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Everything posted by miss_delerium

  1. I think it would've been better if they never revealed the sabateour to the houseguests and just let them think (at least for a couple more weeks) that the sab. was still in the house. At least it would make it more interesting to watch with them being all paranoid and pointing fingers at each other.
  2. Dances With Wolves : Mary McDonnell
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs also, i've always thought that the girl who plays tara was one of the best actresses on the show, but lately i've been just finding her annoying. the only thing saving her is that franklin is so hilarious. am i alone here? I've never liked Tara on the show. I've found her the most irritating right from season 1!
  4. terrible attendance lately : Delinquent
  5. I can't speak for the passport invites, but I just finished my DIY boarding pass invites last night. It was a lot of work, but I made it through using the templates, ideas and inspirations from this site. It was a fun project for my FI & I and we were very satisified to see all our hardwork come together. I don't know how much people charge to make these, but it cost up approx $110 for 55 invites (still have to go through the receipts and add everything up). We just bought EVERYTHING on sale or used coupons!
  6. Welcome, fellow Albertan! Good luck with your planning! I don't know how I would plan my DW without BDW!!
  7. I don't know how "informal" you want, but my sister and a girl at work both found their's at Sears for under $100!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by aprilmay All you US girls have no idea how lucky you are! It's ridiculous trying to find something with decent shipping to Canada!! I feel your pain, girl! Also we're getting married at Dreams PV too - yay!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Valentine_Baby Thanks Jackie! I'll have to take a look. I didn't think you could buy the first aid kits there. Doller Stores have EVERYTHING lol!
  10. Matt Dillon : The Outsiders
  11. You can never believe the vendors' information regarding what you are allowed to bring back into your country. When we went to Mexico last year, we received conflicting information from almost every place about how much alcohol we were allowed to bring back into Canada without having to pay duty only to find out they were ALL wrong when we were filling out the customs form on the plane ride back!
  12. Cameron Diaz : There's Something About Mary
  13. I have never had that before but those are all things I like! Chocolate - like Peanute butter - like Pie - like Sounds like a good combo to me Corn on the cob
  14. LOVE (wish we had one here) mustard
  15. Thandie Newton : Mission Impossible II
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