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Everything posted by DWBride615

  1. Â Â Â The ACV should say 'organic' and 'raw/unfiltered' and make sure the 'mother' is in it. Just read the bottle and see if it says that. I know the Bragg brand is a right one and another member bought a different brand that works too. They should sell them at an organic section of a grocery store or any health/organic store. Don't go to a regular food section because that's the cooking kind. Â Thanks for the update and Congrats on day completing day 2! I'll definitely look into entering one nearby, that is, if there is one close. Hopefully, there is. Â Welcome to the thread =] Â
  2. Good idea, Cindy! I'll be buying some straws next time at the grocery store
  3. I don't have any bridesmaids issues just yet, but there's a high chance that I probably will. Â I'm very close to my oldest sister, Magaly. She's 14 years my senior and she's like a second mom and a friend to, so I naturally wanted her to be my MOH. She's a mother of two, but I know we can work it out. Although I have 6 siblings in total, I only have two sisters. Since I asked my oldest sister to be my MOH, I kind of felt obligated to have my other older sister, Melanie, as one of my BMs. I'm not that close to my sister, Mel, but I thought it would be wrong to include one sister and not the other if I only had two to begin with. I don't expect her to be helpful really and she most likely won't be. She's more about herself. She'll except all the help she can get, but when it's a time when someone else needs help, she's out. We've never really gotten along. Â We haven't started any heavy planning that includes the bridal party's help just yet, but we'll see how it goes. Something tells me it might come to me needing to replace her sometime along the road, but hopefully she handles the BM title without too many issues. I don't want to have to ask her to step down because she's my sister, even if we don't get along.
  4. City living (Los Angeles, born and raised    movies or tv shows?
  5. Â The acid from Apple Cider Vinegar is heavily diluted from the water. As long you don't drink it by itself, then there's not much chance of the acid harming you. However, make sure to either brush your teeth or wash the mixture down with another glass of pure water, because the acid could effect teeth enamel like Oryx said. This can be easily prevented with the above options. Hope that helps =] Â I've never gotten yeast infections as a result of it, but I'm curious to find out if this has happened to anyone. This is the first I've heard of this side effect. Thanks for pointing that out =] Â I always drink a cup of regular water after the ACV mixture(diluted with water) to help prevent any enamel wear. Any acid isn't great for teeth (limes, lemons, oranges, etc.) so I try to drink the ACV before I brush my teeth. Since it should be ingested before meals, I would drink it before breakfast, eat breakfast right after, then wash my teeth and the same for dinner. At lunch, I just wash it down with another glass of water without ACV. I've heard of some people just drinking it consistently throughout the day, but I wouldn't do this as it probably would affect the teeth far more.
  6. You're supposed to drink it before every meal (so 3X daily, but 2x a day would be fine too): 2 tsp. in 8 fl. oz. of water or 3 tsps in a water bottle. The water weight goes first and I noticed that within the first week. You'll notice your complexion improving soon after use. It might get a little worse the first couple days(like pimples,etc.) but it's only removing the bacteria beneath the skin, so right after you'll soon see smoother skin and blemishes disappearing. ACV speeds up your metabolism and is an appetite suppressant among other weight loss benefits. I personally started seeing results in the first couple weeks of use; but it won't do it all on it's own, so healthy dieting and exercise is still necessary. I definitely feel more energized during the days I drink it. Â I use it everyday before a meal. For work, I just bring a premixed bottled water with me. However, I do skip days sometimes if I'm too busy and that didn't interfere with the results. I'm pretty sure you can drink it every other day if you want. You'll most likely get the same results, but perhaps not as fast. I'm not 100% sure, but it should still work IMO. Â The taste definitely isn't something to rave about, but you get used to it after a while. I learned personally that it actually tastes better (well not as strong) when you drink it with cold water (refridgerated temp.) or if you add ice cubes even. Hope that helps. =] Good luck Â
  7. East coast :: West siiiiiide lol
  8. It's never too late to enter. Since it's passed the deadline, any new entry just won't be eligible for the 'win' but you are still free to join for motivation and fun =] Â
  9. vinegar, I guess    cats or dogs?
  10. Well, maybe something similar to a family tree, except without the heritage part. Just get the layout of a family tree with the tree branches and leaves. Each branch could list each table number or the different tree type and the leaves on the branch (fall colored leaves or even leaves to match the tree type) could have the names on them. Â The guests could look for their name on the leaves and see their table number/tree type on the branches their leaf is attached to. Â I've never seen anything like this or even heard of it being done, but I'd think it'd be a cute and unique idea to go with your theme.
  11. I don't know if this game has been posted already, but I couldn't find any threads on it. It's kind of similar to the 'like or dislike' game but a complete different spin on it. Â Anyway, the game is to post two different items. For example, "chocolate or vanilla?" The poster after them will answer with the one they like better out of the two options, then they would proceed to post another two items for the next poster...and so on. Â I'll start: Â Sweet or Sour?
