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Everything posted by dominiqueamber

  1. Awww I love them so much! They look very professional and very cute and you two look very much in love! I think the kissing one is my favorite!
  2. Lanajoy, She's right different towers are different price ranges and you can have some guests stau at the Comfort Suites nearby and they will gain access to almost everything at Atlantis for free... also some of your guests can stay in Nassau (just over the bridge) for much cheaper if needed. It's not cheap at all but it's a beautiful place. You could always plan a trip for your party to go visit the casino, aquarium and cave together (which are no charge). Going to Atlantis is kinda a must see- most tour guides will take you there anyway Hope this helps - congrats and welcome!
  3. You did a fabalous job! I can't wait to get started on mine! I'm not sure if Oriental Trading Ships to Canada but I just spotted some drawstring bags I really like. I love your logo! - thanks for sharing the templates because I was curious how you did that. I also love the test tube/didh soap idea - did you get the test tubes online?
  4. I'm determined to attempt the hangers myself one day... I think if I can make wire jewelry that this shouldn't be so hard - we'll see! I love the idea of having a get together and sneaking in the question about their favorite colors!
  5. They still have the larger ones that are tan with color bands and these smaller ones you posted as well as smaller ones with quotes and animals... It may be because the headquarters of Dollar Tree is right here in Chesapeake Va that we have more available. I see bmaxam offered some and if anyone is in need of any tote bags let me know - I'm at the dollar store every week and can pick them up for you. The large ones are awesome quality - I've been using them as shopping bags and even a purse - I love the pocket! With Quotes: For Kiddies:
  6. I love everything - especially your little soaps!
  7. This is awesome.. I was wondering if giving choices would be overdo-ing it because I know not everyone will wear something around their neck (I wouldn't)... Thanks - I think i'll do the clips and lanyards!
  8. I love the idea of one long table.. I think if you had a special seating chart planned go with it..if not then place cards are sufficent African venus, I'm stuck on how they informed you your not allowed to sit on the end? Is there a really good reason why - because I'm thinking why not it's your wedding
  9. Those look like neat products starchild thanks! I've seen a three month old boy who was the size of a nine month old who's mother gave him baby food and the next thing I knew he had teeth comming in. I thought that was wild but I guess not. I remember seeing somewhere jewelry that mothers can wear their babies can safely teeth on that I thought was very stylish - I'm being lazy but I'm sure if you google it, it will come up. Also I learned somewhere to squeeze a paci nipple underwater to let it fill up and freeze it... It dosn't last long so I do a bunch but it's soothing
  10. Celticgirl, I like the comment that most people havn't been to a destination wedding so they'r enot expecting luggage tags..somewhere else someone reminded me that wedding guests do not see everything on BDW so they're not missing anything... I think if you can afford it go for it if not no big deal.. There are so pretty cheap ways I've seen if that helps Abbie, Wow! I'm so sorry! If they don't keep mine I will be so upset! Actually only the hoarders in my family probably will so I have to keep this in mind and not spend too much time and energy - thanks... I'm going to look in your posts for a picture.
  11. Thanks Ellen! I love to do lists! You can never have too many!
  12. This made me teary! I plan to ask my grandfather for a dress of my grandmothers while they're cleaning out the house to wrap my sister and my bouquets. Thanks for comming up with this and sharing!
  13. Chelsea, I just checked out your website... it's awesome! Which came first the wedding or the business?
  14. They're so pretty..I can't believe this was your first DIY! I go to Michaels just to look and think about the project 4 times and still can't commit so I'm proud of you! I can't wait to see your next project
  15. 2 reasons: One being able to control quality and who's style fits us and our party better and two to be able to control the budget
  16. Aww that sounds amazing! I can't wait to see details! Congratulations - you'll love it here!
  17. Great Review! I had no doubt your wedding would be amazing from following your posts! Thanks for sharing!
  18. These are gorgeous! I'm thinking I can make everything into a message in the bottle because I love them so much!
  19. Waaaay too cute! I'm so stealing this! I'm just off to search for a poem appropiate for little sisters! Thanks sooooo much!
  20. I'm going to Ross - thanks! I try to stay away from there because I can't walk out without spending $40 - but I didn't like walmart's selection I thought of you today when I looked at save-on-crafts - they had preserved purple roses you might like
  21. I love this site! Has anyone ordered from there? I'm curious if the quality is too good to be true
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