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Everything posted by lisadias

  1. Who are you planning on going with? I am sure you have done your research and could show her reviews and such rather than getting her involved witht the contract. Sorry to hear you are going through this! I feel your pain. Try to keep your spirits up though because in the end it's all about the man you are marrying and nothing else Â
  2. Yes I am using Ivan Luckie. I had no problem paying it as I have the money now and I know that my expenses next year are going to be crazy so I would just rather get it over with and the dollar was decent when I paid and who the heck knows what it will be like next year as I had to pay in US funds and I am Canadian. Â
  3. Thanks so much Sara for taking the time out during your visit to update us. I hope all goes well for you and you find the perfect location for all the wedding events! That's no good if the servers cannot speak english! I hope they can answer all your questions and I am sure you will be a Now Master Agent once you return lol Enjoy the rest of your trip and I look forward to hearing your review! Â
  4. Yay Kristie! Lucky you casue you will be able to see my pics before yours but we will be able to see Tracys before both of ours.
  5. I know what you mean. I thought i wanted the exact sottero and migley dress i tried on but then decided to merge two dresses just cause I could lol WHAT I never got a coupon!!! I love coupons lol This waiting is killing me but at least i can see the shipping tracking now, YAY Â
  6. All I know is Pilar sent him a message on my behalf and he responded the next day telling me to check out his website and then I emailed him back a detailed email on August 24th and haven't heard back yet! His name is Miguel Angel Nunez and his email is [email protected]  His website is www.oscarvideo.com.mx  I am going to try resending the email to him and pilar and see where I get! Don't know anything about the photographer though except i remember seeing pictures in the beginning of my research and wanted more so I booked with Ivan. Â
  7. It is your day and she needs to respect that regardless if she is paying! Take that control back like you said. Try not to let it get to you cause it will physically get you sick over it, I know it has happened to me and now I am just going to do what I want when I want. Hopefully you FI will stand behind you. My advice would be to have a sit down all together and politely tell her how you feel.
  8. Christa, my mother in law which is what i think FMIL means lol is fantastic! That is the one person who has not stuck her nose in at all. Actually i have the reverse problem, I am doing all the planning with no help from my sisters who are my bridesmaids! They are useless tits right now and then there is my father who is complaining about costs and has yet to tell me he is giving me penny! And well my own mother, that's a whole different story and my other sister aren't even coming! So I guess we are have issues! lol I say screw them ALL !!!!! I just want to marry my man and wish I would have listened to him when he said we should just go me and you! The one time he was actually right in the relationship lol
  9. Everyone is just so helpful I love it!!! I get more support from this forum than my own family! Ok there is my vent for the day! Guess i should get back to work! I've been slacking a little today!!!!
  10. Thanks Ladies! I will be there with bells on at 12:30pm my time!!!! lol
  11. I am also doing hte pergola and blue beach bar but I am doing the Bamboo room/yellow room/blue room, not sure what to call it for the reception for the oposite reason. I am worried it will be too hot in April for my 80 year old grandmother otherwise I would have done it outside. I guess you will just have to judge once you are there how cold the nights are and then if you find it too cold move it inside to the same room that I am having mine in. It's a little big too though! I would love to see all your pictures and hear how things actually are once you are there with the WC. The only outside vendor booked so far is Ivan Luckie for my photographer. I may also get firedancers but not sure yet. Still deciding on flowers as I will need more than the package provides. Know any good florists in the area? Â
  12. Here is the link to their store on DHgate.com http://www.dhgate.com/wholesale/store/ff80808124d88a430124e15498a72475.html If you sign up the sellers name is wywedding but they are monica bridal. that is where I ordered from and should have my dress within the week! Â Good Luck!
  13. thanks! I didn't look at dreams cause it seemed too pricey for my guests but I think the Now Jade is reasonable and has great reviews. Also from what I have heard their packages include alot more than some other resorts. Good luck with your choice and the webinar may help you decide! Â
  14. Thanks Kristie! I think you are right. I think it's Pacific time which would be Vancouver BC time here in Canada and they are three hours behind me in time so that would make sense.
  15. I have registered for it even though I think most of my questions are answered just to be curious and see what is said. Thanks for the link though! Anyone know the time for someone who lives in ontario on EST?
  16. Thanks for arranging this Tammy! Looking for that 1-800# also. And can you tell me what time it is at. I am in Ontario and on Eastern Standard Time. Not sure if it's the same or not. In one spot it says PST and another PDT! Help!
  17. Ya i hear ya! Can't upset mom for sure! Well for the price of the dresses on DHgate you can't go wrong. I paid 155$ canadian for mine with free shipping. I recommend the seller wywedding on their which is monica bridals however you are cutting it close for time cause they take about 10-15 days to make the dress and another 5-10 to ship so total max 25days. I am so excited for those pictures even more than the wedding pictures cause I think they are beautiful and such a neat experience and now Ivan has underwater photography so that should be even more fun!
  18. Hi Jennifer  You must be excited. I wish mine was closer, could use the vacation after all this planning lol. Which locations did you choose for the ceremony, cocktail and reception? It would be great if you could post some pics after your wedding. I am sure we would all love to see them! I have Pillar also as my coordinator and I am doing the devine package. Â
  19. Wow Tracy you must be excited! Please take lots and lots of pics. I would love to see them. Also I am so excited to hear Ivan will be your photographer! Are you doing the TTD session and if so where are you going to do it! Â
  20. Oh yes patience is key!!!! lol thanks Christa and I hope you are feeling better! OMG i just realized it's 7months away. Yikes! Â
  21. I sure will Kristie! No clue yet though. I have seen those pictures and they are gorgeous, mainly because he is so gorgeous lol but that is just a plain cenote with lighting on the rocks. There are some really nice ones out there. Check out this website http://www.playamayanews.com/area_info/cenotes_the_sacred_waters_of_the_riviera_maya.html Â
  22. Welcome and congrats on booking the resort! My advice is start negotiating right away. They are pretty sticky though so good luck! I know they have movies on the beach, firedancers, a carribean night, a mexican night, they release baby turtles into the sea, they have a lion that comes around for picture and a bunch of other stuff. If you are on facebook go to their page and there is alot of info there! Have you decided on what package you are taking? Are you looking for a local photographer? If so I would totally recommend Ivan Luckie Photography. I booked him recently and he is amazing to deal with and reasonable with his prices. He is on facebook also!
  23. I have booked Ivan luckie. His prices are reasonable and his pictures are amazing. He really loves what he does and is the easiest person to deal with. I have nothing but rave reviews so far regarding communication with him and know alot of brides that I have spoken to that have already had their wedding and loved everything about him. you can email him at [email protected] for pricing if you haven't already. Mention my name to him if you do speak with him..thanks
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