  12. You can enter anytime you'd like during the season. Just send in your initial weigh-in and pics to [email protected] Â Good luck =] Â
  13. Awesome. Thanks!  I'll definitely give crushed walknuts a try.  I'm not necessarily doing low-carb mostly low sodium and low calorie, but if there's ways to lower the carbs in a meal, then great!  Look forward to seeing some of the low-carb recipes you have =] Thanks for sharing  This past week was only the initial weigh-ins with August 27th as the start date, so we still have the full 12 weeks to go. It's never too late to join in the non-competing category. However, The deadline for the competing category was earlier this weekend. Sorry =[  The non-competing entry is the same as competing, only you wouldn't be eligible for the win. If that is fine with you, then you're free to send in your initial weigh-in anytime. Just please make sure to read the first post for instructions/rules.  Hope to see you join in =] Â
  14. 5am? Wow, that's early, but you're right it'll be worth it. How long is the bootcamp usually? Â Good for you on starting the bootcamp. =] Â Would you mind telling us how it went afterwards? I've been curious about bootcamp workouts and wanted to know how it is. I would appreciate it. Â Good luck tomorrow! Â Â
  15. Hi Heather!  Thanks, I'm both excited and glad to get to host this season.  haha well you're welcome to pop in anytime, you lurker you lol  I recommend learning about it on www.earthclinic.com . It goes into detail and explains the other benefits ACV has other than promoting weight loss. The website has been very helpful for me.  Happy wedding planning! Â
  16. I would of never thought of using that as a replacement for the flour. That's such a clever idea. Thanks for sharing =] Â I think the most I really ever miss while dieting is desserts. So, I'll definitely make sure to post some more healthy dessert recipes during the season and of course with some chocolate ones for those chocolate lovers out there. I'm thinking of changing the 'recipe of the week' to 'recipe of the day' because I have lots of recipes to share and Stacey(stachr) sent me a very yummy recipe earlier today. Â As for the ACV shopping, Don't forget to get the organic and raw/unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with the 'mother' still in it, not the regular cooking one. Bragg is the brand I use, but I know there's other good ones too (forgot the names). They sell them in the organic section at most grocery stores. Â
  17. I used to do this only after work, but recently I've started getting up earlier before work (which is unbelievable as I never get up early lol) and going for at least an hour walk with my dogs. Â I have been slacking with my gym attendance lately, but do intend on going more often now. I'll be signing up for yoga and pilates classes there. I, also, plan on taking kickboxing a couple times a week. Never tried it, but looks like a fun way to be active. Â Every Saturday, E and I go to a nearby park for a short hike if the weather permits. Â Â Â I've seen some ladies in the forum say that they went to a boot camp for workouts. I've heard of this, but don't know much. I've known about the one for lessons in discipline, but not the workout one...or is it the same thing only each having a different reason to go? Has anyone tried this? If so, would you mind sharing the experience and the results? Â Â Also, I just noticed I forgot to add something to the Berry Pudding Cake recipe. I can't edit the post, so I'll add it here. Any sugar-based ingredients can be replaced by alternative sweetners (splenda, equal, etc.) for an even healthier version.
  18.  WEEK OF AUGUST 29 – SEPTEMBER 4, 2010    Tip Of The Week  Did you know...Eating frequently can help you lose weight? Restrictive diets can result in hunger pains and binge eating. Eating small meals throughout the day helps boost your metabolism and keeps you from feeling hungry. Eating every 2-3 hours tells your body that you are giving it energy and it does not need to store calories as fat. Skipping meals, however, will hinder weight loss because your body will store the fat. Eating frequently will make you feel full and keep hunger at bay.     Challenge of the Week (I think Ann’s suggestions are great, so I’m posting but ALL credit goes to Ann  35 Push-ups      Myth of the Week(Is it True or False?)  “Low-fat or fat-free means no calories." Fact: A low-fat or fat-free food isoften lower in calories than the same size portion of the full-fat product. But many processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat version of the same food—or even morecalories. They may contain added sugar, flour, or starch thickeners to improve flavor and texture after fat is removed. These ingredients add calories.      Healthy Recipe of the week  Berry Pudding Cake   Ingredients Nonstick cooking spray 2 eggs 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Dash salt 1 cup fat-free milk 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 3 cups assorted fresh berries (such as raspberries, blueberries, and/or sliced strawberries) Directions 1.Preheat oven to 400 degree F. Lightly coat six 6-ounce individual quiche dishes with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange in a 15x10x1-inch baking pan; set aside. In a medium bowl, combine eggs, granulated sugar, vanilla, and salt; whisk until light and frothy. Whisk in milk until combined. Add flour and baking powder; whisk until smooth. 2.Divide berries among prepared quiche dishes. Pour batter over berries. (Batter will not cover berries completely.) Bake about 20 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. Serve warm. If desired, sift powdered sugar over each serving. Makes 6 servings.
  19. Hello ladies, Thank you all for sending your initial weigh-ins and pictures. I’m excited to get season 10 started and we definitely have a great group this season =]  Here’s the list:   Competing category:  CanadianSandy (Sandy) Jkgirl83 (Katie) Msmarmar123 (Marla) Mrs.*J*2011 (Lea) Oryx (Renée) Sheri Stachr (Stacey) Sunstarmoon (Chris) Teira1031 Tifany Non-Competing category: Cindy* Heartbeat (Michelle) OceanWonderland (Leslie)   If I happened to miss anyone, please do let me know.  It's important to remember that every and any amount of progress is a great thing and something to celebrate.  The deadline for the competing category has passed, but it’s not too late to enter in the non-competing category. Feel free to send in your initial weigh-ins anytime during the 12-week season. Best of luck to everyone on the journey to a healthier you =] Chelsea
  20. The entries are in! You should be getting a welcome reply back soon(or you might have already). Â I'll be posting the list of competing and non-competing contestants later today. Â Tomorrow, I will post another update of 'tip of week', 'challenge of the week', 'myth of the week: true or false', and 'recipe of the week'. These weekly updates will be posted every Sunday. Â I'm excited to get the season started! =] Â Good luck, everyone! Â P.S. If you still want to enter in the non-competing category, send in your entry anytime.
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