How rude...I don't understand people sometimes and I don't see how they would think that is okay. It's your wedding. If those people that you don't know want to come to the island, tell them to go ahead and plan the vacation, but you only invited who you knew and wanted to be at the wedding. I would tell them they could even come to the island the same week of the wedding(after all, it's a public place), but invitations to the actual wedding events are exclusive to those people invited. I'm actually having this problem a bit too. My brother's wife(who I don't even like, but invited b/c she's my SIL) decided it was okay to invite 'her' WHOLE family because they've never been to Europe...and she has a big family! I hardly even know them, and most of them I never even met. I understand your situation; some people just don't have a clue. Hope everything turns out okay and best wishes on the wedding.