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Everything posted by alundy

  1. Our wedding in Dec 2011 and we booked our rooms in Feb I think? Basically super early, we figured why not. I just emailed our coordinator (Griselda) this week asking how soon we should start going into details. She emailed back with the "planning form" where we mark down our menu choice, locations, music options, etc etc. I'm going to email it back to her shortly but in reality, it doesn't seem like it matters that much. I get the impression that you go over all these details again when you arrive at the resort.
  2. Hi ladies, We are getting married at Excellence this December. So excited!! I have a couple questions: 1. We are probably going with the round tables for the reception dinner - how many people do they seat? Just trying to figure how many tables we'll need so I can make a seating plan. 2. Beach or Cascade Pool for the reception... I just can't decide. 3. How early should I schedule my hair appt for me and my 4 bridesmaids? The ceremony is at 4. Thanks!! I can't imagine trying to do this without this forum.
  3. Has anyone been in touch with him lately? I emailed him last week and haven't heard back.
  4. Here is my very tentative budget (we are in the planning process), for around 40 guests in Punta Cana (all inclusive): Flights: $1000 Hotel: $3400 Wedding ceremony & reception: $2500 Wedding bands: $2400 Dress: $0 (wedding gift from my parents) Suit: $150 Hair trial at home: $50 Hair at resort: included Accessories: $150 Photography: ? Wedding favors: $250 STD magnets & postage: $150 Bridesmaid dresses: $450 Groomsmen suits: $450 Total so far $10,950
  5. Hi everyone, I just stumbled across the fact that it takes months to get your marriage certificate from the Dominican which totally blows my mind. Those of you who have been married in T&C, how long did it take to get yours? I'm not really into waiting for months... Thanks for your help!!
  6. I'm still torn on whether I'm going to do invitiations. I might do them simply b/c they are a really obvious reminder to those who haven't booked yet to get on it!
  7. I think we'll stay together the night before. We have plenty of time the next day to be apart and get ready separately.
  8. I would send separate invites, and hopefully the less-close half of the couple just won't come to avoid the awkwardness...
  9. I asked my girls ahead of time, but in a really open ended way. I basically approached each of them and said "I would like to unofficially ask you to be in my wedding, I don't want to put pressure on you to go if you're unable to but I definitely want you to be a part of all the at-home stuff like dress shopping and everything". I know my close friends definitely want to be there but there are a couple who may not make it due to either being really pregnant when the time comes, or finances. So I told them we will finalize things later once they know whether they can come.
  10. What kind of music do you like? I love the songs "Thank You" and "All of my Love" both by led zeppelin. Not a very traditional walking down the aisle type of thing, but if you're doing something non-traditional they are both really sweet songs.
  11. I think his idea is totally disrespectful!! This is your wedding, can't he find some other time and place to propose?! I think it's ridiculous.
  12. We haven't booked our resort yet so I'm not 100% sure what we'll end up doing, but I am definitely OK with not having a private reception. I hope to do something like the cocktail hour thing that others have described, and then a semi-private dinner. As far as the first dance and dance party stuff goes, I'll just see if the resort has any way of accomodating that without actually booking a private event... like a small sound system on the beach would be fun. If random people join in and dance with us on the beach I am fine with that!
  13. Maybe you could do a tropical wedding in the caribbean (reasonably cheap for U.S. family & friends), and then a casual wedding reception back in France.
  14. Hi, this resort looks beautiful, what did you think of it? Was the food as good as the website made it sound?
  15. I am also considering this resort, it looks beautiful and I like the fact that it seems a little "different" and smaller than the big name places. Has anyone been there?
  16. I am not going to have an AHR - the whole idea of the DW for me is a) to save $$ and to skip the stress/time in planning an AHR and just do something that we will enjoy. My philosophy is that if you can make it, great, if not, no worries! I don't think it's the least bit impolite to skip the AHR. We might just have a very informal BBQ party or something when we get back. Nothing catered, or at a hall, or anything like that.
  17. Actually the Grotto Bay Beach Resort has an all inclusive option, right now on special for $99/night. I've never been there, the photos look beautiful. When are you planning to get married?
  18. I can't believe random "friends of friends" would invite themselves along... I mean it's one thing to bring a date but not a whole group of people. I think I would contact these people individually (by email or whatever) and just say "I received your room request via the website, but unfortunately we have a limited number of rooms available for the wedding so I have to reserve them for the people we invited who haven't RSVP'd yet. If spots open up once everyone has RSVP'd, I will definitely let you know." or something like that. I don't know where people get these ideas....
  19. Even though these "single people" may not be in a long term committed relationship at the time, they may be dating someone, and since most ppl don't get that much vacation time and vacations are expensive, this may be the only vacation they can take all year. So I can understand if they want to spend it with this person they are dating even though you don't know them or necessarily want them at your wedding. I look at it as one of those things that comes along with having a DW. I know if I was asked to come to a DW and not bring anyone, I probably wouldn't end up going. I do agree that a good comprimise would be to have them bring a guest to the resort, but not bring them to the actual ceremony/reception since that's costing you quite a bit.
  20. When you search for multiple words, is there a way to specify that you only want to see the results that include BOTH words? For example, if I am searching for Club Med, I get a million results back that only have the word "club" in them. Thanks!
  21. Am I crazy or can you see up your skirt in #1?? I just don't want to see you send them out to family and friends if that's what it is!! They both look great though - the kissing one is really cute.
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