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Everything posted by welljen

  1. Hey DRwedgal 2011, It looked like there may have been 6 - but to be honest I'm not sure. We only needed 5, but I would assume we could have used them all - since they were already paid for. J
  2. Thanks starrysim. I really liked all of your options as well. In the end, did you decide on the Desdemona? J
  3. Hi letluva, I think this is probably one of their busiest times, so they may be a little slow on the replies. In any case, it probably wouldn't hurt to send a quick note to your WC, just to follow-up on the key details like your ceremony date/time and reception location. I haven't heard of anyone shipping their decor, and I believe that in the Dreams Wedding Information Package they kind of discourage it. We ended up bringing our decor down with us, it wasn't so bad and since we weren't flying with a charter we had a higher luggage allowance, so the extra weight wasn't going to be an extra cost - in any case we probably still would have brought it ourselves and sucked up the extra cost just to be sure it arrived when we did. Jenn
  4. Hi farlem, No the fabric draped around the pillars seemed to be the standard, as it was up all the time. Here is a picture that one of my cousin's took before our guests were seated, it gives you a good idea of what the gazebo decorations look like, including the flower petals that are placed down the aisle.
  5. Hi Subbi, Sorry the LED's have already been purchased. Just in case you wanted to purchase some of your own, here is the information on where I got the materials to make the Throwies. I purchased the batteries and LED lights from Deal Extreme (www.dealextreme.com). I believe the materials came from China, so it took about 6 weeks to receive the materials - but considering who much cheaper they were than buying them from the Lantern suppliers, it was well worth it! If you don't have that kind of time, you could probably find the Lithium Cell Batteries and LED lights at a good hardware or electrical supply store. Here are the product descriptions for the components that were used on the site: 14000mcd 25Packs White 5Mm Led HALL - Item# 1106 CR2032 3V Lithium Cell Button Battery (5-Pack) - Item# 34712 As for the instructions on how to put them together, here are the links to a couple of sites we used (we chose to do the ones with the on/off switch and it is pretty simple) The first is a page of instructions and diagrams, and the second is an instructional video from YouTube. I think the LED throwies were originally created to be attached to a magnetic surface; but we are making them without the magnets, so we can simply attach them to the lantern. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-LED-Throwies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjTP_T-wR9w http://www.flickr.com/photos/everythingdigital/104038808/in/set-72057594069888500/ Good luck! Jenn
  6. Hi princessa and IliaPSU, Thanks for your interest in the lanterns and chair sashes. Currently, there are two other brides that are interested in these items, and we are working out the shipping details now - but if that falls through, I'd be happy to work something out with each of you. Thanks! Jenn
  7. Hey starrysim, I couldn't agree with you more. Taking photos of you in the dress is absolutely necessary! I also found that the stores that were the most adamant about not allowing photos, kind of tended to have the crappiest service - treating me more like a number, less like a bride making one of the most important clothing purchase decisions ever! This thread is so much fun! Even though my wedding day has passed (although I do have an at home reception at the end of June) I thought I'd add in some pics of the rejects and the dress I finally decided on the AngelinaFaccenda1201 - the one at the end. JCrew - Chiffon and organza dune gown JCrew - Principessa gown JCrew - Silk tricotine Avery dress JCrew Lucinda AngelinaFaccenda1201 (Excuse the lack of a smile, it had been a long day ) Hope the one of me on the actual day makes up for it
  8. Hi Raq87, Thanks very much! For the gazebo decor includes the floral arrangements on the pillars and the table for the ceremony, the flower petals on the aisle and the white chair covers. It doesn't include the chair sashes. We had brought our own chair sashes and we had the option of using them for either the ceremony or the reception - since there wasn't enough time in between the ceremony and the reception for them to remove them from the ceremony set-up and get them to the reception area. In the end, I didn't really care since we figured people would notice them more in the reception area, since they would be spending over 3 hours in those chairs, compared with the ceremony which lasted about 15-20 minutes. For both Raq87 and farlem 311 The one thing I do want to pass along, since it may save you having to bring more things down with you - you can use the flowers from the Gazebo set-up as the centrepieces for your reception. This was perfect, since even though we had brought down the materials to make our centrepieces, once we found out this little tip from another bridge and groom we jumped on it, since it let us cross one thing off of our 'To do' list giving us more time to ourselves. Jenn
