to do it locally as well
  21. Hi everyone, Just thought I'd let you know that there are some tote bags on sale at HauteLook.com today. If you're not a member yet, feel free to use this invitation code: http://www.hautelook.com/invite/RR078 Look for the "Toss Designs July Blowout". The tote bags are $6 and up, and cosmetic cases are $3 and up. Some very cute stuff in bright colors!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by SDSteph what other resorts are you looking at? Do you have a big group going? I feel better that the resort has been choosen and I am sure you will too. I started to really look into the trip advisor reviews and realized that the princess must be having a water issue right now....hopefully it will be cleared up by feb! How is the rest of your planning going? Dreams Tulum, Dreams Riviera Cancun, Bahia Principe Coba and Akumel and Moon Palace are all on the list still, and probably a couple others that I've forgotten haha... most are looking like they are over our target price too, but we're going to run the numbers by our guests and see how they feel about it. As long as they're willing to pay, I'm ok with whatever - I just want them to come! We've got quite a big group too, right now its looking like about 60 people are planning to come. The rest of my planning is still hinging on that one important decision haha. I've got invitations figured out, just need to put them together once we figure out the location and time. I'm going to attempt to DIY, eek! haha yes, fingers crossed that the water issue is sorted out by Feb! Have you gotten most of your planning out of the way?
  23. Boo, before you order anything... I'm not sure if you checked out the Pashmina store on 7th ave? I haven't been there so I have no idea what their prices or quality is like, but someone mentioned the store to me last week. Since they're local, you could compare colors and quality and maybe even just pick up the extras you need from there
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