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Everything posted by frizzy64

  1. I have asked the WC via email and she has replied saying that the vendors fee is $350 and this includes photographers, florists, bakers etc! Personally i think this is obscene!!!! Can't imagine the cost if people are using all outside vendors. This is another example of how RIU does its best to rip us brides off!
  2. Hey Misti, I can answer some of your questions... * I have an email from the florist with pictures of the two boquet options. I can't attach so if you give me your email ill send them to you * I have spoken to the wedding co-ordinator in the last few weeks and she said that a private beach/pool recepetion is $15 pp but did not mention anything about a set up fee * The DJ system does have an ipod dock * The minister fee is indeed $350 * I believe i have read on here that a sand ceromony was $65 but that could well have gone up now as it may have been an old post. Be aware of the WC changing prices from person to person! I have had a few quotes which differ from the RIU website and have questioned her about it. She then back tracked and offered us a lower price! It is well worth doing your research because they will happily over charge you if you let them!
  3. Happy new year everyone! 12 weeks to go and counting! I bet it will fly by!
  4. We have booked Macia for the 5th April. Her pics look amazing and she has got some great reviews from brides who have used her before. She has quoted me this price and package too. I like the fact that she doesnt have time limits
  5. Thanks for sharing your pictures. They are lovely. It looks like you had a great time.
  6. I love the flower you wore in your hair. Stunning!
  7. We are having our AHR 11 days after we return from Jamaica. Hopefully this will give us enough time to get things organised and have a bit of a rest in between.
  8. We are just having an evening party starting at 7pm. We are serving a warm hog roast buffet and cake dessert. I dont think people can expect you to pay for a formal sit down meal. The whole reason for us getting married abroad was to avoid having to share our special day with 100 people who we rarely see and frankly wouldnt invite if we had the choice. A big party keeps them happy and we can enjoy a more intimate wedding with the people we reall care about
  9. Thank you so much for this! I have been searching online for ages for a map to put in our information pack for our guests.
  10. Thanks for this tip about foot jewellery. I have been thinking about getting something similar myself.
  11. These look fantasitc! Well done. Im hoping to put something similar together myself but I don't know where to start! I dont have permission to download yet so i cant use your useful attachments!! .
  12. YAY!!! Finally my TA has got me a wedding date!!! I've waited so so so long and was starting to think i'd never get one BUT....she rang today and we have April 6th 2011. I feel so much better now. Only problem is, they can't give me a time yet. No prizes for guessing if the time we want has gone by now
  13. I am so jealous of you all with your date and places confirmed! I am still waiting for mine to be comfirmed and its taking ages!!! I am starting to get worried that someone else will be requesting the same date and time and ill end up not getting it! :-( So far in terms of planning we have not done a lot because we are waiting for the date confirmation. I have done a lot of research on here and got quotes from photographers. Most of our planning has so far been for our AHR. That is all booked, Dj booked, Hotel rooms booked, food sorted, decoration almost sorted. I'm hoping Jamaica will all just fall into place. After all, I decided on a DW so that it was stress free!
  14. What a beautiful dress. I'm going to try dresses on for the first time on saturday! I'm excited but also a little scared! It is literally the most important item of clothing a woman will ever buy and that is a very scary thought! Congrats on finding yours
  15. Thanks for you recommendation. I have had a quote from Macia and she seems to be very reasonable. It is always good to here positive feedback from other brides. You may well have moved her up to the top of my list!
  16. We are almost date and place twins! I'm waiting to get my date for ROR confirmed for April 4/2011! Either way, we will both be at ROR at the same time. We are there from 03/27/11 - 04/11/11. How exciting!
  17. Another lovely creative idea! You brides are unreal! I am currently trying to come up with a design for our STDs. I am so far stuck with a simple card idea with a motif on and plain white hand written envelopes! Now I am seriously thinking I need to be more creative!
  18. Thank goodness for that! I was scared you were going to tell us all horror stories about the resort or something. It is so nearve racking when friends and family are paying out so much money to join us on our wedding day. You really want to be sure that they are going to have a great time.
  19. Thanks so much for your reassurance ladies! It makes me feel better to know that other people are also not totally planned and booked! My TA had me fill in some forms to request the date we wanted and then faxed them to the wedding department. She said it takes 6 weeks for the confirmation to come through! I really didn't get it either! I have been on the ROR website and lie you said, you can reserve the dates on there and the time so why can't i just do that? We have more than enough rooms booked for the free wedding package (31 people coming). Maybe i'll give my TA a call in the morning and ask her to explain! I don't need to do STD for our DW as we personally invited everyone we wanted and they are all booked up at ROR. We did a massive group booking. I do however need to do STD for our reception party when we get back.....
  20. I can't believe you only met with the WC the day before! I'd have been stressing out big time! I read in your review that the WC would no longer put out decorations and things for people! I am planning on making my own decorations but presumed the WC would be able to set them up. Did the your friend/relative find that they missed part of the day due to having to set things up for you?
  21. There are some beautiful ideas here. My eyes are sore from all the crying! There are quite a few that I would really love to use.
  22. We are having a royal blue, dark teal, white and gray theme!! A lot of colors but they look so good together! Now all i need to do is figure out what to use each of the colours for!! I am thinking royal blue for the BM. Dark teal and more blue for some of the decorations. The GM will be wearing gray and I will be in all white. Lets hope it all comes together!
  23. Hello ladies! We are getting married at Riu Ocho Rios April 2011. We have requested April 4th but are yet to hear back! Fingers crossed! You are all freaking me out talking about STDs and Invites and getting your dresses!!!!!! I have done pretty much nothing! Just in the process of booking our evening reception for when we get back from Jamaica. We have had a few quotes for a photographer but without a set date I can't book anything. TA said it takes around 6weeks for the confirmation to come through!!! STRESS STRESS STRESS! x x
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