Aww I was just thinking how cool it would be if it was the same person- the woman I know is Carlene - Oh well...I can't wait to experience is as a bride to be and not just a tourist...I'm supposed to be going in January now...It's crazy to me to spend $300-some on a ticket when it wa sjust $200 but I know it's just going to keep going up...It's a blessing that he went to high school with someone that can do everything (I'm still working on the trust someone I've never met part) but he has a friend to do pictures and make conch salad and dj, ect - my favorite is his friend that became a famous steel pan player who wants to play as a favor for him..I hope you two get there soon...I be your eyes n ears if you need me too...I was thinking 9,10,11 would be a good date but he's not sure he want's to wait that long so it's not settled yet but it'll be August or September cause he's going to move here for september n october during their off season hey are you snowed in? I left richmond sunday morning