Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr You may even find that she's upset that you didn't ask her and she really wants to be in it. I would at least say that you should make the effort to try to mend things and IF that doesn't work, then you have to be at peace with your decision to not have her in your wedding and remember that it's truly you and your FH that matter, especially on that day. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks for the advice and comments.
I am also saddened by the fact that she is getting married this November and didn't ask me to be in her wedding party She's having a DW as well, and invited me to come, but not to participate, which sucks. I always imagined us being in each other's weddings when we were growing up. But I suppose I should extend the olive branch, so to speak and make the first move towards reconciliation