  9. Hi gracie, I just got back from my wedding at Dreams Punta Cana and I can tell you that lesee is dead on. You shouldn't feel like you have to take on the responsibility for booking everyone's travel after you have already communicated the costs and provided them with the contact information for your travel agent. We found that people still thought they could get a 'better deal' on their own vs. anything we provided them. When we sent out our notice to our guests back in August of last year for our May 2011 wedding, we quoted our guests a rate of $1485 (including taxes) for 7 days, direct flight from Toronto. We did get some flack from our guests about the price, with many of them thinking they could do better. The only people that paid less (~$1285), were those that decided to leave during the week - this wasn't an option for us as we had to be sure to be in the DR for the required 3 business days. From our experience the cheapest rates were September/October; as we got closer to May the prices started to rise, so that those that hadn't put their money down ended up having to take back their 'accept' RSVP as the prices had gotten too expensive, like $2000 a person! Of course we were disappointed but, we totally understood why they couldn't make it. Originally after getting some push back from his family, my fiance started to backtrack and ask couldn't we find something that was closer to the $1300 pp range, etc... Now this may sound a bit cold or elitist, but in the big scheme of things when you are paying $1300 an extra $100-150 isn't that big of a difference - and truthfully if it does make a big difference, I think that you should do some serious thinking as to whether a trip is the best use of your money. And the truth of the matter is, that even if we had quoted a price in that range many of the same people that weren't able to join us, probably still would not have been able to make it AND then we would have been stuck at a crappy resort, hearing all the complaints from our guests. Knowing what I know now I am so glad that I/we stuck to our guns. That extra $$ was well worth it, as all of our 42 guests had a great time with only one complaint, from a known complainer - so we took it with a grain of salt - the service was excellent, the food was great and no one got sick. Jenn
  10. Hi ladies, I flew with Air Canada earlier this month and they were very accommodating with my wedding dress. I had my purse and my wedding dress was my other personal item. They let me lay it flat in one of the overhead compartments in first class, even though we were stuck in 'steerage' - my mom had been upgraded to first class, so as a worst case scenario we had already decided that we would have had her take it on as her carry-on item. There were 2 other brides on the flight and I shared the compartment with one of them, while the other bride hung her dress upright in the closet. Hope this helps! J
  11. Hi Jenn, My fiance and I also had a tough time figuring out what to get the groomsmen. My husband was the last of their group to get married, so many of the traditional ideas had already been done. The four of them have been friends for almost 20 years, so he ended up giving them each a digital picture frame. To give it more of a personal touch he had scanned a number of photos of them all throughout the years and saved it to flash drives that he also included with the picture frames. J
  12. Hello ladies, After months of planning and stressing my wedding day has come and gone. Everything went even better than we expected, so now we are left asking ourselves what to do with everything!! I am looking to sell some of the extra items that we planned to use in the decor for our reception. We didn't use all of the lanterns that I had purchased, so I've indicated the quantities that are still packaged and those that are out of their packaging. Our wedding colours were turquoise and orange, and all items are in that same colour palette. Below is the list of items and asking prices: Paper Lanterns ($30; plus shipping) Orange 10"- 9 New in Bag; 2 Out of Bag Orange 12" - 4 New in Bag; 2 Out of Bag Turquiose 10" - 8 New in Bag; 1 Out of Bag Turquiose 12" - 2 New in Bag; 4 Out of Bag Royal Blue 10" - 1 New in Bag Royal Blue 12" - 1 New in Bag Organza Chair Sashes ($40; plus shipping) Turquoise = 24 Orange = 20 Royal Blue = 40 Let me know if you are interested in one or all of these, please let me know. Jenn
  13. Thanks Shelly21! We bought his suit in Buffalo at the Men's Warehouse store at the Walden Galleria. We were helped by the manager, a really helpful guy named Tony! He was very patient and super knowledgable. The suit is a Linen Calvin Klein. The deals at the store were so great my fiance also got a navy Kenneth Cole suit as well. Both suits for under $500!
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