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Everything posted by DWBride615

  1. They look awesome! You did a great job. That's actually something we were thinking of doing. Would you mind forwarding us that template (or the link to the thread that posted them) you spoke about? It would be a great help in starting the project.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Wow, that's pretty impressive! I also wonder how he got them to stop it?! Awesome engagement story Thanks! =]
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Welcome to the forum! Thanks and Congrats on the bun in the oven! You're almost there! =]
  4. Thanks! To answer your question, he moved to the Florida (where I live now) for a couple years out of work purposes. He's originally from the UK. We met when he moved here, but we kind of go back and forth to visit family, since we got together. We plan on living in England after the wedding.
  5. I've noticed there aren't a lot of posts concerning Italian weddings, so I'd thought I would post my questions, etc. here for starters. We have almost everything outlined as far as what we want in our wedding, like theme/colors, even smaller details as ideas for centerpieces, invitationa, etc. (many thanks to all your posts, btw). However, there is one or two major aspects that I have a hard time on deciding: ceremony and reception venues. My original decision was for it to be held at the Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, however I would like a back up in case that doesn't follow through(as I've heard it costs 50,000 for a day rental. OUCH). I'm looking for a wedding in Rome or at least very nearby as the guests (plus bride and groom will be staying in Rome. We're not looking for a cathedral or a religious wedding. It doesn't have to be a castle or anything, just somewhere modern (even a luxury hotel) for a luxurious wedding. We would like the ceremony to be indoors preferably. The reception venue is where help is also needed. We would preferably like the reception to be within or near the same the building the ceremony is held. We would prefer a semi outdoor reception(perhaps a terrace but not necessary) with a great view. One major thing we have is that near the end of the reception there will be a fireworks display, so a great view (and approval from venue owners) is a big part of this. Oh, and I know guest volume plays a big part also and although we don't have the exact estimate yet, I'd say somewhere below 100, but 80-100 just to be safe. If it's the perfect place that we can't give up, then I'm sure we can cut the guest list down to 30-60, as a lot are just extended family, etc. (not a guarantee show to a DW, but invited out of respect). The reason we haven't gotten a wedding planner yet is because we've heard that some venues offer those as part of wedding packages, so we're waiting on hiring one until after we decide on the venue, just in case one might come with the venue choice. So, any ideas? Any and all suggestions would be helpful and greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Chelsea and Eric
  6. Okay, so I have no idea exactly how he got this to happen and FI won't budge on the details, but here it goes. FI is originally from the UK and I'm from the USA. During one of our visits to London, we decided to take a ride on the London Eye (his idea) with some close family members (let me add, the whole time, said family members had these nonstop grins on their faces that made me think they were crazy until I found out why) and when we reached the top, the whole ferris wheel stopped. Of course, I freaked out...but thankfully restrained myself to not let it show. I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but all I thought of at the moment was 'oh great, it's broken. My luck this happens while we're on it.' I'm an adventurous girl, but am not into being stuck somewhere for hours while engineers try to fix it far down below. Anyway, while I had my internal freak-out, I didn't notice Eric was getting down on one knee. When I finally turned around to say a comment about the broken ferris wheel, I gasped. Silent tears streamed down my face as he proposed. He placed the ring on my finger and we hugged and kissed. I said yes! It was amazing and I found out from the family members that the ferris wheel had been stopped on purpose for the proposal. One last thing I'd like to add, the London Eye goes slow as it is, so it took me a while to realize the whole thing had come to a complete stop. Makes me wonder just how long FI was on his knee until I finally turned around and realized..hmm... I'm still dying to find out how he got them to stop a very popular and well-known attraction, but he won't budge. =/
  7. Hello everyone! My Fiance and I will be getting married in Rome, Italy and we are having a hard time find a good bakery. We know that cakes aren't very big in Italy (at least the traditional one in USA). We were hoping to have a wedding cake like the ones in the USA, but we're willing to change that if it's not available in the area and go for a classic Italian cake. What kinds of cakes do they have there and how do they decorate them for a wedding? And of course, the most important...who makes the best ones in the Rome area? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Chelsea and Eric
  8. Hi everyone! I've taken some time just skimming through other threads/posts, and thought it was about time I introduced myself. I'm Chelsea and planning on getting married to my fiance in Rome, Italy on October 2011. I'm from the USA and FI, Eric, is from the UK. I've been a member for at least a few days now, and have found the forum very helpful. I'm glad to have joined. =] ~Chelsea
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