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Everything posted by miss_delerium

  1. Welcome! What makes this board great is that people who are already married "stick around" to help out those who need advice!
  2. Congrats and good luck with your planning!!
  3. Congrats and happy planning!!
  4. Congrats and happy planning!
  5. miss_delerium


    Congrats! This is the best place for advice and info!
  6. Congrats, happy planning!!
  7. They look awesome!! Not "budget" at all!! Like Murmel said, if you don't tell people you made them, they'll never know!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride So you think Kathy marked herself? Hmmm...I don't know...I don't think I buy it. But who knows! I just like to watch! And I'm a little disappointed that they are going to reveal so early in the game who the sab. is.... I think the sab. is receiving direction on what to do from BB producers (like locking the storage room and marking the pics), and I think they made that decision to create a diversion. I agree it would've been funner <--(just made that word up) to speculate who the sabateour is for a bit longer. They're probably worried that the sab. might get kicked off soonish and want to reveal who it is before that happens
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo I believe that the #10 envelope is 4 1/8" x 9 1/2" so a 4 Bar envelope (3 5/8" x 5 1/8") would fit inside. You can buy 4 bar envelopes in several colors from paperandmore.com. I order a ton of paper from them and really like the company. Pearlescent Metallic Envelopes, 27 Colors - Paperandmore.com Arg! I wish I would've known about the "size restriction" for mailing things before so I could've ordered envelopes from this company! The invites need to be in the mail by Friday, so I won't have time to order anything off the internet. Do any "brick & morter" stores carry envelopes this size? I know Staples doesn't. It was actually a total fluke we even found out about the size restriction. FI was at the post office picking up a package and right before he left he actually thought to ask about mailing the little RSVPs. Thank goodness he asked!! That would've sucked to send them all out, only to not get ANY RSVP cards back!! Quote: Originally Posted by *Karla* I would just fold them. Honestly, if I got an invite with a folded return envelope, I wouldn't think twice about it. But, that's just me.... This makes me feel a little better about folding them if I can't hunt down the "4 bar" envelopes in the next 2 days Thanks Karla.
  10. Congrats! I don't know how I would've started planning a DW without this forum!!
  11. miss_delerium


    Congrats and welcome! Happy planning!
  12. I am making boarding pass invites, and originally I wanted to have a "tear off" RSVP on the side. We found out from the post office that there is actually a minimum size that things need to be to be sent through the mail, otherwise you have to put more than double the postage on! So FI suggested we get little envelopes that meet the size requirements and people can still "tear off" the RSVP (because I really wanted the "tear off" factor); they'll just have to put them in an envelope to send them back. Now the problem is I can't find any envelopes that are small enough to fit in the "#10" envelopes I bought (beautiful navy blue coloured ones that I LOVE)!! So I bought the smallest envelopes I could find and FI said we could just fold them and put them inbehind the boarding passes, so it's not the first thing people will see when they open their invite. But now I'm second guessing this? What do you ladies think? Will this look tacky and horrible??
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond Well its not just in Asian culture. If your friends know that you have your own place they should basically know that the next best gift is money. You really should not have to ask or register for things that you dont need. I agree. Any wedding that I've gone to where the bride and groom already live together and have all the stuff you would normally register for, I've just given them cash. It's just common sense.
  15. Congrats, and happy planning!
  16. miss_delerium


    Congrats, and welcome!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** Ummm Alcide with NO shirt on How Hot is he?? I would have been like, "Bill who?" lol Ha ha...when FI and I were watching that episode and Alcide's like, "you probably want some privacy right now." And Sookie goes, "That's the last thing I want." And Alcide says something like, "Well I'll at least go put a shirt on." And I said out loud, "That's the last thing I want!" LOL FI just rolled his eyes and goes, "easy over there." Lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 Confession : I am friendless. I am very shy around people and have social anxiety so it makes trying to make friends very hard. I had a couple friends that I had for 17 years but I had a falling out with one, then with another. It has been this way most of my life but I am beyond thankful to have my FI! He is definitely my world. I totally understand this!! I am beyond shy too. Last December FI & I went to Mexico with his family (11 people) and I was having panic attacks before we left just thinking about being with them all for an entire week. I only have one "girlfriend" who I've been friends with since we were born. So to fit into the confession thread: I confess I'm slightly embarrased that I only have one girlfriend, and as such, only have one "bridesmaid/MOH" in my wedding party. Also: hugs to all the "childless by choice" ladies. You have no idea how comforting it is to know there are other couples like us!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I'm thinking Annie or Ragan, because both were in teh room when Kathy & the other blonde girl (small town girl) were talking (Kathy telling other girl that she failed...) and then the sabateur marked the 2 of them... I think that move was a red herring to throw people off of Kathy. I think people suspect her (obviously most of us do) because of her lack-luster effort in the challenges thus far, so I think they did that on purpose to make people second guess suspecting Kathy.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd Cougs and Miss Delerium, totally understand the feelings. I'm 37 and am childless and THRILLED with it. Had recurrent cervical cancer and at 32 was told to have one if I wanted one bc every procedure would make it harder and the "cure" was a hysterectomy. I was all for surgery but my now ex-husband tried to convince me to have a child. So fast forward 5 years, I'm cancer free, much happier and about to marry my best friend. My FH is thrilled with the concept of a lifetime together without the restrictions kids provide. I understand that we may be the minority but more and more couples are choosing this... just read an article on MSN about the growing numbers of "childless by choice" couples. I didn't mean to go on a vent but I totally agree with you. Omigod it's SOOOOO nice to know I'm not the only one!! I've only met one other couple that is choosing not to have children - everyone else looks at me like I'm a weirdo for not wanting them. I jokingly tell those people that I'm just doing my part for the environment by not contributing to the planet's over-population problem by adding more people to use up more resources. Whatever...some people recycle...my FI had a vasectomy...either way...good for the earth
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrsstivers Construction orange, crocheted pot holders. I am pretty sure she got them at a yard sale. LOL That reminds me of the Office Christmas episode where Phyllis made Michael an oven mitt, and he hated it so much, he turned the gift exchange into yankee swap. lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica This is a great thread! Keep them coming! Here's my worst gift: When we got engaged my mom's friend gave us the creepiest gift! She is a great lady who always gives us very generous and lovely gifts. She gave us a statue of two hands, one putting a ring on the other, like during a proposal. I get the symbolism seeing as we just got engaged, but really, the floating hands are just creepy. We've been storing it on top of a bookcase in case she comes over and wants to see it. My mom thought it was great, I don't get it. But here's a photo, what do you think?? Omigod, I laughed so hard when I saw this. What a creepy little statue! Yikes. What was she thinking when she bought that? "Wow...I really think these bronzed floating hands will look GREAT in Jenn's place."
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