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Everything posted by miss_delerium

  1. My FI and I aren't having kids either. And I confess I hate it when people look at me like I have two heads when I tell them that.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 SO again MSMARMAR123, just remember that it is YOUR special day with your fiance, and there shouldn't be anyone invited who will make you feel unhappy or uncomfortable. Look at it this way: If YOU made someone really uncomfortable, do you think they would invite YOU to THEIR wedding, just because they thought they had to?! Probably not, so try to remember that when sending out those envelopes! This is the perfect way to look at it! Now if only you could tell my mom that...
  3. Welcome. I hear ya - picking the resort is the HARDEST part! Ask around here - people are more than willing to share advice and experiences that will help you make your decision.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by msmarmar123 OMG!!! That is horrible...I don't even know what to say to that.... what did your mom say after he sent that to you? does she get why you might not want him there? That was a really weird time. It was 10 years ago - I was 19 and had just moved out with my BF. My mom's side of the family (of which I'm also the oldest grandchild) is very religous and didn't agree that I was "living with a boy" that I wasn't married to, so they all kinda disowned me - INCLUDING my mom! (my dad was the only person who offered any kind of support). My grandpa actually told my mom that he didn't want me at their place for Christmas dinner!! So I don't really want to invite ANY of her side of the family. They have all since mellowed out, as their kids grew up and they've been exposed to how things acutally work in the world now - hello it's not 1950 anymore, but I still haven't forgotten how I was treated for 3 years of my life. Sorry for kinda ranting and hi-jacking your thread
  5. I hope it's possible in 6 months...or I'm in big trouble lol. Like the other girls said, you just gotta be organized! We knew that there would be people we would be excluding from our DW as well (I also had two close girlfriends who just had newborns, and won't be able to attend), but we've always known that we wanted to have a DW. We'll be having a BBQ/open house get-together when we get back, so everyone who couldn't attend in Mexico will still be able to get together with us.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by fallfromgrace I am facing the same issue. I have a grandmother that dosen't really like me, but that wants to come to our wedding. I am not sure I really want her there, but it becomes and issue with my own parents. How do I tell them I don't want her there? It is a tough decision. I understand this situation! My godfather/uncle who sent me this: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ml#post1354465 book, I didn't really want to invite. I don't think he'd come, but on the off-chance he did, I didn't want him there. But then my mom was all upset because its her brother. Why do wedding invites have to get so political?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by janapana I've only just ordered our invitations, but everyone who's coming has booked, so the invites are just a formality.... at least that's what i keep telling myself! Haha...now I don't feel so bad I was worried I was super far behind. Our immediate family has already booked, so I guess the invitations for them are just a formality. And for lots of people they will just be keepsakes, because I know they're not coming - elderly grandparents etc. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel2010 I'm sure you will find that dress soon. And don't stress about loosing weight, no matter what you will look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. Awww...thanks.
  8. I work with mostly guys since I work in the Service Department of a car dealership, so they don't really care about stuff like "feeling left out" and "invite keepsakes" Lol. I will be inviting a few of them that me & my FI actually hang out with outside of work.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 Whew! Even though I don't want to freak you out....you need to go get a dress ASAP, girl!! Just kidding, but seriously keep in mind that some private/non-chain bridal salons (if you're going that route, that is) need atleast 6 months to order your gown, and then when it arrives, you need to allow time for any alterations that might be necessary, so get to shopping, sweetie! I know! I've just been putting it off for two reasons: 1) I HATE shopping (I know, I know, I'm a disgrace to the gender) 2) I didn't really enjoy dress shopping the first time I was engaged, and haven't really been looking forward to doing it again...but maybe that's because deep down I knew he wasn't the one for me (the first time around) Oh..and 3) REEEALLY wanted to lose some weight (hahaha who doesn't right?)
  10. would be good:winning the lottery
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by janapana YAY!!!!!! I´ve found my date buddy!!!! We get married Jan 12th too! Yay! Now we can stress together about the diminishing time frame to plan! My goal is to have the invites in the mail by the end of this week! I hit a snag in their production that's set me back. Grrrr...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by merby06 Second- My parents and the grooms parents have yet to meet in the 3 years that we have been together. I'm in the same situation...our parents haven't met in the 5 years we've been together!
  13. Thanks. I'm getting a little stressed about the dress situation. Right now I'm just trying to concentrate on getting the invites finished and in the mail by the end of this week.
  14. Looking at the calendar this morning I realized that in exactly 6 months we'll be getting married! Yikes. I need to get dress shopping stat! Incidently, it's also FI and mine 5 year anniversary today.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by *kellis* ... or send a comment in their thank you card saying something about them being really generous to slip $300 in the box of dishes:) Is that evil? Love it!! You should totally do that! I think lots of people see weddings as an easy/convieniant place to get rid of gifts they got that they hate or have no use for.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cbell I think Kathy is the saboteur...I mean she was in that caramel for forever, you would think she'd have enough strength to get out of that. I know, right?! She is either the WORST competitor in BB history, or she's totally the saboteur! Who just gives up and lays there for the rest of the game??!
  17. miss_delerium


    Congrats, and welcome! You'll find a TON of info here!
  18. I LOVE those! LOVE the skull! I wish I had a Cricut I drool over it every time I'm in Michaels.
  19. Congrats! This forum is the BEST for helping plan a DW!
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