I also don't feel guilty, like others say, it's our day and it's what we want! It's our one time to be selfish! The one thing that drives me crazy is when I'm talking to random people and when they find out I am engaged they ask "When's the big day?" and then the next questions is "Congratulations, are you getting married here in Charlotte?" And when my response is, "No, actually Cancun, we've decided to do a Destination Wedding." The majority of people just give me the strangest looks and their whole demeanor changes. It's people I don't know very well so I could care less what they think, it just gets on my nerves! With that said, there are a few folks who get really excited when I say it and they tell me how cool it is. Everyone I've talked to that has had a "traditional/local" wedding has said if they could do it over again, they'd do a destination wedding. That always makes me feel good about our choice! ;-)