Thanks! =] We plan on inviting around 120 guests. We don't have an exact head count yet, but we're thinking no more than 100 will show and most likely no less than 60 from what others have told us. We're kind of trying to get more people to come by providing the accomodation and paid local transportation lol We know they will be spending enough money as it is on flights, so we're trying to make it easier on the pocket for them. FI and I are big on traveling so we always knew we would have a DW, but we also want the kind of big wedding you would have at home. His family is in the UK and my immediate familly are in the USA, and we didn't want to have to choose between one location or the other. Oh, the Florida keys... It's been a while since I've last been there. I'm in the Tampa/Orlando area, so it's a bit of a drive going down there, but it's beautiful! Great choice! =] I'm a big event planner myself and planning everything for the wedding. We're pretty much only hiring a wedding planner to be the enforcer make sure that everything goes according to plan. I just want to relax during the wedding vacation and not have to worry, but until then I'll be working on every single detail...