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Everything posted by DWBride615

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Natie1971 justice : an eye for an eye an eye for an eye : fairness
  2. Got a lot of purchases done for the wedding..including the bridesmaids dresses!! =] Also, planning a soon and short trip to Italy with my FI
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Farce of the Penguins :: Christina Applegate Christina Applegate : Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by soontobemrsdow not me: what I say when I break something what i say when i break something: she did it lol
  5. Okay, so this is definitely NOT traditional, but when I found out about this, I think it's such a cute idea and wanted to get your opinion ladies. Basically, there are companies that train birds of prey (owls, falcons, eagles, etc. and even Mini-owls...so cute!) to be ring-bearers for weddings. There's this little pouch that they clasp around the bird's leg and which holds the rings...kind of like messenger birds. They can train the Best Man, the groom, and the bride or anyone you want to, to retrieve the rings. The trainer will be there the whole time and if you don't want to get the rings, he will do it for you. The bird stays out of site during the ceremony, and when it's time to exchange rings, the trainer (or BM, groom, etc.) blows a light whistly and the bird comes swooping out to deliver the rings. He lands on the covered hand(there's this special glove) and you unclasp the pouch to get the rings. The trainer slowly takes the bird away and gives it a treat(reason why the bird comes down) and goes out of site. After the ceremony, there's an hour where you and the guests can handle and take pictures with the bird (trainer there of course). I've heard reviews and watched videos of these services, and people have said it was completely worth it seeing the awe in the guests' faces. There won't be any 'messes' as the the bird won't go to the 'bathroom' during mid-flight or while it's hidden. The bird is also trained to stay quiet during these times, so no one will hear a squawking bird mid-ceremony lol The bird won't fly away with the rings as it's trained and grew up with humans. And the 'treat-giving' will be discreet so guests won't see a bird eating a dead mouse or anything. Tell me what you think. Input, opinions, anything really =] Here's links to two of these companies in the UK: Barn Owl Ring Bearer for the perfect Wedding Service Hawks R Us | Bird of Prey Specialists and a news report about this: The latest wedding essential - your rings delivered by owl | Environment | The Guardian FI and I are interested and we're searching for a possible company in Italy. If not, we might look into transporting the trainer and bird somehow. Anyway, we haven't made a definite decision on it, but if we do, we plan on hiring the Snowy Owl out of all the birds (kind of like the dove: white bird perfect symbol for a wedding). We've actually been thinking about this for a while now, but we're stuck. Then finally I thought to myself 'I know! I'll ask all my wonderful and fellow BDW ladies!' =] Have I said how much I love this forum recently? It's an absolute necessity for amazing DW weddings
  6. I couldn't find any threads similar to this, so I decided to create my own. I wanted to know if any brides on here are including fireworks in their wedding. Either after the ceremony, reception, etc. If so, how big of a fireworks package do you plan on getting? What's you're opinion on them? I know a lot of brides here are having beach weddings, but I've seen some that do plan on including fireworks. Personally, FI and I love them and want the guests to enjoy them, so we plan on having a fireworks display near the end of the on-site reception. We've set aside a good budget for the fireworks as we heard it can cost upwards of 1,000 Euros in Italy. It's not a necessity, but it's something we both wanted.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 Leslie Easterbrook= The Heartbreak Kid (had to IMDB that one too!!) The Heartbreak Kid = Carlos Mencia
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by b2b2011 I love it.. they are so different than what you usually see. They are different than the usual. Since we're getting married in Rome, I wanted to find dresses that had a little Roman feel to it(but not over the top, just a bit of Roman edge you can say lol). When I saw this one, I fell in love with it. Then, talked to bridesmaids and the final decision was made. =]
  9. Now I can cross that off the list. Here's a picture of a model wearing it: Except, the color of the ones I ordered are different. Instead of the green shown, I ordered a darker red one that's one of theme colors. (Main theme colors are white, silver, dark red ...and some black) Now to decide on my wedding dress...
  10. Hey, you got married on my birthday! =] Congrats on the wedding and the logo looks great!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 love : shopping at Sephora! sephora: killer eyelashes ...love Love LOVE sephora
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 happiness= new shoes new shoes : new dress
  13. This actually reminds of what I see going on with some celebrities... You know, like when a parent of an actor/singer/etc. doesn't find out about their child's engagement until they see it in the tabloids/media and they get really upset about it. I don't know, for some reason it reminded me of that even though it's a different situation. You're telling your family & friends and the media would tell the whole world. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.. It is the time of technology, so I don't blame you for being excited and updating your status right away. However, I understand why they would be upset. They are the people closest to you and putting yourself in their shoes, I think you would feel that you should've been told first rather than the same time with everyone else. I don't have FB (idk never got into it that one particularly even though I'm all about technology), so I just told the people closest to me, then announced it to everyone else after.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by *Karla* icky! : opinion opinion : fact
  15. I know it doesn't really impact me on the forum. I was just excited to have the karma point there (I know, it's easy to amuse me lol) and now it's gone...just wanted to know why. But I guess it may have to do with the site makeover, so thanks for letting me know! =]
  16. Have you considered putting your wedding logo on the back? I know not everyone creates those, but it's an option.
  17. A couple days ago, I got awarded 1 karma and I got so excited, but this afternoon I found out that I'm back to 0. What happened? I haven't posted anything bad or something like that whatsoever, so I'm confused.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd try checking out this thread. you can search a forum for quick answers to your questions. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ns-here-41334/ Oh, thanks! I made a search before I posted, but nothing popped up. =/ I'll take a look at that thread.
  19. Okay, so I see that a lot of ladies are trashing their dresses for photo shoots. I have one question for all of you. I've been hearing ladies doing one or the other, so I'm interested in knowing what you did or plan on doing for your wedding. Anyway, here's the question: Are you buying a cheaper dress specifically for the TTD session in addition to buying your actual wedding dress OR are you trashing the actual ceremony dress? Personally, I love the TTD pictures that have been posted, but I don't think I could trash something that took me forever to find THE ONE...and costing a pretty penny at that. Your answer/input, ladies?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium shopping : torture torture : handcuffs? ...hehe...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 holy crap, you definately win!! that is the craziest story i've ever heard! they should have just done something for the two of them and saved their guests the trouble!! i'm all for budget, but if you can't afford ANYTHING don't get married, lol!! haha, I know! The worst part is, they WERE able to afford a decent wedding, they just didn't want to
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by lisa203 HAHAHA, DWBride, you win! Hilarious! I forgot to mention a couple things. The food that the bride and groom ate at the restaurant was paid for by the groom's parents. Like I said, the guests all paid for their own food, but the the little food that wasn't on our dime (i.e. the cake) was something none of us even got to eat. It ended up all over the bride and groom in their cake-face smashing fun...and need I mention the restaurant floor? The waitresses and managers were definitely not happy. It was a small cake to begin with, with all the guests so there was no chance saving even one slice. I, for one, was upset. After a wedding like that and a couple drinks already in my system to make up for it, I was ready for some dessert! Guess I should've stopped by walmart on the way home for a replica lol At least they had fun 'trashing the dress' =/ Okay, so I wanted to add up their budget and so far the only things the bride and groom 'did' pay for was the wedding cake at a whopping $10, a couple of suicidal pinatas, and a dress they got at goodwill. A family friend of the bride wed the couple and the groom's tux was borrowed from my brother. Now, that's the cheapest and worst wedding I've ever been to.
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